“Wait, where am I now?!”
Although she also has the power to move at high speed.
But this is the Pacific Ocean after all.
If you can’t find the right direction, if you run out rashly, you may go the wrong way.
If you go in the opposite direction and go to the island country in the far east, that’s not bad.
If it yaws and runs to the direction of the South Pole, it will be miserable.
There are no islands to rest there.
Even with the strength of her feet, she couldn’t sustain such a long time of high-speed action!
Fortunately, she is also a scholar, not a fool like Tony, who finally remembered that there was radio communication on the ship.
Only then did I figure out the direction and was able to return to California smoothly.

On Su Mo’s side, naturally, he did not expect that Annie would encounter such a situation.
How could a godslayer be trapped by such a thing?
Su Mo, who thought in this way, obviously forgot that not all godslayers possessed as many powers as he did.
The white horse incarnation from the Zoroastrian god Veleslana, and the solar power of Mithras.
Let Su Mo never lose his way.
No matter where you are, even if it is a dark night, even the starry sky is 157 dim.
As long as there is such a thing as the sun in that world.
Su Mo must be able to know the exact direction to the east.
After successfully capturing Anshela.
He immediately arranged for Erica, and sent a notice to Fuso’s magic world of his coming.
Su Mo has a certain impression of Fusang’s magic world.
This is a magic world that has not been beaten by the Marquis of Vauban.
Therefore, their attitude towards the godslayer is very intriguing.
The protagonist Kusanagi S Godou in the original book was basically played around by their magic association.
Not only did they not show their surrender to the godslayer like the frightened magic associations in Europe.
He even tried to interfere with the godslayer’s behavior through curved actions.
He completely regarded Kusanagi S Godou as a tool, and only came to ask him when there was danger.
Although their actions did not cause much harm to the protagonist.
But for this kind of organization that doesn’t know where he is, Su Mo doesn’t like it.
This time the notice was given to them, in addition to deterring, it was also for the sake of being famous.
If Su Mo concealed his identity and went there, the other party would still be able to explain how he was treated.
But if the godslayer made it clear that he was going to parade there, if they still made offensive actions, then they would have committed their own crimes.
Although Su Mo hated the magic association over there.
But it doesn’t have to changemake them.
If they can obediently obey orders, that’s all.
After all, for him, a mere magic association is far less important than studying the law of the covenant.
Just as Su Mo thought.
His order directly caused panic in the entire Fusang magic world.
Because of the reason why Sun Wukong, the hero of steel, was imprisoned here through the spell, there has never been a godslayer born in Fusang, nor has there been a rebellion by the god of disobedience.
Therefore, apart from the martial arts king Luo Hao, there really were no godslayers who would go to their remote place.
And even the martial arts king Luo Hao.
They didn’t come with such a big fanfare.
This makes them momentarily do not know how to receive.
When the Official History Compilation Committee was in a mess, Susano’s order came from You Shi’s Mrs. Yu.
“Do your best to entertain the King of Rakshasa, and don’t neglect in the slightest.”
This gave everyone a backbone.
Susanoo is a disobedient god who wandered on this land thousands of years ago.
However, unlike other disobedient gods, Susanoo did not choose to return to mythology, nor did he fight the godslayer.
He claimed to have graduated from the God of Disobedience, and hid directly in the nether world.
For thousands of years, it has been secretly manipulating this country.
It can be said that he is the behind-the-scenes controller of the magic world in this country.
It is also the confidence that the magic world of this country dares to reach out to the godslayer.
Now, since the god of disobedience has been persuaded, the other members of the (beae) magic association naturally have no plans to resist.
They started to make full preparations one after another, resolutely not to leave this vicious Demon King with a chance to attack.
Food, wine, beauties…
Everything they think can be used is prepared in large quantities.
Among them, Wanli Guli, as the highest-ranking miko and the girl with the most outstanding appearance, was naturally selected as an accompanying guest.
Don’t look at what they prepared seems to be sincere.
In fact, what everyone in the entire Fusang magic world is thinking about is to find out the purpose of the godslayer’s visit and find an opportunity to send him away.
They have the Hero of Steel God and Susanoo.
A stable life can be maintained without the intervention of the Godslayer.
In their opinion, the best situation is that Su Mo is just here for tourism.
Play around and go around.
Unfortunately, however.
Murphy’s Law tells them that sometimes the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.
They haven’t waited for them to sit down and prepare for Su Mo’s arrival.
From the headquarters, the Red Copper Black Cross Magic Association under the command of the God Slayer received an order from the Demon King.
“Prepare the shrine maiden of calamity and the sword that weakens Shiki, and the king will receive you all at Xitian Palace. ”
He wants to restore the ape god to godhood.
The three necessary conditions are the priestess of the evil spirit, the sword that weakens the “shiki”, and the appearance of the dragon and snake godhead.
Su Mo only wanted to capture Anshela.
Mainly to meet the last condition.
As for the first two conditions, the Fusang Magic World already had ready-made targets.
The moment Su Mo asked, the entire Fusang magic world knew about it.
Su Mo came here for the ape god who was sealed in Xitian Palace.
Moreover, it is not a sudden interest, but a well-prepared one.
Suddenly, the entire Fusang magic circle panicked.
Not to mention the ape god, he himself has the mission of conquering dragons and snakes.
Even without discussing this.
Let a godslayer come to his house and start a war with the God of Disobedience.
Just the aftermath of the battle is enough to cause sky-high losses.
Of course, since Su Mo himself killed the gods, he has almost never caused natural disasters, and he can be said to be the clear stream among the godslayers.
But this kind of risk, no one wants to take.
Under the entanglement of everyone, the time limit is approaching every minute and every second.
Finally, an exclusive plane drove directly from Rome to Xitian Temple in Fusang without hindrance.
And, it landed on the runway temporarily opened by Xitian Palace.
“It turns out that this is what it feels like to fly a plane!”
Along the way, Su Mo, who was in control of the supersonic plane by himself, showed a look of unfinished business.
“Master, please forgive me, you are not flying a plane.”
Liliana behind her covered her face and complained.
Chapter 501: The Assassinated Girl Qingqiuin Huina
Both Liliana and Erica have mastered the driving skills. But no matter how you look at it, Su Mo’s previous method of flying a plane was not a serious method.
Sitting in the captain’s seat, he directly issued instructions to various instruments of the aircraft in words, without using hands at all.
The technology in their world has not yet developed to such a degree…
What Su Mo used was the power of the gods.
My main god is Kaguya
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