0.4 is created as a fan building, a machine born to seek the answer to the question “what is the heart”.
When they get the answer, Fanlou will also get the answer.
Therefore, Su Mo’s request is also the proof that he fulfilled the contract and gave Fanlou an answer.
“That’s right!”
Su Mo nodded confidently, looking at Fan Lou, who was struggling in front of him and constantly making Ex-Machinas, he said in a bloody tone.
“It’s all about answering your questions, so I will give you this difficult task.”
“So, don’t be lazy!”
“A girl who wants to know “what the heart is”! Do your best! ”
“Every Ex-Machina you create is an answer to your question!”
“So work hard, the sweat you shed because of hard work is the blessing I give you!”
Looking at the frightening Su Mo who spurred the gods with confidence, he was as terrifying as a contractor.
Jibril on the side was trembling.
Even she felt pitiful for Fanlou, who kept making Ex-Machina species.
I always feel that my master seems to have become some kind of black hearted devil.
Is this an illusion? .
Chapter 438
Although from Jibril’s point of view, I feel that Fanlou is indeed a bit miserable. The majestic god-like species has actually been reduced to a small worker on the assembly line.
Completely reduced to a tool man.
However, as far as Fanlou is concerned, it feels very fulfilling.
Su Mo told her that the more Ex-Machinas you create.
The sooner you can get the answer yourself.
The sooner you can know what the “heart” is.
So, for the work assigned by Su Mo.
Not only was she not bored, she didn’t feel that she had become Su Mo’s tool.
On the contrary, she is very motivated.
Although the gods don’t need to sleep, it is very rare to be able to work hard to her level.
Naturally, Su Mo would not stop Fanlou.
Anyway, sooner or later her enthusiasm will dissipate.
It’s better to squeeze her labor power before this enthusiasm dissipates.
After she is tired, let the child take a good rest.
After all, he is not some devil.

In the world of Game Life, Su Mo began to build the computing network of the Ex-Machinas.
In addition, when the “Million Huby Sister Project” was launched, it was planned to build a very large computing network.
The original god world.
Su Mo, Ying, Paimeng and others who solved the Fengmolong incident.
Finally, he trekked along the way from Mond and arrived at Liyue.
In the north of Liyue Port.
On the small hill facing the sea where Mandrill stayed during the Sea Lantern Festival.
Su Mo and his party, who have trekked here, are stopping to rest.
Standing on the top of this small hill, you can easily see the entire Liyue Port below.
“Wow! Is this Liyue 14 Port? It’s more prosperous than I imagined!”
Paimon, who was flying in the air, looked down at the scenery under his feet.
Seeing this prosperous and beautiful city, he opened his mouth wide and exclaimed.
It is different from the Liyue Port in the game, which is not that big.
The Liyue Port in front of me is completely a super-large city, even if viewed from the mountain, it is impossible to see the whole picture.
Only row upon row of red buildings can be seen, full of antique flavor and magnificent.
“It’s not in vain that we have worked so hard to come all the way, it seems to be worth it!”
After seeing the scenery in front of me,Paimon put his hands on his hips, with an emotional expression that hard work will eventually pay off.
See her like this.
Ying on the side tilted her head suspiciously.
Then, he poked Pamon’s fat baby cheek.
A question of the soul was issued.
“Paimon, have you worked hard on this journey?”
“How do I feel, you seem to have gained weight instead?”
As she spoke, Ying poked Paimon’s belly.
It is indeed bigger than before, but it seems to be because of the last meal.
Actually nothing changed.
After hearing what she said, Paimon proudly put his hands on his hips.
“No, I don’t have a physique that won’t gain weight!”
“So no matter how much you eat, it doesn’t matter.”
This is true.
Paimon’s diet has always been unrestrained, but what is surprising is that she has never gained much weight.
Not only that, even the body didn’t show any signs of growth.
It’s like being forcibly fixed in the category of young girls.
Hearing Paimon’s words, Ying fell into deep thought.
“Just eating without gaining weight, is it disqualified from the perspective of emergency food?”
Looking at her slightly raised lips, one could tell that she was teasing Paimon.
Faced with this kind of teasing, Paimeng couldn’t help but stomp his feet angrily.
“What?! Are you outside, do you have other qualified emergency food?”
Looking at this expression, one can tell that she is jealous.
Little Paimeng, who was dissatisfied with Ying, immediately flew behind Su Mo, grabbed Su Mo’s shoulder and complained.
“Su Mo, travelers bully people! She raises other emergency food behind my back!”
Seeing her anxious look.
Ying couldn’t help laughing “噗嗤”.
“So, have you finally admitted that you are emergency food?” Su Mo asked back with a joke.
“Huh… eh?!”
It was only at this time that Paimon reacted slowly and realized his mistake.
He couldn’t help shaking his head in frustration.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo couldn’t bear to say anything more.
If later, Yandola and Xiaoxian came.
Paimon might actually cry.
On Ying’s side, after laughing, she patted Paimon’s calf.
“Okay, no kidding.”
“However, our journey this time is indeed hard to call hard work!”
Such a sigh.
Ying turned her head to look at the girl behind her.
“After all, Xiangling is with me, and there are teleportation points available.”
“Not only can I eat delicious food every day, but there are also very few opportunities to eat and sleep outdoors!” I heard her say so.
The cute girl with a gun behind her showed a sweet smile.
“Hey… I am also very happy to be able to show off my cooking skills!”
“Besides, it’s also very grateful to me to be able to live in your big house all the time, even though I’m out on a trip, thank you!”
The vitality girl in front of her, holding a long gun and wearing the eyes of the fire elemental god on her waist, is the new companion.
As the chef of Manmintang, a famous restaurant in Liyue, Xiangling’s culinary skills are superb.
Much stronger than Su Mo and Ying who became monks halfway.
If you have to compare.
Su Mo’s cooking skills can only be compared with Xiangling’s in fried rice.
In other respects, it’s not far off.
My main god is Kaguya
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