After casually arranging other people’s work.
Su Mo turned around and walked towards a place where no one was around.
Before leaving, Ju Jianhui stopped him.
“Su Mo’s chief of staff… Ultraman Tiga, he will win, right?”
With her back facing away, people couldn’t see her expression.
Although Su Mo could see it, it wasn’t necessary.
He just waved his hand.
“Of course! Good will triumph over evil, as light goesWhere there is darkness, there will be nowhere to hide. ”
The voice did not fall.
Ju Jianhui saw his figure and disappeared into the night.
She pursed her lips, turned her head firmly, and began to mobilize everyone in the victory team to support Ultraman with all her strength! Four.
Chapter 452 The shining figure that the world yearns for
on the battlefield. The situation has become familiar to everyone.
After hearing the voices of the people and being surrounded by their words of hatred and hatred.
Dagu started to feel deflated again.
But this time is different from before.
The former Dagu, even though he was deflated, could always hold on to stand up.
No matter what kind of monster it was, it couldn’t completely break his resilience.
But this time, after being knocked down by monsters a few times, he felt a sense of inadequacy.
In fact, from the very beginning, when the pyramid can be transformed into Ultraman.
Dagu has always been very concerned about why it is him, why the giant chooses him.
Fortunately, Senior Su Mo was there to help.
Under Su Mo’s guidance, Dagu was able to adapt to his new identity.
And as a giant, to help humans defeat monsters.
But now, after being denied by so many people, Dagu’s thoughts became a little confused again.
He will not blacken or anything because of these people’s remarks.
After Su Mo’s teaching, he was not so childish.
But, what should he do if the humans he guards refuse his protection?
Since it is to protect human beings, shouldn’t “one two three” respect their will?
And when people’s will does not need Ultraman’s protection.
Then what should he do?
The shaken Ultraman is naturally no match for monsters.
After being knocked down to the ground by Kirierod II again.
The gate of hell above the sky also began to reveal a strange dark aura.
After being enveloped by the dark breath, Dagu found that he could not move at all, and the energy in his body seemed to be frozen and could not be used at all.
Seeing this scene, he was said to be a member of the winning team.
Even ordinary people can tell at a glance that Ultraman Guja is really dying.
After noticing this, not only the ordinary people who were watching outside, but even the people inside who had been cursing Ultraman Guja to death, couldn’t help showing a look of fear on their faces.
People finally realized that they could really lose an Ultraman.
Possibly even more to lose.
Dijing led the armed team, and originally wanted to prevent the monster from taking the opportunity to kill Ultraman Guja.
But I didn’t expect that after Ultraman Guja fell, Kirierod II did not make up the knife, but spread his wings and switched to the air form.
After flying into the sky, Kirierod II pushed open the already cracked gate of hell.
It seems that he intends to use his own power to speed up the summoning of the creatures behind the gate of hell.
After seeing this scene, Dijing heaved a sigh of relief.
Immediately became tense again.
The threat from the monster doesn’t need to be considered for the time being. The most important thing now is how to wake up Ultraman Guja?
Just when he was a little overwhelmed.
The order of Hui Jian came from the radio channel.
“Light! Give Ultraman light!”
Digging subconsciously has some doubts.
Ju Jianhui responded in a very positive tone.
“He said—where light goes, darkness will never hide.”
“Now Ultraman Guja is entangled in darkness, and the only thing that can save him is light!”
After recalling Su Mo’s words, she was very confident in her judgment.
“Is it light?!”
Although I am very curious about who the captain is talking about.
However, Dijing decided to execute the order first.
Most of the weapons of the armed forces carry a lot of lighting equipment.
Under his command, beams of light hit Ultraman Guja one after another.
The dark aura surrounding Dagu also became weaker because of these rays of light.
“This is not enough, more light is needed!”
Ju Jianhui immediately made a judgment.
If you want to clear the darkness wrapped around Ultraman, you can’t rely on this light alone.
Even if you ask the headquarters for help again, when (‘, this, book by!:【;Flip!pe?d;]”! Whole: Li, (:” More! More ‘new’ books contact: ‘1:3? 43,177? ,47:8) time is too late, the amount of light is not enough.
If you want to get the most light in the shortest time…
Glancing at the fanatical crowd in front of him, Ju Jianhui shook his head and immediately gave Ye Rui an order.
“Team Yerui, get the live broadcast to the TV station!”
This is to use the power in the emergency management regulations to directly cut off the communication of all other TV stations at this time.
So that everyone can only watch the same signal.
Knowing the urgency of the situation, Ye Rui nodded, and within a few seconds, the permission issue was resolved.
“Captain, the signal has been connected!”
But in the blink of an eye.
On all TVs, all electronic billboards, and all networked display screens across the country, the figure of Ultraman Guja appeared on the street.
Then, Jujianhui’s voice sounded.
“I am the Earth Peace United Organization, Ju Jianhui, the captain of the victory team!”
“Citizens, wake up, those who call themselves angels are the real devils.”
“Ultraman has been protecting us with his life. This time, it’s our turn to give them strength.”
“I beg everyone, give Ultraman light, he needs more light!”
Junjianhui sincerely explained the current situation, and asked everyone to send light to Ultraman in front of him.
This is the only feasible way to get the most light in the shortest time.
After hearing her plea.
ThatThose who locked themselves in the house because they didn’t want to conflict with the lunatics of fanatics finally couldn’t help it.
If Ultraman is lost here, they cannot imagine what kind of future mankind will face.
Although Ultraman Guja is not the strongest, nor is he the only Ultraman.
However, if Ultraman Guja lost his life because of human problems.
So how can the strongest Ultraman Tiga continue to protect human beings?
There are only a few fools in the world after all.
The people just choose not to speak up for the time being to avoid being hurt.
Now, knowing that the situation is critical to such an extent, no one will choose to endure.
“Light! Lots of light!”
At the forefront of the battlefield, Ju Jianhui looked around, all of which were shining lights.
These lights are bright or dark, some are flashlights, some are mobile phones, and some are the high beams of cars.
Some are simply candles.
However, the light did not weaken because of this, but became stronger.
In a hurry, there are only a few people who can come to the battlefield.
My main god is Kaguya
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