It would be a little irrational to face head-to-head with one hundred thousand angels.
“Don’t be afraid, trust Su Mo!”
Canary took the little black rabbit’s hand and comforted the little girl.
The expression on her face was not so worried about Su Mo.
On the contrary, although she was very puzzled by the actions of the Christianity, she never doubted the outcome of this conflict…
“If you’ve seen the scene of him fighting King Asura, you may know that Su Mo will never lose to a guy of this level!”
Advantage in numbers?
That would be too ridiculous.
Everyone in the world knows that Su Mo defeated King Asura alone, but few people noticed that while Su Mo was facing King Asura, he was also facing the entire clan of Asura!
Even though the number of Asuras is not as large as the angels in front of them.
But for an opponent of this level, Canary didn’t think it would cause any trouble to Su Mo.
Besides, she was also curious.
What Su Mo said before—what was the gift that was supposed to be given to King Asura.
It shouldn’t be referring to Bahram’s golden sword, she has seen this power a long time ago.
And on the battlefield.
After the dazzling light disappeared, the crimson lightning storm had completely disappeared.
Only the sea of ​​golden sword blades remained, and it continued to shoot towards the sky.
This is also a matter of course.
If it is the lightning formed by the talent of phantom beasts and the like, it will be fine.
Welleslana’s golden sword will also consume mana.
But if it is thunder and lightning driven by the godhead, it is considered to be restrained by the sky.
This is the sword of killing gods!
The densely packed golden swords shot at the angel in the sky with a power beyond the third cosmic speed level.
These militant angels instinctively tried to dodge.
But because the station is too dense, it is impossible to avoid it.
In the blink of an eye, more than half of the 100,000 angel army was pierced by the golden sword.
Some unlucky angels even had dozens of swords in their bodies.
Like a pheasant shot by a sharp arrow, it flopped and fell to the ground.
However, most angels can still rely on their wings to maintain the ability to fly.
Because, Su Mo didn’t emphasize the lethality this time, but just sealed the godheads of the angels with a golden sword.
Of course, this is by no means showing mercy.
“It’s rare that I gave gifts to the distinguished guest who just came to the door. This distinguished guest has not shown his face until now?”
Su Mo looked at the angels gathered together with fluttering wings, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
“Uriel, the fire of hell, is too evasive, it shouldn’t be the style of an angry angel like you!”.
Chapter 558: Royal Son of Heaven
The Angel Legion under his command was almost wiped out. With their godheads sealed, they can’t do anything.
At this time, Uriel, who was behind the scenes, had to stand up.
The angels that were originally covering the sky over Arcadia were surrounded by Uriel at this moment.
After their godheads were sealed, they didn’t even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder and could only wait for recovery.
Naturally, Uriel didn’t care about these props that had become scrap iron.
An angel with the appearance of hell is suspended in the sky, and behind him are all angels with golden swords.
Although the military capacity is still intactSu, but with this posture, even the little black rabbit will no longer be afraid.
“Archangel Uriel!”
Seeing the opponent’s leader appear, Canary finally has something to use.
However, she was not in a hurry to ask the other party’s plan, but frowned and observed the movement of the space around him.
Then, he spoke in a determined tone.
“Sure enough, you didn’t go through the mechanism of Renlitian descending from the sky to become a human being, and you directly appeared with a three-digit spiritual power. Doing so will cause irreversible harm to Little Garden!”
“You are blatantly violating the rules established by the gods and openly challenging the heavenly army!”
“No matter what, we must surround our Arcadia 14.”
“What the hell are you trying to do?!”
Canary couldn’t understand Uriel’s strange behavior.
Generally speaking, three-digit numbers and four-digit numbers and below are completely different existences.
The existence of the Almighty Domain itself can affect the entire world.
Even in the Hakoniwa world created by the gods.
The three-digit level exists, even if it doesn’t do anything, just the spirit itself will endanger the world.
If it is in another original world.
Even the spiritual power limited by the paradox of omnipotence belongs to a scale that the world cannot accommodate.
Even if an existence at the level of the Almighty Domain does nothing, it may directly explode the entire universe.
Therefore, Ren Litian, which is guarded by the Moon Rabbit Clan, was specially set up.
It is used to transform the “star body” that exists at the three-digit level into a “material body”, reducing the impact of the three-digit level spirituality on the world.
Because it is a rule for the healthy development of Hakoniwa.
Therefore, even the heavenly army must abide by it.
Di Shitian, who protects the Dharma for twelve days, also descended to heaven more than once to become a human being.
And looking at Uriel’s overwhelming spiritual form, it was obvious that he hadn’t gone through this ritual.
There is no doubt that this is something against the rules.
Even Christianity cannot tolerate such bad behavior.
It is certainly impossible for other gods to agree.
After thinking of this, Canary was very puzzled about Uriel’s purpose.
Is there anything worthy of this Archangel breaking the rules, abandoning his honor, and coming to surround the entire Arcadia? !
Hear Canary Questions.
Uriel, whose wings were entwined with thunder and flames, frowned and said.
“I’m just here to punish sinners!”
Judging from this posture, it seems that there is no plan to discuss it in detail.
Uriel didn’t finish his sentence.
Su Mo’s words had already sounded.
“There is no one you can punish here, I suggest you cut yourself first!”
The two looked at each other.
Uriel, who was originally from the Fighting School, naturally understood what Su Mo meant.
Words like words are useless, and the truth can only be seen in the hands. And as it happens, he’s not the type who likes to talk nonsense.
“It’s just defeating a waste of the level of King Asura, so you feel that three digits are nothing more than that, really–arrogance!”
Uriel holds a flaming sword in one hand and a scale that symbolizes fairness in the other.
The flaming sword symbolizes his duty to guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
The scales of justice symbolize the power of judgment and condemnation that he wields.
With just one word, he convicted Su Mo of arrogance.
This is not a meaningless mouth-to-mouth, but to activate the power of convicting oneself and to confirm one’s position of judgment above the sinner.
Moreover, his words were not lies.
Although King Asura’s spiritual status can be traced back to Ahura, the source of goodness of Zoroastrianism, his spiritual status has actually been degraded after his fall.
King Ashura couldn’t use the spiritual inheritance of the Ahura period at all.
Although on the scale of Linguistics, all three digits are equal.
But King Asura’s strength is not weaker than ordinary gods, but he can only be regarded as the bottom of the three-digit battle specialization.
As for Uriel, the power of his spiritual status is not lost to the main gods of other gods.
And seeing Uriel full of fighting spirit and fully armed.
Su Mo didn’t intend to be too vigilant.
He just snapped his fingers.
“Who is the arrogant party, let’s talk about it after accepting this gift!”
Hearing this, Uriel immediately became alert.
Although he belittled the fighting power of King Asura and Su Mo, he actually knew that the King Asura in the normal state was different from the King Asura in the state of the Demon King.
The Asura Demon King who can liberate all spiritual powers is by no means inferior to himself.
Therefore, after realizing that Su Mo was about to attack, he immediately clenched his weapon tightly and stared at Su Mo, guarding against his attack.
My main god is Kaguya
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