At this moment, Jigami Ayusha was wiping the residue from the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief.
After seeing this scene, Su Mo continued to complain.
“Thinking about it carefully, isn’t you the only useless person in this family?”
After obediently being wiped clean by Ji Shen Qiusha.
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Index couldn’t help supporting the table with both hands, and stood up.
“You can’t pretend you didn’t hear that!”
The little nun puffed out her chest imposingly.
“Anyway, they are also a library in charge of 130,000 magical books, so they can’t be called useless people, right?!”
Index, who possessed fascinated self-confidence, looked at Su Mo imposingly.
Judging by her appearance, it seemed that she really wanted to make Su Mo deflated in the battle for the title of cripple.
However, most of the world’s problems cannot be solved by self-confidence.
The cold facts speak for themselves.
Seeing Index’s unconscious look, Su Mo blinked and said.
“I am the head of the family and the provider of the economic foundation. Is there any problem with that?”
“Well! That’s right.”
Index nodded, acknowledging it.
Then, Su Mo looked at Jishen Qiusha at the side.
“Himigami is a maid, responsible for housework, cooking and other logistical work, is that okay?”
“I didn’t ask (this? book.: by【:;Fl!ippe;:d】”whole:.reason’, (:.more; more new books contact 13?,43177?.47!,8) questions!”
Index nodded again, but felt something was wrong.
Before the melon seeds of her little head started to work.
Both Su Mo and Jishen Qiusha turned their eyes to her.
“Then Index, may I ask what kind of responsibilities you are responsible for in this family?” Su Motu asked suspiciously.
Index was momentarily at a loss for words.
Looking back, I don’t seem to be doing anything other than eating and playing these days.
Thinking of this, her expression was shocked.
It turns out that the useless person is actually me?
“No, not right!”
No matter how you think about it, it’s wrong! How could she be the kind of rice bug who made no contribution at all! !
Unwilling to accept this, she tried her best to think back, but she couldn’t think of any words to refute.
Finally, she had a flash of inspiration.
“I can be in charge of being cute! Healing everyone’s hearts like an idol…”
Thinking of the information she read in the magazine a few days ago, Index forcefully declared it, regardless of whether it was true or not.
However, after hearing these words.
Jigami Qiusha showed a speechless but contemptuous look.
Su Mo in front of him also showed a pitiful expression.
With an unusually gentle tone, he explained to the little nun in front of him.
“Generally speaking, besides eating and drinking in the house, they are responsible for cute existence, so they are called “pets”! ”
Index was dumbfounded.
So, his status is actually a pet? !
Isn’t that the same as kittens and puppies? !
Seeing her like this, Su Mo patted her shoulder a little funny.
“Don’t be discouraged, even pets have their own value.”
Although encouraged.
But Index couldn’t be happier when she heard this.
“Wooah… no! I can’t accept it!”
The nun ran away in tears without looking back.
“People must prove the meaning of my existence! I am not a pet!”
See her tearful figure.
Jishen Qiusha cast a questioning look at Su Mo.
——Do you just leave it alone?
Su Mo shook his head amusedly.
“Don’t worry, the child will run out by himself when he’s hungry.”
Hearing this, Himekami Ayusa nodded approvingly after thinking about Index’s habits.
Then, she picked up the leftover dessert, pretended not to notice that Su Mo’s hands were free, and continued to feed.
After Su Mo finished his dessert.
Index, who had run into the room, suddenly rushed out.
She held up her notebook and shouted happily.
“Su Mo! I’m not a pet who doesn’t do anything!”
“Look at this! I’m still doing business these days!”
LookSeeing how excited she was, Su Mo couldn’t help being speechless.
The pets before were naturally a joke.
Index helped him a lot in the formation of God’s Right Seat.
Take it out casually, it can prove her contribution and get rid of the title of pet.
It’s just that Su Mo didn’t expect that Index may have never thought of this level because of blind spots in her thinking.
After searching for a long time, I found something else.
However, after noticing the notebook in her hand.
Su Mo nodded in agreement.
“You mean this, it’s really thanks to you to deal with the Roman Orthodox Church during this time.”
This notebook was exactly what Su Mo used to prove that he was an undercover agent on the magic side.
It is a magic item of the Roman Orthodox Church, used to communicate with the high-level Roman Orthodox Church.
Ever since she managed to keep Index by her side.
On the side of the Roman Orthodox Church, they couldn’t hold back.
He has been asking Su Mo for information about the 103,000 grimoires.
Because most of this information is related to angels, Su Mo can probably confirm that it is the fire from the right that really needs this information.
Not only that, this behavior should also have the meaning of testing loyalty.
Being a double agent.
Although Su Mo can gain benefits from both sides at the same time, he will certainly not be able to gain the complete trust of both parties.
The Roman Orthodox Church naturally expected more rewards after paying the price of the God’s Right Seat spell.
In this regard, Su Mo naturally did not intend to tell the whole story.
Not to mention that the Roman Orthodox Church itself is now a puppet manipulated by the fire of the right.
Even if it wasn’t, as a test subject, he didn’t have any extra affection for the Roman Orthodox Church.
Under such circumstances, Su Mo would naturally not give them the information they wanted.
With the reason that “the original grimoires are poisonous”, Su Mo claimed that the knowledge of magic that he could read was very limited.
Every time, a request came from the Roman Orthodox Church for the original knowledge of magic.
He let Index confuse him with unknown information.
So, during this period of time, he handed the notebook directly to Index.
Let Index fill in some random things every day, fool it, and pretend to be working hard.
If this is the case.
Index has indeed played many irreplaceable roles.
Although Su Mo’s research on magic is also very deep.
However, only Index, who is very familiar with 13,000 grimoires, can write this kind of completely correct, mysterious, and useless waste knowledge.
Moreover, the temptation from the Roman Orthodox Church can be fully identified, so that there will be no doubts there.
“It seems that you can’t be called an ordinary pet anymore.” Su Mo said seriously.
“Yeah, that’s it!”
Index also put her hands on her hips proudly.
Then, she heard the second half of Su Mo’s words.
“From now on, I will call you a capable pet!”.
My main god is Kaguya
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