“Hey! Mugino, I was wrong!”
Stared at by this ferocious look, Frenda immediately admitted her mistake trembling.
Kinuhata and Takitsubo Rigo looked at each other and remained silent.
Seeing everyone’s performance, Mugino Shenli pondered for a few seconds before explaining.
“This time it’s a private commission, and the commission is for all of us.”
“Waiting for the client to arrive, we should be able to know the specific situation.”
Hearing this, the three girls looked at each other.
“It’s actually an extremely rare private commission? Isn’t it the type with super high pay?!”
Kinuhata said in a little surprise.
Anbu organization is a special mercenary squad that accepts various tasks.
Generally speaking, they will carry out various command tasks issued from the top.
Including assassination, extermination, fighting against external threats, researching black technology, serving the general director, erasing data, etc.
In addition, “ITEM” also has its own special mission, which is responsible for preventing the upper management including the governing council from losing control, and suppressing riots in other dark parts.
Generally speaking, however, public missions pay much less.
If you accept private commissions, you can make a lot of money.
Therefore, the girls are obviously more enthusiastic about private commissions.
Hearing Kinuhata’s favorite speculation, Frenda’s eyes sparkled with money symbols.
“Great, I haven’t had a private commission for a long time, this time I must kill a lot of money!”
Private commissions are negotiable.
She has Mai Ye Shenli, the LV5, on her side, so she naturally belongs to the strong side in the negotiation.
It is not difficult to get the entrusting party to pay more entrusting fees with a little pressure.
…seeking flowers 0…
After hearing her say that.
Mugino Shirley glanced at her in surprise, then shrugged.
“If you are not afraid of death, you can try.”
Frenda’s eyes widened. She didn’t know why Mugino Shirley said that. Could it be that she was still angry with herself?
On the other hand, Takitsubo Rigo, who had been drowsy all this time, noticed the difference in Mugino Shitoshi’s words.
“Wait until the client arrives to know the specific situation… Doesn’t even Mai Ye know the specific task?”
After noticing this, even her tone, which has always been emotionless, was a little surprised.
Don’t think they are off guard when ITEM comes out to eat dessert.
In fact, as a member of Anbu, hiding one’s whereabouts is a basic skill.
Even the higher-ups who contact them to carry out the task will never ask them where they are, and will only issue task requirements.
Even if you accept the entrustment in private, you usually agree on a designated location, instead of telling the other party where you are and waiting for the other party to arrive like this.
For Anbu, this is a very dangerous thing.

But now.
Mai Ye Shenli actually violated the general code of conduct and directly disclosed his location to the other party.
Not even the mission details were confirmed.
If Mugino Shenli hadn’t gone crazy.
There is only one possibility left.
“Muye actually has super trust in the client?”
Juanqi’s favorite also noticed this, she couldn’t help blinking her eyes in doubt.
“But Mai Ye’s eyes just now don’t look like he’s talking to a friend!”
Obviously the attitude is very complicated, it can’t be said to be very good.
However, he believed that the other party could not take the opportunity to ambush himself.
How is this going?
Kinuhata and Takitsubo Rihou looked at each other the most, but couldn’t find a reason.
On the side, Frenda’s eyes lit up and she patted the table.
“The witty Frenda has seen through everything!”
“Excluding all the impossible, the only possibility left is——the client this time is actually Mai Ye’s ex-boyfriend.”
Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.
Indeed, if it is an ex-boyfriend, it is not difficult to understand Mugino Shirley’s complicated attitude.
Kinuhata and Takitsubo Rigo looked at Frenda in pity.
――Can you say this in front of Mai Ye?
“Ah this!”
Noticing that the eyes of the two were not right, the triumphant Frenda pondered for two seconds before realizing the problem.
She turned gray all over, and then tremblingly looked at Mugino Shirley in front of her.
“Magino… I, I, I, I didn’t mean to…”
She pleaded wanting to cry without tears.
But now words are useless.
Mugino Shirley was covered in black air, and grabbed the blond girl in front of him with a slap, and clenched his other hand into a fist, sticking it to Frenda’s temple.
“How dare you say that!”
Mai Ye Shenli exerted a little force.
Immediately, the girl’s ghostly crying and wolf howling sounded in the dessert shop. Two seconds later, the shouting immediately turned into a whimper.
“Frenda, it’s too loud and we’ll be kicked out!”
Saying so, Kinuhata extended a helping hand to her friend the most.
Gagged Frenda’s mouth.
She didn’t have the guts to make Mugino Shirley stop, but she still had the guts to silence Frenda’s cry. Four.
Chapter 462: Capable Person Crystallization Experiment
Because Kinuhata liked to gag Frenda the most. Therefore, the commotion on their side did not attract the attention of the clerk, nor was they invited out by the clerk.
And just after Frenda received the punishment.
When lying half dead on the table.
Several people noticed that there were footsteps approaching directly here.
Looking back, a blond girl in the Tokiwadai Middle School uniform and a man in a plain white researcher’s coat were walking towards them.
“Yo, long time no see.”
Su Mo greeted very casually.
“Hmph! What do you want from me?”
Mugino Shenli hugged him with both handsChest, although his tone was bad, he unexpectedly didn’t say anything arrogant.
It seems that although he was not psychologically disturbed, he has a deep memory.
He glanced at the four girls sitting in the seat in front of him, that is, after all [ITEM] members.
Su Mo got straight to the point and stated his request.
“I’m looking for you this time because I have a commission and I want you to do it.”
Hearing this, Flanda, who can’t remember to eat but beat, immediately stood up excitedly.
“Great, it really is a private commission!”
After she got excited, she looked at Su Mo and hinted with “one two three” blinking.
“This gentleman, if you want to hire us [ITEM], the price is very expensive!”
Subconsciously, she planned to bargain and trick the client into taking advantage of her.
As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered Mai Ye Shenli’s angry expression before, her body froze immediately, and she slowly turned her head to look at Mai Ye Shenli.
If this is really Mai Ye’s ex-boyfriend, will Mai Ye be angry if he does this?
However, to Frenda’s relief, Mugino Shirley didn’t seem to have any opinion on her behavior.
She just folded her arms and watched the play from the sidelines, apparently not preventing Frenda from blackmailing her.
This made Frenda’s mind come alive.
If the man in front of him is really Mai Ye’s ex-boyfriend, then the star-eyed girl next to him must be his current girlfriend.
Then isn’t he bringing his current girlfriend to find Mai Ye now?
Tsk tsk, you are so brave!
My main god is Kaguya
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