Su Mo’s men don’t have any special forces yet.
So, let Shokuhou Misaki try it.
Although Shokuhou Misaki is only a middle school student, she does have a not-so-small force under her command.
Tokiwadai School was originally an aristocratic school that only college students could attend.
insideStudents are basically LV3 and above ability users.
And Shokuhou Misaki, who has established the largest faction in this school, has even more abilities and levels than the famous Anbu.
If all the members of the bee-eater faction are blessed by the fantasy network.
That will be a force that no one can ignore.
However, because those members are all little girls after all.
Su Mo didn’t expect much from them.
He just wanted to strengthen the strength of Shokuhou Misaki’s subordinates, and collect adjustment data by the way.
Judging by Shokuhou Misaki’s expression, it seems that the situation is not bad?
Facing Su Mo’s conjecture.
Shokuhou Misaki nodded heavily.
“I let Fanfeng Runzi and the others connect to the fantasy network, and the strength of all of them has been greatly enhanced.”
“Based on their current ability strength, basically all of them have reached the LV4 level, and they are still the best among them.”
The dominance of the fantasy network was given by Su Mo to the external brain.
And only Shokuhou Misaki and Su Mo have the right to control the exterior brain.
Through his own administrator rights, Shokuhou Misaki allocated a considerable degree of computing power to his faction members.
Naturally, the strength of these girls has also grown a lot.
Having said that, Shokuhou Misaki narrowed his eyes and said with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.
“After testing, it has been confirmed that the fantasy network is very stable and effective for the increase of abilities’-.”
“In addition, there is another very surprising thing that happened!” Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki asked playfully.
“Mr. Su Mo, can you guess what happened?”
Hearing her question, Su Mo pondered for two seconds.
It’s just access to the fantasy network, what surprises can there be?
Thinking of this, he suddenly realized a certain possibility he mentioned earlier, and immediately had a thought.
“Could it be that Junzi has upgraded to LV5?” He asked in surprise.
Su Mo once confirmed that it is impossible to pile up ability users to LV5 simply by computing power.
There is a huge gap between LV5 and below LV5.
However, this is not an iron rule.
If it is those capable people who are already qualified to reach LV5, coupled with the increase in computing power, it is very possible to cross this gap and become LV5.
In the academy city, there are actually not many people with the ability to become LV5 level qualifications.
However, due to funding and various other reasons, these ability users did not receive enough guidance, so they could not grow to LV5.
Junko Fanfeng, the deputy of the Shokuhou Misaki faction, is this type of person.
She originally had the aptitude to become a LV5, but because of her ability, her unconscious defensive instinct hindered her ability to display.
To let her grow further, a large budget needs to be spent.
She who was killed in this link was given up without even knowing it.
After Su Mo and Shokuhou Misaki accepted the talent workshop, they naturally wouldn’t just waste her talent like this.
After the additional budget, Junzi Fanfeng was able to continue to develop her abilities.
However, due to the slow progress, she still stayed at LV4.
At this moment, I heard Shokuhou Misaki talk about surprises.
He subconsciously thought of this girl.
Could it be that after she got the blessing of Fantasy Network, her level broke through?
“It was guessed…”
Hearing Su Mo’s answer in one go, Shokuhou Misaki couldn’t help feeling a little frustrated.
She also planned to ask Su Mo to promise some kind of punishment game when he answered wrongly.
After she was frustrated, she explained in detail.
“It’s an upgrade, but it’s not a complete upgrade.”
“After connecting to the fantasy network, Junzi’s output can be comparable to LV5, but it is still a bit worse in other aspects. Strictly speaking, it can’t meet the LV5 standard.”
Academy City still has very high requirements for LV5.
It’s not that if you catch up with LV5 alone, you will be considered a superpower.
After Fanfeng Junzi obtained the computing power bonus, his output was only close to LV5.
But even so, it is a very substantial enhancement.
That’s why Shokuhou Misaki felt that this was a surprise.
After all, if you count her own words.
Now Shokuhoku is equivalent to having one LV5, one quasi-LV5, and a bunch of powerful LV4s.
This configuration has already surpassed the elite troops of Anbu.
“Besides, according to this situation, as long as the development continues, it is only a matter of time before Junko becomes LV5.”
“By then, my Shokuhou faction will have two LV5s!”
Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki looked very proud.
The configuration of double LV5 can be said to be a lineup that has never been seen in the entire Academy City.
She knew Junzi very well, and she was not worried that Junzi would leave her faction.
You know, Fanfeng Junzi and most of the bee-eaters are one of the victims of the talent workshop.
She and Su Mo, who destroyed the original talent workshop, can be said to be their greatest benefactors.
The relationship between them is not just the level of playing house.
And seeing Shokuhou Misaki’s confident expression.
Su Mo pondered for two seconds before opening his mouth.
“.-It hasn’t really reached LV5 yet…that is to say, the strength of AIM’s diffusion position is not enough.”
The AIM spread position, although it has always been considered as the aftermath of the ability of the capable person.
In fact, it is the embodiment of personal reality.
The position of AIM diffusion determines the strength of superpowers, and computing power determines the size of output.
Right now, with the addition of computing power, Fanfeng Junzi barely reached the level of LV5 in terms of output.Spend.
If she wants to be fully promoted to an ordinary LV5, what she needs now is not computing power, but a strengthening of the AIM diffusion position.
It stands to reason that by formally developing capabilities, one can strengthen one’s own AIM proliferation stance.
That’s what most psychics do.
But, beyond that, there are shortcuts.
“There is a way to make Junzi reach LV5 without any side effects.”
Su Mo remembered the plan he had made before.
And heard this.
“what did you say?!”
Shokuhou Misaki lowered his head abruptly, looking at Su Mo on his lap, the stars in his eyes lit up a little.
“Directly reach LV5, is there really such a way in this world?”
Because of lowering her head, the distance between her and Su Mo’s eyes was less than 20 centimeters.
The two looked at each other, and Shokuhou Misaki could feel Su Mo’s breath, which made her cheeks start to heat up.
However, she cared more about what Su Mo said than being shy.
The fact that the fantasy network has improved its strength is incredible enough.
However, increasing the computing power itself does not affect the strength of the ability itself, and the actual level of the ability user has not changed, so this is understandable.
She never expected that there would be a way to directly modify AIM’s proliferation position.
This is equivalent to strengthening the personal reality of the ability user himself.
Is this kind of thing really possible?
And faced with this question from Shokuhou Misaki.
“Of course.” Su Mo replied calmly.
Then, under Shokuhou Misaki’s very concerned eyes, he brought up another topic.
“Superpower itself is related to personal reality. In other words, no matter what kind of weird superpowers are possible, do you remember this?”
“Well, this is the content of the basic course.”
Shokuhou Misaki nodded.
Because it is related to personal reality, no matter what kind of superpowers appear, it is not surprising.
It’s just that because most of Academy City are LV0 incapable people.
My main god is Kaguya
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