His “personal reality” itself grows as he grows stronger.
Although this growth rate, compared to the speed at which Su Mo became stronger, can be regarded as very slow.
However, compared with Su Mo’s previous superpowers, it was a qualitative leap.
The strength of his current “personal reality” is not comparable to that of an ordinary LV5.
Even Accelerator, No. 1 in Academy City, his personal reality is not on the same level as Su Mo now.
But at this time, in order to be more convincing, Su Mo used misleading methods to make others think that his becoming stronger was related to the fantasy network.
See Mugno Shenli doubting life.
Su Mo said without changing his expression.
“If you accept my entrustment, as a reward, your strength will also be greatly improved.”
After hearing this, Mai Ye Shenli’s eyes lit up.
“You mean, you can only become stronger by using a special method, and you are willing to teach me this method?!”
In this regard, Su Mo smiled and said nothing.
It was obvious that she affirmed her statement.
This made Mai Ye Shenli shake immediately.
If it was a normal reward, no matter how much money there was, she would not consider putting it under the other party’s command.
But if the other party’s reward can make her stronger to this extent.
She was really moved.
Although Su Mo was strong in the past, compared with him now, he is completely different.
If you have obtained this power, your strength will definitely be greatly enhanced.
The problem of shooting trajectory calibration that has been worrying for a long time, maybecan also be resolved.
This is a qualitative change.
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but tentatively vigilantly.
“Su Mo, don’t you worry that I will challenge you again after I become stronger?”
Regarding this question, Su Mo just shook his head quietly.
“This kind of temptation is meaningless. Before you get the bonus of computing power, you are not my opponent.”
“Even if you get the computing power bonus, no matter how much stronger you are than before, you will never be my opponent.”
His words were extremely blunt.
However, Mai Ye Shenli was much relieved after hearing it.
If Su Mo said something, Mai Ye Shenli would probably surpass him after receiving the bonus.
She must be very wary of it and think this method is a trap.
Because no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the other party to plant a dangerous fuse for yourself.
But now it is obvious that Su Mo thinks that he is not his opponent after getting the bonus.
Although it sounds a little hot.
But so is the truth.
The opponent could beat him before he got the bonus, and now even if he got the same bonus, there is no reason to lose to him.
If it is based on this self-confidence, the other party does have a reason to tell him how to become stronger.
After figuring this out, Mugino Shenli fell into deep thought.
Clearly, she has been shaken.
After confirming this, Su Mo smiled slightly, the most troublesome one has been taken care of, and the rest is naturally not difficult.
His gaze shifted to Takitsubo Riku who was beside him.
“Your body is on the verge of limit, you should know this, right?”
“If you continue to take body crystals, your body will collapse within a few times.”
Su Mo’s words aroused Frenda and Juanqi’s favorite surprises.
“How did you know about the body crystal… No, that’s not the point… The point is, Takitsubo’s body is already so serious?”
Although he was very puzzled as to why Su Mo knew the secret of their team.
But now is not the time to talk about that.
Kinuhata and Flanda both know that taking body crystals is harmful to the body.
But he didn’t know that the situation of his friend Takitsubo Rigo had become so serious.
“Sure enough…you know my ability…”
Hearing what Su Mo said, Takitsubo Rihou blinked, not surprised.
Even though she heard the news that she was about to die, she was still as calm as usual. It seemed that she herself understood her physical condition.
“Takitsubo, if it’s so serious, why don’t you go to the hospital? Maybe the research institute will be able to help you!” Frenda, a cute blonde girl, said anxiously to Takitsubo Rihou.
She is the type who attaches great importance to friends, so she doesn’t want to see Takitsubo Riku have an accident.
However, upon hearing her words, Takitsubo Riku just shook his head calmly.
“It’s useless, Frenda.”
She knows her own affairs, and if her situation is really salvageable, there is no need for her to ask for help at all, and the senior management of Academy City will naturally help her arrange recovery treatment.
After all, her ability is extremely precious, even if it is managed as a prop, it is the type that will be well maintained.
Since Academy City did not arrange a similar course of treatment, it means that there is really no other way.
Su Mo on the side nodded as if approving.
“Indeed, in the final analysis, the body crystal is a prop that artificially induces the superpower to go out of control, so as to cause the ability to go berserk.”
“This thing is like poison. The more effective it is, the more serious the erosion will be for the capable user.”
“Although the number of times you take body crystals has been restrained, you won’t be able to live for two years if you continue like this.”
In fact, two years is already considered a conservative figure.
Takitsubo Rihou, who had been aware of this for a long time, didn’t care much about it.
But Frenda and Kinuhata beside him are the favorites, but they are very worried.
Even Mai Ye Shenli turned his attention to Su Mo.
“Since you mentioned this, there should be a solution, right?”
“That’s right.”
Su Mo nodded.
“The product of the body crystal is the product of the ability body crystallization experiment led by Kihara Gensei.”
“And under my command, there happens to be a researcher who has participated in this experiment and is very familiar with the original sample. She is currently working on a project related to body crystals. If it is her, she will definitely be of great help to you.”
The researcher Su Mo pointed to was naturally Haruno Kiyama who was accepted in the Fantasia Royal Hand incident.
In order to save those children, Kiyama Haruno’s understanding of Tijing is probably only a little lower than Kihara Gensui.
Therefore, regarding the situation of Takitsubo Rihou, she is one of the researchers with the most say.
“And, if it’s just about restoring your health, I have other ways to guarantee this.”
Su Mo added.
If the scientific method fails, magic can be used.
Although the erosion of body crystals is a product of science, it is only a negative state in the sense of magic.
This kind of injury can also be resolved by relying on the purification power of the moon god Artemis.
Although capable users cannot use magic, they can withstand the effects of magic itself. It is not difficult to solve the problem of Takitsubo Rihou.
Having said that, Su Mo concluded.
“In short, my side can not only save your life, but also restore your body to health, and even raise your superpower to LV5 level.”
“But correspondingly, the requirements for so much reward will be more stringent. I need you to sign a contract to guarantee your eternal loyalty.”
Pay and return are corresponding.
Mai Ye Shenli is willing to accept Su Mo’s employment in return for his strength becoming stronger.
As for Takitsubo Rihou, the reward that Su Mo can give is much more important than simply becoming stronger. Therefore, he has higher requirements for Takitsubo 123 after treatment.
After hearing this, Takitsubo Riku was not surprisedStrange.
She was aware of the nature of her abilities, and knew that if she really became LV5, no one would let her go.
Simply signing a contract to ask for loyalty is already a fairly mild condition.
Thinking of this, she looked around for a week, and seeing that her friends had no intention of objecting, and even Mugino Shenli didn’t intend to stop her, she nodded slowly.
“Thank you for your generosity. If others agree, I will also accept your request.”
Although he didn’t seem to care much about the collapse of his body.
But she was only a young girl after all, how could she really be willing to die like this.
Su Mo’s offer was very generous, and she had no reason to refuse.
But compared to this, she values ​​the [ITEM] team and doesn’t want to leave her friends, that’s why she said this.
Takitsubo Riku’s side is sort of done.
Juanqi beside her is her favorite, and she is very free and easy.
“I don’t have any special requirements. Being able to become stronger and earn extra money is a super good thing for me.”
“Also, I want Takitsubo to heal quickly.”
“So, as long as Mai Ye has no objections, I’m super-agreeable!”
My main god is Kaguya
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