“Now you should recognize the reality, can you have a good talk?”
He said without any fluctuation in his tone.
“.-As the archangel of the Christian religion, he hastily led the angel legion to attack the headquarters of the stratum ruler, and also violated the rule that the three-digit lower bound must descend to heaven and become a human being.”
“You who have made so many mistakes, even if you are directly beheaded by me, you will not arouse any sympathy.”
“Not only that, but you Christianity will also be implicated in this, and you need to apologize to our community.”
“You don’t hesitate to belittle the glory of your own gods, but you also want to attack us Arcadia. What do you want to do?” Su Mo asked bluntly.
If it is said that Uriel went through the formal process and sealed the Lingge in the lower realm, there may be room for controversy in this incident.
However, he secretly descended to the realm without descending into heaven, and brought so many armed angels with him.
This series of behaviors added together can’t be washed away.
Hearing Su Mo’s questioning, the expression of the Hell Angel in front of him did not change at all, as if he didn’t care about the glory of the gods at all.
He just slowly raised his head, looked at Su Mo carefully, and asked a very weird question (De Qian Zhao).
“My son of heaven, as a human being, why don’t you accept the judgment of the gods?”
Hearing this, Su Mo couldn’t help laughing.
“Why don’t you recognize the reality, Lord God? It’s you who is being judged by humans now!”
Su Mo said in a mocking tone.
Hearing Su Mo’s taunt, Uriel closed his eyes and fell silent.
After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, and the expression on his face became regretful and determined.
“Sure enough, the Lord is right, you are our enemy!”
As soon as the words fell, his spirit grid immediately swelled up, and Uriel, the fire of hell, entered the battle mode.
“Lord! Protect me! Jesus Christ protect me! My great enemy is at hand!”
With the sonorous declaration, Uriel’s wings radiated glory again, and the flaming sword burned even hotter.
No more words planned.
Uriel flapped his wings, and like a ray of light, he attacked the enemy in front of him.
Chapter 560 Inheritance of World Extermination Level
After obtaining the protection of the Son of God. Uriel showed extraordinary fighting spirit.
Although among the four archangels, it is not a very famous one.
But he is both a seraph and a cherub, and he also has the titles of God’s Light and God’s Flame.
The grace he received is definitely not inferior to other imperial angels.
“O Son of Heaven, before the Lord, I will cut off your life here!”
Uriel, who shouted wildly, directly attracted the great flood with the inheritance of destroying the world.
According to legend, when God felt that the human world was too dirty, he planned to clean the world.
It was Uriel who warned Noah, the only one who survived.
Thus, he gained the power to summon the Deluge.
“Are all your angels so polite? Even when you are fighting desperately, you will not forget your honorific title?”
Regarding Uriel’s all-out fight, Su Mo took them one by one with great ease.
Speaking of martial arts, Su Mo has already reached the level of God’s Domain.
Even if Uriel wields the flame sword, he can only gain the upper hand in front of him.
And the world-destroying flood in front of him could not fully demonstrate its power in front of Su 187 Mo.
“I am the Lord of Tianhe, and I will show the North Star in the name of Marshal Zhenjun, Grand Master of Nine Heavens Shangfu Lingkui Hanyuan Taixu Canopydu!”
Accompanied by the awakening of the power of words, the spirit falls.
The power “Lord of Tianhe” who usurped the self-reliant pig Wuneng became the power to control Tianhe after the spiritual status correction of Hakoniwa Center.
at the same time.
“The general of the rolling curtain flexibly commanded the water army to expel all the evil spirits and monsters. He summoned the dragon to rain!”
Usurped from the power of Shensha River God Sha Wujing.
Further strengthen the power of water control.
“A thousand dragons, a thousand snakes, now gather to form a blade!”
The knowledge mastered by Athena from the disobedient, and the ability to create a black blade comparable to the divine sword of salvation, were also chanted by Su Mo.
In this case, the front end of the most powerful flood of the sky-high flood has been turned into thousands of dragon snakes by Su Mo.
These dragon snakes all obey Su Mo’s command.
Gradually converged and compressed, forming a dark core like an earth-exploding star.
The star like a black hole is constantly absorbing the flood of annihilation, and its size is also increasing.
The great flood with the inheritance of destroying the world was directly blocked.
However, even if so many powers are used together.
At best, it can only be blocked for a period of time.
After all, the Great Flood with the inheritance of destroying the world is a trick that even the existence of three-digit level can hardly block.
With the help of the power corresponding to the resistance, the resistance can only be increased by tens of seconds at most.
But for Su Mo, this time is enough.
He who used the power of the realm, after a short battle.
Using the technique of shrinking the ground, he came directly behind Uriel.
The golden sword in his hand has been imbued with Uriel’s speech spirit.
As long as it stabs the body of this angel, its godhead can be directly sealed.
For someone as pure as Uriel, this is enough to defeat him.
So, face this ensuing crisis.
Uriel didn’t even think about it, he turned his head quickly, and he didn’t have time to defend, so he directly blocked it with the scale of justice.
However, what he didn’t expect was.
What greeted him was not Bahram’s sword of wisdom.
It was Su Mo’s crystal green pupils.
“When Sodom was destroyed in the past, the angel warned you not to turn back!”
Under the spirit of Su Mo’s recitation.
The pupil of Sodom shone with a strange light.
As if the scene in the myth reappeared, those who did not listen to the advice turned directly into pillars of salt.
Only this time, it was not Lot’s wife who turned into salt, but the angel Uriel.
With Su Mo’s current spiritual status.
Even (beae) the pupil of Sodom has been greatly blessed because of the reappearance of the inheritance.
But after all, it is impossible to really restrain Uriel.
Archangel Uriel was only salted for less than a second.
However, it is less than a second.
That’s enough to seal the victory.
The helicopter number is enough for Su Mo.
The golden blade pierced Uriel’s chest, completely ending the life of the Archangel.
Because there is no incarnation of the devil.
Uriel’s body dissipated like a golden spot of light.
At the same time, Su Mo felt that under the judgment of Hakoniwa Center, the gift of “God Slayer” was activated, and he obtained Uriel’s godhood and part of his spirit.

After the crusade against Uriel, the Great Flood of the Extinct Inheritance was unsustainable and dissipated directly.
However, Arcadia’s resident has long been completely destroyed by this world-destroying flood.
Fortunately, people are fine.
With Cangyan demon Vera staying naturally, Heitu and the others had already left through the realm shift when they sensed the danger.
After contacting Su Mo and confirming that the battle is over.
They were able to come back.
Facing the garrison that had been destroyed, everyone didn’t feel distressed.
It can be rebuilt anytime, as long as there are people.
However, regarding the reasons for this battle (this book?? by [“:Fli,pp”;ed]. ?;), everyone is still puzzled.
Even though the battle was over, Canary still didn’t understand the purpose of the Archangel.
“Although they came to the door aggressively and put on a posture of trying to destroy the door, but no matter how you look at them, their behavior is too weird!”
Not to mention, in the face of Su Mo, a young hero who once defeated a three-digit level demon king, is it not enough to just send out the lineup in front of him.
Even if Uriel is conceited of his own strength, he thinks he can easily deal with Su Mo.
But there is still the biggest doubt.
My main god is Kaguya
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