If he succeeds, he can use Academy City to develop his power.
Moreover, with Aleister’s future operations, it is not impossible for Su Mo to become the next master of Academy City.
The director, and then the chairman.
If one day, Su Mo can take the entire Academy City into his pocket.
There are many ideas in his mind, and he can start to implement them.
“Wind ahead, this guy needs to be dealt with now…`-…”
Thinking of what happened next, Su Mo fell into deep thought.
Roman Orthodox side.
Naturally, they don’t know yet, Su Mo has already known all their plans.
The Roman Orthodox Church, which pursues secrecy, did not mention the specific identity of the special operations personnel at all.
He just told Su Mo that when the time came, the special operations personnel would naturally meet with him, and they would agree with him on a specific plan for the meeting.
In this regard, Su Mo also asked curiously how to find the other party and how to identify the other party’s identity.
However about this.
On the other side of the Roman Orthodox Church, they only gave such an answer.
——”The identity of the special operations personnel does not need to be identified, nor can it be counterfeited, and there is no need to worry about not being able to find the person. At that time, only the recovered items need to be prepared.”
Such an extremely mysterious answer, although he didn’t say anything, Su Mo could smell the aura of trouble.
Recalling the actions of the front wind in the original book.
He couldn’t help but twitched the corner of his mouth.
Shouldn’t it be, in order to recover Index, this guy wants to make a mess in Academy CityA big scene, right?

Su Mo’s conjecture was obviously not wrong.
(This: Book by?. [Fl:i.’pped?] Whole?, Li “(More;? New book. Contact: Department!” 13″4″, 317?.747!’8,:) Magic side The most indispensable thing is the lunatic.
Two days later, that is, the third day after the Roman Orthodox Church proposed to take back Index.
According to the agreement, the special operations personnel——the front wind, came to the outside of Academy City.
Academy City, although it is the base camp of the science side.
But it is located next to Tokyo, and there is no natural danger to guard against.
The security inspection layer that surrounds the entire Academy City is nothing more than a screening channel that is very similar to the entrance of an amusement park or the customs.
A slightly accomplished magician can easily avoid the walls and power grids of Academy City and break in directly.
As a member of God’s Right Seat.
Although because of the suppression of the original sin, there is no way to use ordinary magic.
However, with Feng Fangfeng’s attainments in angelic spells and the spiritual equipment he owns, it is really easy to bypass these obvious defense mechanisms and sneak directly into the school city.
But she didn’t choose to do that.
Instead, she appeared at the inspection gate of Academy City with an upright posture in a yellow nun’s attire.
“.-Please show your entry and exit permit!”
Seeing the girl in front of him, the prosecutors were not too vigilant and asked her for proof.
“It’s so noisy, you group of executioners on the scientific side!”
The wind in front snorted and scolded.
The metal rings hanging on the eyelids and lips are tinkling, with a rebellious rock non-mainstream and bad look.
See her like this.
Originally, the self-cultivation was not bad, and the prosecutors who had seen all kinds of people couldn’t help frowning.
Although did not say it.
But obviously, they were a little disgusted with this girl who didn’t cooperate with her work and uttered bad words.
Just when the feeling of disgust just rose.
A dull voice sounded.
All the prosecutors nearby fell to the ground.
“Heh… this is Academy City’s defense measures?”
The wind in the front gave a contemptuous laugh, and then stepped over the inspector’s body and strode forward directly, heading towards the interior of Academy City.
The scene that happened here was naturally captured by the surveillance screen soon.
Although I don’t know how the girl in the yellow nun suit did this.
However, this is not important.
“Enemy attack! The security forces are dispatched, and the first-level alert is activated!”
The computer’s automatic alarm system was triggered.
The nearby security guards obeyed the command one after another and took up weapons and light tanks.
“There is only one opponent, but it is very likely to be a high-level ability user!” (Dema’s)
The team leader of the security team loudly explained the enemy information he had just received from the computer.
However, when the enemy’s photo is automatically loaded out of the moment.
The squad leader’s pupils dilated dramatically, and he fell down on the spot.
Such a scene, like a chain reaction, continues to happen.
Even devices such as drones require human confirmation of information before they can be operated.
Once the intelligence is confirmed, the operator will inevitably become hostile to the intruder.
And hostility is exactly what the wind ahead is looking forward to.
As the information that Academy City was invaded continued to pass.
More and more people fell directly into a coma without any precautions.
It’s just a time slot of less than half an hour.
Academy City’s security system has already lost half of its combat effectiveness.
As for the wind ahead, it broke through into Academy City without hindrance.
The “Damn Spell” that can deprive those who are hostile and malicious to oneself without limitation of distance has an extraordinary destructive power when facing cities, countries, and even civilizations.
In this regard, even the fire of the right cannot be compared with it.
If you give her a little time, it will not be difficult to destroy an entire country.
Judging from this record, “the ultimate weapon of two billion.” This title is by no means an exaggeration.
Chapter 470 I Didn’t Have a Choice Before, Now I Want to Be a Good Person
“Academy City on the dignified science side…is that all?”
On a quiet street, Front Wind walks in the middle of the road. Looking at the various armed men who fainted on the ground by the side of the road, she couldn’t help curling her lips.
“Sure enough, the Pope is too weak!”
“A city of this level can be destroyed by me alone.”
“If this had been done earlier, this hypocritical scientific side would have been wiped out long ago. How could it remain today?”
Obviously, she who completely destroyed the entire security system of Academy City with her own strength is a little swollen.
However, compared to her record, this expansion is a matter of course.
I thought there would be some obstacles.
But he didn’t expect that he went directly from the main entrance to the core area of ​​Academy City, but he didn’t see any decent resistance.
The disadvantages of Academy City are too obvious. Even those with superpowers are only in the category of ordinary people physically, and they have no experience in resisting magic at all.
Therefore, whether it is a person with superpowers or a driver who manipulates advanced machinery.
As long as those people develop resistance against themselves.
They will be directly defeated by the “Spell of God”.
Compared with the little soldiers performing the task, the most terrifying thing about this technique is that it directly paralyzes all think tanks and brain commanders in one go.
In such a leaderless situation, it is almost impossible to prevent its large-scale counterattack force.
Look at the continuous input of troops here.
And a steady stream of unconscious warriorssoldier.
Front Wind shook his head in disappointment.
“Even the directors have been dealt with by me, so it’s just a gathering of this level of stuff?”
She is not a fool to fight against the entire Academy City by herself.
No matter how many soldiers are defeated, it doesn’t make much sense.
Just knock down the opponent’s leader organization.
The core of a large-scale force is not the peripheral soldiers, but the decision-making layer. It only needs to severely damage or wipe out the core decision-making layer to establish victory.
From the data, it is clear that Academy City is in charge of a group called the General Council.
She set her sights on these directors.
In her understanding, the overarching director should target the cardinal in the Roman Orthodox Church, and the chairman of the board should correspond to the Pope.
My main god is Kaguya
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