With the power of Gilgamesh, even if it is the main god, he will not be too afraid.
However, the enemy to face this time is really too special.
“Tiamat – the mother of all life, if this goddess wants to destroy Uruk, even this king will not be able to stop it.”
Gilgamesh, who owns the future vision, said with a heavy tone.
After hearing Gilgamesh’s words, Ishtar finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately became a little furious.
“What did you say? That mother goddess is about to wake up?!”
Tiamat is the mother goddess of creation in Babylonian mythology.
In mythology, the sweet sea Apsu and the salty sea Tiamat created the world and created the gods.
Later, these two creator gods were overthrown and killed by the gods because they wanted to kill the gods, and they created the world with their corpses.
The gods who killed the two creator gods were “EA” and “Marduk”.
And the gods who killed the two creator gods and survived are the gods where Ishtar is now.
It can be said that today’s Sumerian gods are the direct descendants of Tiamat.
Because of this, Ishtar is very clear about the threat of the Creator Goddess.
Even if she wants to fight the God of Creation, she doesn’t have much confidence.
“Phew… Su Mo, it’s a good thing you’re here.”
It wasn’t until she saw Su Mo beside her that she breathed a sigh of relief.
Although she didn’t know Su Mo’s true strength, she had seen (beae) a corner of it.
Even his ace, the Bull of Heaven, couldn’t shake Su Mo a step. Presumably, he was stronger than most of the gods in his own group of gods.
If this is the case, there should be hope of winning even against a primitive god-level existence like Tiamat!
Anyway, she didn’t know Tiamat’s exact strength.
So it’s still holding up.
Hearing Gilgamesh’s introduction, Su Mo’s heart was a little turbulent.
“Mother of all life – Tiamat.”
In terms of strength alone, Tiamat is naturally not his opponent.
The fighting strength shown in the plot is probably at the surface level, but at this time Tiamat has sealed most of her own strength, and considering that she is of the same level as Gaetia, perhaps her real strength should reach four digits level.
But this level of power is nothing to Su Mo.
The important thing is that Tiamat has another identity besides the mother god of creation.
“Human beings are evil and have the principle of return, which is one of the reasons why human beings will be destroyed sooner or later…”
If it is placed in Hakoniwa World, it must be one of the final trials of mankind.
And the “evil factor” she possessed made Su Mo very interested.
According to the Christian world view of “dualism of good and evil”, the main spiritual qualities that Su Mo is good at now basically belong to the side of good gods.
From Veleslana, to Mithra, and to various other powers, they basically belong to the category of good gods.
Although it is not to say that there is no power on the side of the evil god, most of the sense of existence is very weak.
For Su Mo, there are still many gaps in the knowledge of the evil god.
And if you want to fully grasp Zoroastrianism’s cosmology “dualism of good and evil”, obviously you can’t be biased.
Whether it is the evil of human beings today or the absolute evil of the Hakoniwa world, these are the forces that Su Mo must study and master.
“If you don’t get close to evil, you don’t know good.”
“Although Tiamat’s status as “human evil” is not enough to activate the ritual that good must overcome evil like absolute evil. ”
“But if I become a three-digit number, the research on the nature of evil gods must be the top priority.”
This is also one of the reasons why Su Mo is willing to come to this era.
With his growth rate, as long as he achieves the omnipotent domain, if he wants to go further, he must further master the cosmology.
And want to master the “dualism of good and evil”.
Inevitably, he needs to learn more about evil gods.
As a god who could once destroy the world, Tiamat’s nature in this respect can definitely bring Su Mo more than he imagined.
“As it happens, Tiamat is a goddess, and it is not difficult to obtain her knowledge and power. However, she seems to be a bit autistic now, unable to communicate with others.”
Su Mo’s eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.
“It’s decided, beat her up first! After she wakes up, she can be adopted as a pet!”.
Chapter 581 Disintegrate the Alliance of the Three Goddesses
After Su Mo made up his mind. Gilgamesh also finished introducing the current situation.
In response to the Three Goddess Alliance.
He used the spirit summoning technique to summon eight servants to fight against…
However, after half a year of fighting against Warcraft.
Of the eight followers, there are only three left.
“Ushiwakamaru and Leonidas I are still on the front line fighting against monsters. Now there is only one court magician left in Uruk.”
Gilgamesh introduced Su Mo while leading the way.
“If you want to ask about the Mother Goddess of Tiamat, he should know more.”
They are on their way to the palace.
Uruk is a country where theocracy and kingship coexist.
The palace and the altar are buildings with the same status, so they are relatively close to each other.
Because Su Mo agreed to Gilgamesh’s request, they formed an alliance and prepared to fight against the Three Goddess Alliance who wanted to destroy Uruk.
Since Su Mo agreed to this request.
Ishtar, who considers himself his only officially designated lover, can only pretend to be reluctant, and the husband and wife follow suit.
In fact, with her arrogant character, after knowing the situation, I am afraid that she will also feel worried about Uruk.
After a while, a group of people came to the king’s house.In the palace.
When the subjects of Uruk saw that their king stooped to lead the way for an unknown guest, they immediately understood that the guest in front of them was extremely honorable.
Coupled with the goddess Ishtar they worship, they all held the comer very intimately.
This made them immediately understand the identity of this black-haired and black-eyed boy.
It must be Lord Ishtar’s husband, a great god without a doubt.
After realizing this, everyone looked at Su Mo with a more respectful look.
In this era, marriage is a sacred contractual relationship.
This is true even for gods, and gods who are married often share the gods.
Since Ishtar is the patron saint of Uruk. Then, her husband must also be the patron saint of Uruk.
From this point of view, it can even be said that the people of Uruk can be regarded as followers of Sumo.
Pass through the fanatical eyes of these believers.
After stepping into the simple but solemn palace.
A voice sounded a bit greasy, like a fox.
“King Gilgamesh, where have you been? You can’t find anyone anywhere. Could it be that you went fishing like me?”
At the bottom of the steps below the throne, a handsome man in a white mage robe, with as much hair as if he had grown up, came forward to greet him.
It can be seen that his status in Uruk is also very high, otherwise ordinary people would not dare to ridicule Gilgamesh like this.
After finishing speaking, the court magician noticed the people behind Gilgamesh, and opened his mouth in surprise.
Just before he had time to sort out the status quo.
Beside him, a young and immature voice sounded.
“Merlin, do you think everyone else likes to be lazy like you!”
It was obviously a little girl’s voice, but the tone was full of disgust.
After finishing speaking, a dull “boom” can still be heard.
The little girl actually kicked the opponent directly.
“Ah, hurt, hurt! Little Anna, how can you treat Brother Merlin like this, it’s not good to be too rough!”
The man named Merlin covered his calf with his hands, and rubbed it with a grin.
Seeing him like this, the little girl with a deep hood and her figure covered by a black coat snorted softly, without any intention of apologizing.
It seems that there is nothing to do with this little girl.
Merlin didn’t say much, straightened up and looked at Su Mo and Ishtar behind Gilgamesh.
“What’s the situation? King Gilgamesh and Goddess Ishtar appeared in the same place at the same time, but they didn’t fight. Has the sun come out from the west?”
“Also, the newly appeared lord seems to have a very noble status!”
Seeing something from Gilgamesh and Ishtar’s attitude towards Su Mo, Merlin looked at Su Mo very curiously.
Although he also has clairvoyance.
But his clairvoyance can see neither the past nor the future, only the present.
Therefore, he had no clue about Su Mo’s origin.
Facing Merlin’s curious eyes.
Su Mo didn’t answer directly, but looked at the two people in front of him with great concern.
My main god is Kaguya
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