The purple thunder pillar as thick as a bucket directly shattered all the afterimages of Ke Qing…
Direct force, interrupting her from the invincibility frame of her big move.
Ke Qing himself was struck by the huge lightning and flew tens of meters before barely stopping.
The battle has reached this point, even the ultimate move has been cracked, and the outcome is naturally obvious.
“I lost.” Ke Qing lowered her head and said.
“Thank you, Your Excellency Su Mo, for your mercy!” She said gratefully.
The terrible thunder just now only caused the current injury. Don’t think about it, it must be Su Mo who let the water go.
And heard her words.
Su Mo shook his head.
“It’s just a sparring session. There’s no need to make heavy moves. Are you okay?”
When Ke Qing used his ultimate move before, the tip of the sword was only a few inches away from Su Mo.
Obviously, both sides are very restrained.
“I’m fine, I was just struck by lightning.”
Keqing shook her head, not caring about the injury on her body.
When she practiced the sword back then, it wasn’t that she was struck by thunder (“, this: The book is sorted out by [Flippe, d]’! (“More ‘more new book contact, 13.’4;.317;74.7:8.’) has been hacked, but it is not as big as it is today.
For the owner of the Eye of God, being struck by lightning one or two times is not a very dangerous thing.
Many people have been hacked.
Injuries that would kill ordinary people are just injuries to them.
Of course, there are not no God’s Eye holders who were struck to death by lightning.
If you happen to be struck by lightning while swimming.
It is indeed very possible to die due to the chain damage caused by the shock.
But ordinary people will not be so unlucky.
Compared with these minor injuries on his body.
Keqing was more concerned about another point.
“Mr. Su Mo, is the move you used just now considered a sword skill?”
Although it is true that Su Mo is using a one-handed sword.
But that Thunder Pillar, no matter how you look at it, looks like a spell, right?
To this question, Su Mo just nodded.
“Of course it’s a sword skill!”
Tony, the sword king of the godslayer world, can even use meteorites as magic swords.
It’s just a thunderbolt, isn’t it a matter of course to regard it as a sword skill?
Hear him say that. 0.4;
Ke Qing couldn’t help showing a surprised expression.
“You mean, this move can be learned by swordsmen?”
Su Mo nodded.
“That…Although it is very presumptuous, I would like to ask, can you teach this trick to others?”
Ke Qing looked at Su Mo with shining eyes.
“If you can, no matter what you ask for! As long as I can do it, I can promise you!”
Before that, Keqing would never have imagined it.
Simple sword skills can actually use this form to induce thunder and increase the power of sword skills.
If he can learn this kind of sword skill, it is not impossible to recast the glory of the thunder-type one-handed sword.
If nothing else, that guy Ningguang would definitely be able to shut up.
And heard Ke Qing’s words.
Su Mo looked a little weird.
“You can agree to anything? Are you sure?” He asked in confirmation.
If what Keqing said is true.
Then he will be impolite!
If you just teach one sword skill, you can get such a big benefit.
So next time, do you want to call Gan Yu? .
Chapter 443 I Was the Murderer of Keqing’s Assassination of Yan Wang Dijun
Hear Su Mo’s confirmation. It was only then that Keqing realized that what she said seemed too broad.
You can promise anything, doesn’t it mean that you can even hand over yourself?
Although I don’t think Su Mo will make that kind of request.
However, she also noticed a problem with her choice of words.
For her with a strong self-will, it was just a sword skill, no matter how powerful it was, it would not cost her everything.
So, she immediately changed her words.
“If I can do it, if I can repay your kindness for granting the sword, I am willing.”
Although it sounds less bold than before, this is the real condition.
“The conditions of the Liyue Seven Stars…”
Little Paimon’s eyes sparkled, and he was already thinking about how much this promise was worth.
Su Mo didn’t really mean to trick her.
Instead, he spoke casually.
“As a reward, I want you to help me post a missing person notice in Quan Liyue.”
As he said that, he looked at Ying who was very moved.
Su Mo smiled slightly.
“We’re looking for someone right now and it would be great if you could help.”
“Su Mo…”
Hearing what he said, Ying’s expression was very touched.
Such a precious condition, but he did not hesitate to use it on himself.
She really didn’t know how to repay Su Mo for taking care of her.
Paimon on the side touched his head in frustration, but didn’t say anything.
Even if she is greedy for money, she knows that looking for her uncle is the reason why they 14 came here.
Hearing Su Mo’s condition, Ke Qing was also very surprised.
“Is it just this? Our Liyue Seven Stars have hands and eyes that reach the sky, so even bigger requests are acceptable.”
If it’s just a missing person notice, it’s a bit overkill.
“That’s it.”
Su Mo nodded in confirmation.
If Keqing could make the decision, he wanted Ganyu.
It’s a pity that even though Gan Yu is Qixing’s secretary, her power is no lower than Qixing’s.
Even Keqing couldn’t assign her.
Since these requirements are not acceptable, Su Mo is not interested in other things.
After confirming that Su Mo really made this request.
“I see.”
Ke Qing nodded, looking at Su Mo’s eyes, she obviously appreciated a lot more.
For this kind of person who does not care about his own interests for the sake of his companions.
She is also quite affectionate.
“Teacher Su Mo’s entrustment, I will handle it later, please rest assured.”
With a change of mind, Ke Qing immediately changed her address to Su Mo.
Paimon repeated a bit strangely.
“A master of one sword is also a teacher.” Ke Qing replied very seriously.
“What’s more, compared with Teacher Su Mo, the gap between me and him is not just a sword.”
Until the end of the battle, after returning to God.
Only then did Ke Qing truly realize the strength of the man in front of her.
Whether it’s sword skills or the control of the thunder element, they are far above him.
It was the first time Keqing had seen a strong man who had suffered a whole set of attacks from him without even tearing his sleeves.
Even though she was defeated by Su Mo, she did not see Su Mo’s movements clearly.
Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the towering peaks, there is a feeling that there is no escape from the realm.
My main god is Kaguya
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