The prototype of the shining form is not just a change in quantity.
In terms of strength, it is completely a qualitative change.
Light that has never been so full surrounds the entire Ultraman Tiga at this moment.
Whether it is strength, defense or energy, they have all been improved several times.
And, not much has changed though.
However, Su Mo clearly felt that Ultraman Tiga’s body seemed to be a little taller.
“Just this level of spiritual light, does it have this level of power?”
Surprised, Su Mo glanced at the people present.
There were not even ten thousand people who really provided him with the light of his heart.
And just these ten thousand people have brought him several times the improvement of strength.
If this is the case, in the finale of the original book, how powerful should Shining Tiga absorb the light of hope for all mankind?
“As expected of Ultraman Tiga’s final form…too strong!”
After feeling this power.
Su Mo turned his head to look at the four Kyriairods who surrounded Ultraman Guja.
“It looks like I expected it!”
Facing the four monsters in front of him, he was not afraid, and his expression was not moved at all.
On the contrary, there is a sense of calmness that has long been expected.
In fact, the situation in front of him was also created by him.
I want to find out all the Kyriairods lurking on the earth in one breath.
natural needsA decoy that could lure them all to jump out of their own accord.
And the gate of hell in front of him was the bait prepared by Su Mo.
If he played too early, if the gate of hell was closed directly, the other Kyriairods would inevitably continue to dormant.
In this case, it will take a lot of effort to find them all.
Instead of this, it is better to let them have a glimmer of hope in their hearts.
——As long as there is more power, the gates of hell can be opened.
――As long as there is one more Kirielod, the hateful Ultraman can be killed.
Just let them have that thought.
There will inevitably be Kirielod people entering the pit.
In this way, these guys who run very fast can be caught to the greatest extent.
However, even Su Mo couldn’t imagine that his strategy was so effective.
“I didn’t expect that all of you would be dispatched!”
Looking at the monster in front of him, Su Mo sighed.
His words did not come out by voice, so people could not hear them.
However, Dagu and, as spiritual life forms, the Kiriarods can all hear it.
After hearing this.
Itabashi Mitsuo forced himself to be calm.
“Ultraman Tiga, even if you are here today, you can’t stop the gate of heaven from coming’-!”
“And, if it’s a one-to-four match, even you have no chance of surviving!”
“Hahaha! I want you to die miserably in front of the humans you guard!”
The gates of hell are only about thirty seconds away from fully opening.
Therefore, even if Ultraman Tiga appears, as long as there is no way to kill all the monsters and destroy the gate of hell within these thirty seconds, it is their victory.
Not to mention, although Ultraman Tiga is strong, he should not be able to play one-to-four.
So Mitsuo Itabashi drifted away again.
Probably because he regards himself as the savior of human beings, he has always looked down on human beings and Ultraman in words.
Facing such Kirielod people.
Su Mo just questioned slightly, and then took a step forward.
“What are you doing?!”
The four monsters collectively took a step back, as if they wanted to stay away from the dangerous existence in front of them like a blade.
Seeing their actions, Su Mo couldn’t help shaking his head.
“That’s not okay. If you want to attack me, you should get closer. Or are you scared?”
“Shut up, I just want to distance myself!”
Mitsuo Itabashi roared out of embarrassment.
Although he didn’t want to admit it, in fact, he had been psychologically shadowed by Su Mo.
So subconsciously back off.
When the others saw that their leaders had flinched, they naturally did not dare to step forward.
Probably aware of his problem, Kirierod II’s right to control was directly taken away by Keiko Onuma.
She had never met Su Mo face to face, so she was able to maintain a normal state of mind when facing Su Mo.
In a sense, the Kirielods are quite convenient in this regard.
Under the gaze of Keiko Onuma, Ultraman Tiga in front of him still did not attack.
“Break distance?”
The other party’s chuckle sounded, and all Kiriarods could feel the disdain and ridicule in the other party’s words.
“The combat distance is meaningful, but only for opponents of the same level.”
“There is no difference in combat distance between me and you.”
Hear this.
Dagu on the side was dumbfounded.
–hateful! So handsome!
――I also wonder when I can say this line!
Kyrierod II, controlled by Keiko Onuma, still didn’t move at all.
However, in her spiritual body, there was a secret joy.
“Twenty seconds passed—only ten seconds left!”
Although she was able to maintain a normal state of mind, she was still afraid of the pressure from Ultraman Tiga.
Therefore, she didn’t pick up the words and didn’t take the initiative to fight.
Just trying to procrastinate and wait for the gates of hell to open.
In front of him, there were only ten seconds left.
No matter what, the other party was too late.
Therefore, it must be a victory on my side.
“Hahaha! What Ultraman Tiga, it’s just—”
There are only three seconds left in the time.
Keiko Onuma finally laughed out loud.
However, it’s just a moment.
The reflection of light and fire filled her pupils.
The five rays of light emitted at the same time destroyed the gate of hell and four monsters in an instant.
An instant burst of unparalleled light and heat.
Before she could even comprehend what was going on, it was all over.
Like her, the humans present and the victory team did not recover.
Although they believe in the strength of Ultraman Tiga, they also look forward to his invincible appearance.
However, even they did not expect to face such four monsters at the same time.
Ultraman Tiga was actually able to kill him in one move as before.
In the previous battles, people at least knew how Ultraman Tiga released his tricks to defeat monsters.
But now, even the victorious team didn’t see Dijia Altman’s shot.
For only a moment, light and fire appeared above the earth.
All threats turned into fireworks and exploded completely.
On the battlefield where everyone is watching with suspicious faces.
Only then did Su Mo speak slowly.
“You just said… but what?”
Faced with this mocking question, all the people in Kyriairod in front of them were silent.
My main god is Kaguya
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