“So, before I officially lose, I want to know your name!”
She looked at Su Mo with burning eyes.
It was an overly fiery look without any personal affection in it.
If it is said that before, Athena only regarded the opponent as a powerful enemy, who was not much different from other godslayers.
So now (beae), this young goddess has Su Mo in her heart.
She has seen many people who can kill gods.
But she has only seen this one person who can usurp or even tamper with the power of God.
If the other godslayers are just like monkeys wielding iron rods, waving their weapons roughly without knowing the reason.
So Su Mo’s actions represent that he has really fully grasped the power of God, and can even use and transform it further.
This is a symbol of wisdom and the type most admired by the goddess of wisdom.
“My name is Su Mo.”
He reported his name without hesitation.
“Su Mo… I remember it. My name is Athena! Lord Rakshasa, you have to remember my name too!”
The silver-haired young girl puffed out her chest, performing belated battlefield etiquette.
“it is good.”
It is the etiquette of soldiers to announce their names before fighting on the battlefield.
Su Mo nodded without hesitation.
Then, after glancing at Athena, who was already in the state of the god ancestor, he said.
“Since you are still reporting your name, that means you have no plans to admit defeat yet?”
Needless to say, the battle between the ancestors and the godslayers has an ending.
“It’s not the style of Goddess of Wisdom to resist in such a situation.”
For Su Mo who pointed this out.
Athena just put on a resolute expression of “do I need to say this?”
“Now I am no longer the goddess of wisdom, but a simple warrior.”
“And the so-called fighting is to hold the last stone tightly and throw it at the enemy when only one hand is left to move.”
“Admitting defeat just because of a disadvantage in strength? That would be too ridiculous and generous!”
The young goddess showed a ferocious smile like a warrior.
(This;! The book is organized by “;【?!F’l;i'”p;’pe:d】 ?.) “The ancestors of the gods also have the fighting style of the ancestors of the gods. I don’t intend to admit defeat until I completely lose my weapon!”
Her aura is obvious, even if she fights to the last drop of blood, and has her last breath, she intends to fight to the end regardless of her current strength.
In terms of courage alone, he is indeed worthy of the name of God of War.
It seems that the Ares God of War position was not unjustly lost.
After realizing her unfavorable situation, Athena immediately summoned the beast again.
Even though he is no longer a god, as a god ancestor, summoning a god beast is just a basic skill.
Naturally, Athena also knew that the beasts were no match for the Godslayer in front of her.
The reason why she did this was just to delay the time.
As the goddess of wisdom, even if she becomes a god ancestor, it is not impossible for her to break the situation.
Now she can no longer use the power of the God of Disobedience, but she can still use her own wisdom.
Just like the war god Veleslana of Zoroastrianism.
The knowledge in her mind is also enough for her to forge a secret sword capable of obliterating a godslayer.
It is the secret record of the Goddess of Akatsuki.
It is the black sword that symbolizes the ultimate power of the Mother Goddess.
Because it is purely compiled by wisdom, it can also be used in the body of a god ancestor.
And as long as it can be delayed enough time to complete that trick.
It can turn the tide of battle in an instant.
With this calculation in mind, she quickly retreated.
At the same time, he summoned the nine-headed dragon snake to stop him in front of him to help him gain time.
She made such calculations.
Obviously, she still didn’t realize that there was a difference in strength between her and Su Mo.
After hearing Athena’s speech.Su Mo also nodded in approval.
“That’s right, a victory that is too light is not conducive to subsequent management.”
“It is indeed difficult to establish authority without showing irrefutable strength.”
Having said that, Su Mo did not do anything special.
I just closed my eyes, then opened them suddenly!
Athena just felt a biting chill.
Thinking is instantly frozen.
In an instant…
The invisible fluctuations spread in an instant.
The sky and the earth suddenly turned into the color of white snow.
Liliana on the side stood there in a daze.
She saw nothing but a flash of crystal green light.
Then, everything in the world is white!
Whether it’s the ferocious beast with teeth and claws, the huge building nearby, or the surging river not far away.
As far as the eye can see, even the huge relics like the Colosseum in Rome, only in an instant, turned into white salt sculptures.
Everything in the world has turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.
Among them, Athena, who fell into the ancestor of God, was naturally included.
Everything in front of them turned into pure white statues.
The miracle of God’s destruction of Sodom is completely reproduced at this moment.
Looking at the scene in front of her, Liliana couldn’t dare to breathe loudly.
I’m afraid that if I breathe heavily, these salt sculptures will drift away with the wind.
And behind her, the wounded St. Paul was horrified when he saw the scene in front of him.
With just one glance, everything within the line of sight is instantly turned into salt sculptures.
He had seen this power before in the Marquis of Vauban.
But the power gap between the two is simply a world of difference.
He was still able to dodge the “Pupil of Sodom” of the Marquis of Vauban.
But Su Mo’s force of instant forced transformation without giving any reaction time, even if he is a paladin, he is completely powerless.
He even suspected that even if the Marquis of Vauban was here, he wouldn’t be able to take a look at Su Mo.
In fact, it is true.
With Su Mo’s current strength, even Athena in her heyday would be salted.
The scene in front of him is just that he has mobilized a little more mana power, and it is not the result of his full strength.
After salting everything in front of him.
Under St. Paul’s awe-inspiring gaze, Su Mo walked slowly towards Athena.
Then, he undid the salinization of the silver-haired young girl’s head, allowing her frozen mind to resume functioning.
Athena, who finally recovered her mind, turned her head to look at the nearby scene, and immediately understood what happened just now.
Without any reaction, he was directly defeated.
She wanted to say something, but was speechless for a long time.
Only at the end did he sigh.
“Are you really human?”
Looking at Su Mo in front of her, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, asked the biggest confusion in her life.
Chapter 486
She was declared not to be a god by Su Mo just now, but now she says “you are not human”. It will inevitably make people feel that this is revenge.
But in fact, this is Athena’s sincerity.
If it is said that the previous demonization technique showed Su Mo’s non-human wisdom.
So the current Demon Eye of Salt is showing the strength of Su Mo that is not human, even surpassing the level of gods.
In an instant, all the beasts and ancestors were turned into salt sculptures, and he didn’t even have the slightest ability to resist.
Even if the other party is a godslayer and has the power of gods, it is a bit outrageous.
At least Athena thought about it.
The petrified magic eye she owns can never achieve this level…
If her divine power was increased tenfold, she might be able to reach this point, but this is also impossible.
My main god is Kaguya
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