Even if the three of them are in their own world, they are actually invincible. However, power is never too much.
Not to mention, the “Spell of God’s Wrath.” was the last remaining piece of the puzzle among the four spells of God’s Right Seat.
Even if it’s for their own collecting addiction, it’s impossible for them to let Su Mo of the Forbidden World just leave.
Hugged by three Su Mo.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World was not surprised.
The corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked at the three people speechlessly.
“I know you are all this kind of stuff.”
He let out a helpless sigh.
On the other side, Su Mo, who had witnessed everything in Hakoniwa World, covered his face with one hand and said.
“I don’t want to admit that I’m the same guy as these guys.”
And after hearing this.
Su Mo from the Forbidden World also cast a speechless look at Su Mo from the Little Garden World.
“Are you qualified to say that?”
He lowered his head slightly, and glanced at Su Mo’s other hand on his shoulder.
Long before other Su Mo hugged his thigh.
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World has already started.
As expected of the same person.
All actions are the same.
“Hahaha, don’t pay attention to these details.”
Su Mo from Little Garden World smiled indifferently, and then moved his hand away.
He felt the extra knowledge in his mind, which was the proof that the “Spell of God’s Wrath” had been woven.
After the others finished sharing, they also let go of their hands.
After the fun, everyone continued to communicate.
Su Mo of Godslayer World said seriously.
“The Christianity in Hakoniwa World, although it is not a big threat at present.”
“But if the story of the original novel continues, Arcadia will sooner or later become a thorn in the side of the gods, and one day Su Mo in Hakogari World will face millions of gods.”
…seeking flowers 0…
“So, we can’t keep fishing here, we still need to accumulate more strength.”
Due to the characteristics of Hakoba Central.
Even Su Mo, who is in the ordinary world, may obtain a huge spiritual status because of participating in the historical transformation period.
Therefore, as long as Su Mo in other worlds does not fish, it is not difficult to accumulate strength.
Su Mo of Tiga World nodded.
“After all, the enemy is a group of millions of gods. It is not safe enough to simply consider the power to the right level.”
“As the strongest species that dominates the era and concepts, the gods don’t know what kind of trump card they are hiding. To be on the safe side, it’s best to have a relatively surplus power on our side.”
Although not so cautious to cannon to fight mosquitoes.
… 0 …
But backup options must still be available.
Otherwise, if something happens, although it won’t sit still, but if you want to save it, you will have to pay a high price.
“Indeed, noHowever, I still have to rely on you in this regard, and there is no opportunity for me to become stronger for the time being. ”
Su Mo of Xingyue World agrees with them.
However, based on the timeline he is in now, he has already obtained the third method, and there are not many ways to become stronger.
The perpetual machine’s spiritual power is indeed very strong, even in Hakoniwa World, it is also a kind of hole card.
But in terms of versatility, it is still not as good as other magic like the second method.
Otherwise, he would have traveled through the parallel world long ago, or gone to the Age of Gods.
Hearing what he said, Su Mo in other worlds didn’t care.
“The continuous development of the third method still depends on you. As for other aspects, leave it to us!” Su Mo from the Godslayer World patted his chest and said.
The preparations that should be done on his side have been completed, and the next step is to harvest the godslayer and the king of the end.
These aspects are somewhat helpful to Su Mo in Hakoniwa World.
“Well, everyone just do their best, there is no need to be under any pressure.”
Su Mo of Hakoniwa World said in a relaxed tone.
“Anyway, even if I’m facing an enemy that I really can’t win, I can run back to the mist space directly, and go back after you become Shilipo Sword God. In fact, there is no danger.”
With the foggy space as a temporary shelter, no matter how dangerous the situation is, there will always be a glimmer of life.
So he wasn’t too worried. Four.
Chapter 572: Calling the Goddess of Stupidity
After discussing about the countermeasures. The people in the foggy space disbanded.
Su Mo of Xingyue World also returned to his own world.
Facts have proved that things that people generally think will never happen to them often happen when people are caught off guard.
This point, even for the strong, is no exception.
For example, the Sumo people who agreed that it is impossible for them to obtain the godhead.
Another example is Su Mo, who thinks that there is no opportunity to become stronger on his side.
After returning from the foggy space.
Su Mo of Xingyue World returned to the Jiantong Mansion.
This is his current residence.
After the Holy Grail War ended, Sakura, as the most orthodox heir of the Matou family, naturally inherited all the magic industries of the Matou family.
This property, of course, also belongs to her.
As Sakura’s guardian “203”, these assets are temporarily managed by Su Mo.
In fact, the industry entrusted to Su Mo’s management is not only that.
Because of the acquisition of the third method.
Su Mo obtained the highest management right of the Einzbern family. In other words, he became the head of the Einzbern family.
The castle of the Einzbern family in Germany, and the castle outside the forest in Fuyuki City, naturally also belonged to Su Mo.
For the Tohsaka family.
Su Mo is not only the benefactor who helped Tohsaka Rin take revenge for killing his father, but also the benefactor who adopted Sakura.
After the death of Tohsaka Tokiomi.
Aoi Tohsaka, the sole property agent of the Tohsaka family who has no knowledge of magic or business management, brought Tohsaka Rin to the door for help on a certain day.
I hope that Su Mo can accept Tohsaka Rin as a student, and at the cost of all the magic materials of the Tosaka family, I hope Su Mo can help manage the Tosaka family’s property.
After agreeing to this matter.
All the imperial families in Fuyuki City fell into Su Mo’s hands.
Not only that, but the Holy Church, as a supervisory force, also became Su Mo’s accomplice because of Karen.
It can be said that the current Su Mo in Fuyuki City is completely a black and evil force dominating one side.
Even if the clock tower sent a magician to investigate.
Su Mo was also able to blow away people from all other forces without his own hand.
Of course, he wouldn’t do such a thing.
Not long after the foggy space came back.
There was a knock on the door outside the study.
“Master, it’s lunch time!”
Okita Souji’s energetic voice sounded.
After the Holy Grail War, Okita Souji had contact with the Holy Grail and had his own body.
Later, after Su Mo’s research on the third method continued to deepen.
So he carried out a certain degree of transformation on Okita Souji’s spiritual core.
The current her is no longer the same fighting power as the sick and weak her before.
The current Okita Souji──
One can eat two bowls of rice!
It is four times the amount of food before!
If it is said that the bigger the appetite, the stronger the strength. There is no doubt that Okita Souji has evolved.
After hearing Okita’s voice, Su Mo put down the magic information about the Clock Tower’s Astronomy Department and the research funding report.
“Well, I’ll be right over.”
Set aside any funding from organizations you are currently supporting.
My main god is Kaguya
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