“God species…does the concept of home still exist?” Jibril asked doubtfully.
Strictly speaking, if you regard the race you created as your base camp, the gods have a home.
For example, Abant Heim of the Flügel, the God Stove of the Goblins, and the capital of the Elves—
Although it is said that the Sen God Kainas has abandoned the race he created, just run away.
However, among the fifteen races on the mainland.
Obviously, there is no race created by Su Mo.
If this is the case, where does the home Su Mo refers to?
Could it be the place I saw when I was born?
Facing the inquiry of two girls.
Su Mo didn’t answer directly.
“Follow me to see it with your own eyes, don’t you all know-?”
It would be troublesome to explain it here.
So Su Mo didn’t intend to speak out.
Hear him say that.
Both girls showed yearning expressions.
They were all very curious about Su Mo’s past.
“Sorry, Master Su Mo, I shouldcan not go. ”
Xinke Nierbalian replied in frustration after thinking for a while.
“The change has just started, and now the elves are in a period of instability, so they must stay here all the time.”
Although, with her strength, she is completely capable of defeating all the opposition.
But it’s pointless to do that.
I want the entire elf race to work hard for Su Mo’s mission.
Killing is the worst choice.
Only political victory can bring greater strength.
“That can’t be helped, I will bring you a souvenir.”
Su Mo thought about it and felt that her words made sense.
So, he waved his hand and bid farewell to the poor Xin Ke Nierbalian.
beside him.
Jibril showed a complacent and gloating smile.
“Weeds are not only weak, but also bad luck!”
“It seems that I, Jibril, can only spend some alone time with Master… Ehehehe—”
As she spoke, she showed an idiot-like smile.
I don’t know what I was thinking about, and my saliva almost flowed out.

Ten minutes later.
The other end of the continent.
Unlike the weather in the capital of the elves, it was evening.
Jibril, who was so proud before, looked like she was going to have a big fight.
At this moment, he knelt down powerlessly on the ground, beating the ground in grief and indignation.
“The promise of being alone with the master!”
“Why did it become like this?!”
The little Flügel girl expressed that she couldn’t understand.
And the most unacceptable thing is——
“Where did you come from? A mere monkey dares to get close to my honorable master… It’s a crime worthy of death!”
Jibril, flapping her petite wings, looked at the girl beside Su Mo with murderous eyes.
The location they are in is the gathering place of human tribes.
With Su Mo’s current strength, it only takes a moment to transfer back to this place.
Most of the rest of the time was spent appeasing the turbulent human beings and informing everyone about the banquet to prepare for the celebration.
Suddenly, I saw a lot of humans evolved from monkeys.
Then I saw these “monkeys” enthusiastically talking to their most beloved master, Su Mo.
For a moment, Jibril’s head short-circuited, and she froze on the spot.
Wait until she finally returns to normal.
But I saw that there was a woman hugging Su Mo directly.
Moreover, this girl has the same obscene figure as Xinke Niervalen.
Jibril is known for having a low boiling point.
This scene immediately ignited her anger!
The killing intent of the Flügel is enough to crush the elves and beastmen.
What’s more, they are humans who are no different from beasts.
Jibril, who saw that Su Mo was connected with these talking “monkeys”, did not really show coercion, so as not to cause her master’s displeasure.
However, Jibril’s killing intent has weight even if it is pure aura.
As a Flügel, the killings she has caused so far are incalculable.
She has hunted many phantom species and giant species, and the killing intent she has accumulated is definitely not to the extent that ordinary people can bear.
After reuniting after a long absence, Chroni, who threw herself into Su Mo’s arms, was startled.
His hair stood up all over his body.
Seeing the young girl in front of her, she looked like she was about to eat her.
Clooney immediately hid behind Su Mo in fear, then poked her head out and asked.
“Su Mo, what’s the matter with this child?”
Hearing this question, the others also turned their attention to Su Mo.
Obviously, everyone cares about this.
No matter how you look at it, this young girl with wings doesn’t look like a human, but looks like the Flügel mentioned in the information.
For the previous humans, not to mention the Flügel, even the Beastmen were enemies they could not resist.
The people who were bestowed by Su Mo with the God’s Grace System were not so afraid of ordinary orcs.
However, the Flügel is still an insurmountable peak.
According to the content of the information, even if there is only one Flügel, it would be a matter of flipping hands to destroy the base of the human species in front of them.
However, the people present were not too afraid.
Including Chroni and Riku.
Everyone was terrified when they recognized Jibril’s race at first.
After seeing Su Mo, he put his heart back in his stomach.
So far, they still don’t know whether Su Mo is a kind of god, and if so, what kind of god is it?
They only know a little.
That is, as long as Su Mo is around, human beings still have hope.
So, even if there are Flügel here.
It is absolutely impossible to cross the last leader of mankind and hurt them.
There is no reason for this trust, but it is deeply rooted enough.
Under everyone’s gaze.
Su Mo said.
“.-This child is called Jibril, and as you can see–he is an idiot.”
This brief introduction aroused protest from the juvenile Flügel.
“Even if the master says so, he will be hurt!”
Jibril’s attention was immediately shifted from Chroni.
She looked at Su Mo aggrievedly and pouted.
“Although it is true that people sometimes lack a muscle, but no matter how you say it, you can’t be called a fool!”
“I’m not boasting. Among the Flügel, he is also the smartest and the one with the most common sense!”
There is nothing wrong with that.
Among the Flügel, Jibril is also the most curious extra.
A member of the wise.
My main god is Kaguya
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