She had never seen this paladin in such a state of embarrassment, although there were not many scars on his body.
But it can be seen that it has been a struggle.
Moreover, she didn’t realize until she got closer.
St. Paul is more than a lame leg.
Almost half of his body was completely petrified into stone, unable to move at all.
This petrified curse, even paladins can’t cure it.
“Are you okay?” Liliana asked nervously.
Although he has a bad relationship with Erica, Paul is a respectable elder.
If the paladin’s petrification cannot be recovered, it can be said that the whole person is useless.
Seeing Liliana’s appearance, Paul smiled wryly.
“Using the God of Disobedience as an opponent, just paying this kind of price is already considered a profit.”
“By the way, did the king say what to do with this thing?”
As he spoke, he took out a transparent box from his pocket.
Inside the box is the Gorgon Stone mentioned earlier.
Liliana noticed that when St. Paul took out the magic tool, the goddess Athena behind her obviously stared, but for some reason she didn’t step forward to snatch it.
So, she directly took the artifact and said to Paul.
“The lord has already expected that this sacred tool will attract gods who do not obey, so he ordered that he keep it personally.”
Hearing this, St. Paul breathed a sigh of relief.
“That’s good. As a subordinate, I have saved this thing. Fortunately, I am not disgraceful.”
“Although it is said that if there are more than ten seconds, the ending may not be the same.”
In fact, if the opponent didn’t use all his strength, he wouldn’t be able to hang around for three minutes.
After all, the god of disobedience and the beast are not on the same level.
Chapter 481 Pet Goddess Athena
No matter how good a paladin is, at best it can only rival divine beasts. It is still too difficult to make it fight against the God of Disobedience.
Even Athena in an incomplete state can petrify Paul’s body just by looking at her.
If he hadn’t made an instant judgment and escaped the opponent’s sight, he would have turned into a stone sculpture on the spot…
Now, it’s hard to wait for Liliana to come over.
After Paul entrusted her with the Gorgon Stone, he spoke worriedly.
“Liliana, although you were awarded the title of paladin a few days ago, it is still impossible to fight that bodyguard. You must let Master Su Mo take action.”
Although he recognizes the current Liliana’s strength.
But he worried that the girl was too young and energetic.
If you want to make meritorious deeds, and rashly become an enemy of God.
What will be paid, may be life.
Regarding this concern, Liliana shook her head in a dignified manner.
“Don’t worry, I have notified the lord as soon as I noticed that the situation has changed.”
“So, as long as the master rushes over, it will be fine.”
She is not an idiot, although she really wants to show results, but matters involving gods can only be handled by godslayers, which is common sense in this world.
After realizing that the God of Disobedience had appeared, she notified Su Mo immediately.
Moreover, because Su Mo was told about the power from Veleslana, after the power of the Incarnation of Wind.
Liliana understood that as long as she called her lord’s name in times of crisis, Su Mo could arrive in time, so she didn’t look too panicked.
“Well, that would be great.”
Hearing this, St. Paul was relieved. With his current situation, it would be difficult to escape.
After Liliana put away the Gorgon Stone, she turned to look at the silver-haired loli goddess behind her, and asked with some doubts.
“Isn’t it because of this sacred tool that the imperial body attacked the headquarters of the Red Copper Black Cross?”
Although I have becomeShe became a paladin, but Liliana didn’t have much pride in facing the gods.
If the other party really needs the Stone of Gorgon.
Why didn’t he snatch it from his hand before?
She doesn’t think it’s a little thing to deal with that can’t be done to this extent.
Hear Liliana’s question.
The young goddess snorted softly. The goddess of wisdom, symbolized by an owl, naturally could not fail to see what she was thinking, nor could she not know that she could easily get the Gorgon Stone she asked for by taking the opportunity before.
“Disciple of Hermes, who do you think I am?”
“Mere human beings, when they meet a great goddess, they should bring up the concubine’s snake with both hands. Do you think you have the right to be robbed by the concubine?”
So declares the arrogant god of disobedience.
Her meaning is obvious, not to take the opportunity to snatch the Gorgon Stone, simply because it is unnecessary.
In her eyes, it doesn’t matter whether the Gorgon Stone is in the hands of St. Paul or Liliana.
It’s just a mere human being, how could it be possible to disobey the orders of the God of Disobedience.
“Okay, quickly dedicate it to the concubine, and then I have other questions to ask!”
It’s clearly just the posture of a young goddess.
The way he gave orders to Liliana has the arrogance of a god.
But this arrogance is justified.
Because people on the earth cannot disobey the God who does not obey.
The words of the gods are unquestionable orders for human beings.
This is the same whether it is an ordinary human being or a high-level magician.
Even the existence of the great knight level cannot defy the words of the gods.
Liliana couldn’t help being shaken by this bewitching voice for a moment.
But soon recovered.
If it was her before, she would definitely not be able to break free from the command of the God of Disobedience, and could only tremble.
But now, with Su Mo’s teaching, she has been promoted to a paladin, and she is no longer the same.
“Please forgive me for refusing! This artifact is something to be dedicated to my lord!”
The silver-haired knight Ji categorically rejected the order of the God of Disobedience.
The blue pupils full of personal will and the goddess with vertical pupils look at each other, although they are weak, they will never give in.
“You can actually ignore my concubine’s words…”
The young goddess Athena looked at Liliana in front of her with some surprise.
Belongs to (“: Book by:【F’lippe”d】,! Organized (!More’? New book link:’Department’.13′?4.’3″1”; 77478) in the eyesight of the goddess , and soon saw through her details.
“It turns out that the descendants of the ancestors of the gods do have good qualities.”
“Sure enough, are you the servant of the Rakshasa king here?”
If it’s just a witch with excellent qualifications, it’s nothing to Athena.
Even the strongest paladin of mankind is nothing more than an easy target for the God of Disobedience.
The point is, she has seen Liliana’s identity.
“I heard some people talking about it on the earth before. The Lord of the Rakshasa is different from the past. He is a fool with abnormal strength. Judging from the quality of his servants, it seems that he is indeed good.”
Only the God of Disobedience and the Godslayer can make the God of Disobedience care.
Athena actually had no interest in Liliana.
What she cared about was Su Mo behind Liliana.
According to the news she had heard, the godslayers here were abnormal even among all the godslayers.
This piqued her interest.
“That’s right, this country is exactly the territory of my lord, Lord Su Mo.”
Liliana admitted her identity upright, and then announced.
“This sacred tool is also the property of my lord. If the goddess wants to get this thing, please send a request to Lord Su Mo in person.”
Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Athena’s mouth.
“The concubine does not refuse to fight the godslayer. This is the fate of being a god who does not obey.”
“However, before the battle begins, if I can’t return to my prime, it will be very difficult for my concubine.”
Saying that, without warning, a pitch-black scythe cut down Liliana’s back.
The sound of metal clashing sounded.
Liliana, who had been on guard for a long time, was not attacked by surprise.
“Does Yushen not hesitate to make such a sneak attack for the sake of the gods?”
The silver sword girl accused loudly, and at the same time mobilized the magic power in her body, ready to fight.
My main god is Kaguya
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