After becoming the Holy Annihilator, he quickly defeated Qingqiuin Huina, who was not proficient in the art of summoning the gods.
But after the defeat, QingHuina Qiuyuan did not lose her fighting power.
On the contrary, the sword of Amacongyun, which she had been relying on to control, began to erode her body in turn.
“Oops, the Sword of Amacongyun has gone berserk!” Erica shouted with a very realistic expression.
These words caught everyone’s attention.
Of course, it would be even better if the smirk in her tone could be concealed.
The sword of Amacongyun, who ran away, directly revealed his huge real body.
The fifty-meter-high blade turned into a steel giant, chasing Erica non-stop.
And she who was being pursued by this huge enemy.
But while jumping away neatly, he deliberately ran towards the crowd.
“Ah, what a powerful sword!”
“Everyone, avoid it!”
“Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to!”
Erica’s face was filled with a smile like a mother fox, and she smoothly guided the runaway iron giant to a crowded place.
On the one hand, he apologized without sincerity, and on the other hand, it was the sword of Amacongyun who induced him to go berserk.
Let Qingqiuyuan Huina, the “knife” prepared by them, directly stab back at themselves.
Fusang’s high-level magicians were full of resentment, but they also had to suffer from this dumb loss and fled around in embarrassment.
But how could they be the opponents of the runaway Tian Congyun.
All of a sudden, Tian Congyun beat him to pieces and broke his army.
It is very good to understand, what is the power of artifacts.
This is probably what it means to be self-inflicted! .
Chapter 504 Don’t Panic, It’s Not a Big Problem
Anyone who saw the smile on Erica’s face and noticed her movements would know it. This paladin clearly has the ability to stop Ama Congyun from rampaging.
But deliberately did not do so.
Instead, the steel giant was allowed to attack the magician present.
Although they wanted to condemn this kind of behavior, everyone knew that it was themselves who made the first temptation.
Erica just gave them back gifts to the same extent, without finding fault at all.
Just like the godslayers, they will not expose their tricks.
There was absolutely no way for them to accuse Erica of deliberately retaliating against them.
After all, nominally speaking, it was their negligence to include the “assassin” Qing Qiuyuan Hui Na.
And even if Erica is a paladin.
If you want to fight the Excalibur, wouldn’t it be reasonable to pay a certain sacrifice?
in this case.
The high-ranking members of the magic world in Fusang all suffered the ravages of the Excalibur once.
They finally realized from reality how powerful the gods really are.
And this is just a small part of the divine power borrowed.
Under the blow of reality, they finally regained their awe of the God of Disobedience and the Godslayer.
But it’s not over.
The sword of Tian Congyun is still causing a new round of casualties.
Finally, when all the magicians have exhausted their strength, they can only close their eyes and wait for death.
Saya Gongxin stood up and knelt down in front of Erica who hadn’t played enough.
“Lord Saint Erica, these idiots have already learned enough lessons, please raise your hand and stop this fierce sword!”
Saya Gongxin is not stupid, she saw that Erica did this on purpose, and wanted to teach these high-level executives who like to make small moves.
So I kept silent.
It wasn’t until everyone was tamed and she guessed that Erica’s goal had been achieved, that she stood up and asked Erica to stop.
“If the whole army of Fusang’s magic circle is wiped out, they won’t be able to serve the king wholeheartedly.” She said in a very humble manner.
Erica stopped immediately when she saw someone standing up.
Shaye Gongxin guessed right, she did it on purpose.
As Su Mo’s subordinate, Erica is the most politically skilled and has been in charge of dealing with various magic associations.
This little trick in the Fusang magic world can be seen through at once.
So, with Su Mo’s tacit consent, she just followed suit.
Using Tian Congyun’s power, beat them well.
Since it was a beating, the purpose was naturally not to destroy Fusang’s magic world.
So, when she saw someone handing out the steps, she followed suit.
“The consequences of offending the king are very serious-!” Erica said pointedly.
“If you are obedient and obedient, your luck will not be so bad… If you want the king to protect you, words alone are not enough.”
This is very straightforward.
If you know you’re wrong, just admit it.
If an apology is useful, why call the police? !
Since he wanted her to stop, he had to pay a sufficient price.
And Saya Gongxin immediately understood what she meant.
After taking a look at the four masters who have been petrified, as well as the high-level leaders who have completely lost consciousness.
She found that she was the only high-level person in Fusang’s magic world who could talk at the moment.
So, ruthless, she nodded.
“We and the four major families enshrine several kinds of divine tools, but unfortunately we are too dull to display the power of the divine tools.”
“Instead of leaving these items in the dust, it is better to entrust them to Su Momian to make the best use of them, so as to express our loyalty.”
Since it is necessary to cut flesh and bloodletting, naturally it cannot be just a family.
Saya Gongxin directly brought in other families and made a promise to Erica.
The Fuso magic association, which has been very closed for a long time, has quite a lot of sacred tools preserved.
According to legend, the magic weapon used by Izanaki and Izanami to build the island, the Amanuma Spear.
According to legend, the sword bestowed by the god of war, Jian Yu Lei Shen, Budu Yuhun.
Legend has it that Susanoo’s sword, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, was used to slash through big snakes.
Boy cut Anzuna, spider cut…
These artifacts are either sealed or protectedSave, basically have retained.
These things are basically the greatest heritage of these family collections.
To offer all of them at this moment, Shaye Gongxin’s heart is almost bleeding.
But circumstances are stronger than people.
If they don’t show sincerity at this time, then they don’t necessarily have a future.
Seeing her being so upbeat.
Erica nodded in satisfaction.
“Isn’t that easy to talk about? I thought you guys would only play tricks!”
after getting the desired result.
She no longer ran around, but turned back directly, and had a head-on collision with Tian Congyun’s sword.
Tian Congyun’s current state is roughly equivalent to a demigod, that is, a kind of divine beast.
For Erica, who is the incarnation of the Holy Annihilator, they are opponents of the same level, and it is reasonable to say that they are evenly matched.
However, Qingqiuyuan Huina, who lost her mind, did not pose much threat.
After only a few minutes of confrontation.
Erica pinpointed a flaw.
Flying directly into the sky, he rescued Qingqiu Yuan Huina from the hilt of the steel giant-like Amacongyun sword.
The object of possession is lost.
Tiancongyunjian naturally lost its power.
The tall figure disappeared immediately, and turned into the original appearance of an ordinary long knife.
Qingqiuyuan Huina, who was already in a coma, was also held in Erika’s arms.
She hugged this woman who claimed to be a concubine, and was about to go back to Su Mo to pay her respects.
only to find out…
Liliana, Athena, and Anshela were no longer surrounded by Su Mo.
“Where did the lord go?” Erika asked Liliana after she put Huina down.
My main god is Kaguya
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