“Don’t answer a question with a question, that’s what you sayI don’t understand either. ”
“However, if you want to get answers, it’s better to solve them one by one in order, right?”
If you ask one by one.
There is no end to it.
After Fan Lou thought about it, he felt that Su Mo was right.
She nodded.
“Understood”, ask for promise. ”
“”Decision”, the priority is to solve the question of what the heart is, so I will obey your instructions obediently. “Since Su Mo said, Ex-Machinas can answer her questions.
Na Fanlou felt that he could try again.
So, she decided to listen to Su Mo who seemed to have the answer.
“This child is really easy to handle.” Su Mo touched Fanlou’s head and said in front of her.
For this horny type.
Just (this book is organized by [F,l'”i.p;?p,e’d]?”: (:;More!: New book contact 13’4;31;7:?7’478) to Using the issues she cares about most as bait can easily control her actions.
Although, after signing the contract, even if Su Mo directly issued an order, she could still act.
But compared to that method, Su Mo prefers to let her act spontaneously.
After all, it is Su Mo who needs the computing power of Ex-Machina.
However, the saying that Ex-Machinas can help Fanlou is not a lie.
For Fan Lou, even if someone tells her now that she has been cheated.
Fanlou would only ask what it means to deceive others? What are the arguments?
Therefore, even if Su Mo complained in front of her, she didn’t respond.
On the contrary, she is full of energy now.
“[Tentative] Su Mo, it’s time to start looking for the machine I created.”
Fan Lou is very concerned about the answer.
Immediately urged Su Mo to act.
Su Mo was not in a hurry.
“Let’s talk after breakfast!”
With a big wave of his hand, he directly forced Fan Lou to have breakfast.
Regarding this, Fanlou muttered “protest, food is meaningless to me” with an unhappy face.
However, under Su Mo’s compulsory request, he could only taste these human food.
Fan Lou, who ate like a little squirrel, soon attracted the attention of others.
However, after learning that Fanlou is a god species.
Everyone’s loving eyes immediately turned into awe.
At the same time, people looked at Su Mo more shockingly.
Even the spirit species can be captured.
Is this something humans can do?
…seeking flowers 0…
Who is the leader of my own family?

After breakfast.
Su Mo took Jibril and Fan Lou out of the human gathering place.
Fanlou is indeed the master who created the Ex-Machinas.
However, the Ex-Machinas themselves are rather special.
The meaning of its birth is not to show allegiance to the main god and help the main god win the star cup.
And simply to answer, “What is the heart?” the question was born.
So, because of the long years.
The Ex-Machinas have long since forgotten who and what their creator was called.
The only thing that has not been forgotten is to seek the answers to everything.
Even if Fanlou is standing in front of the Ex-Machinas.
The Ex-Machines can’t recognize it either, this is their creator, and they won’t obey Fanlou’s command.
As the creator, Fanlou naturally knows all the characteristics of the Ex-Machina.
Even if she didn’t deliberately leave a back door at the beginning, she still has the means to manipulate these creations.
“”Report”, I only need to find a one-piece Ex-Machina, and I can use this to summon all the Ex-Machines. ”
… 0;
There is a special computing network connection between such computing devices as the Ex-Machina.
So, as long as you find one of them, you can control all of them.
Currently, the three of them walking are looking for Ex-Machinas.
For Su Mo, this was extremely simple.
His perception range has already surpassed the star level.
So soon.
He found the closest, single Ex-Machina.
Reaching the EX level [shrinking ground] skill has reached the point of dimensional leap.
In just an instant, Su Mo brought the two of them to the Ex-Machinas swimming in the forest.
And after seeing Su Mo and the others.
The first reaction of the girly Ex-Machina in front of her was not warning, fleeing, or fighting.
She just had a bright eye and came to Su Mo.
And, directly uttered such words.
“Brother, I can’t take it anymore, please let me grow into a woman!”
Such words made Jibril stunned.
He almost started to think about why Su Mo had a sister of Ex-Machina.
Even Fanlou beside him was puzzled.
“”I don’t understand”, is this body broken? Ex-Machina should not have an older brother. ”
And doubts about Fanlou.
The Ex-Machina in front of him nodded in acknowledgment.
“Indeed, this machine wants to analyze whether the Ex-Machinas have a heart, self, and soul.”
“As a result, many contradictions occurred due to theoretical loopholes, and this machine was disconnected and scrapped.”
“According to common sense, the machine is indeed broken.”
“Is it actually broken scrap iron?”
Jibril expressed disappointment with the result.
If it was disconnected, wouldn’t it be impossible to control all Ex-Machinas?
Su Mo nodded secretly in his heart.
Confirmed eyes.
This is the right person.
This Ex-Machina should be the Hubby who saved the world in the original book.
It seems that I am lucky.
However, she is probably the only Ex-Machina who wanders alone during this period of time. Four.
Chapter 437: Arriving at Liyue Port Super Paimeng Tornado
“”Question”, you want to analyze the existence of the heart, why do you call [tentative] Su Mo your elder brother, is there any connection? ”
Pair of sail towersThe behavior of this girl Ex-Machina was puzzled. Hubby in front of him replied very seriously.
“‘Discovery’, skin-to-skin contact—is a communication behavior that uses the unique language of skin-tissue contact, and is presumed to be the “heart” that the Ex-Machinas lack. ”
“”Inference”, as long as you imitate the same action, this machine can also read the meaning of “heart”. ”
Simply put, all learning begins with imitation.
The girl in front of her thought that as long as she could interact closely with Su Mo, it would be possible to comprehend the existence of “heart”.
For this view.
Jibril cast a murderous look in her eyes.
“Scrap, you actually want to contact my master with this reason?”
“Even Jibril, I haven’t had this kind of life with my master yet, and this mere piece of scrap iron wants to get ahead of me?”
Jibril was enraged.
My main god is Kaguya
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