Therefore, he, who was able to bend and stretch, immediately put on a straight face, and said righteously.
“Ahem! Let’s put aside the little things first, let’s discuss the alliance of the three goddesses first, and don’t delay the big things!”
See him like this.
Gilgamesh was speechless.
However, although Merlin has an unreliable personality, he is still very reliable in his work.
Instead of exploring the relationship between Anna and Su Mo, it is indeed time to focus on business.
AtYes, he introduced Su Mo to Merlin, and they had reached a contract.
After learning that Su Mo and Ishtar will serve as support.
Merlin’s mentality is much better.
With two more combat powers at the level of gods, plus the support from Chaldea, the situation will be much better than I expected.
At least, the error tolerance rate will be much higher.
And, if that’s the case, their 0.4 also seems to be able to plan ahead.
“Since Mr. Su Mo has joined us, we can try to attack one of the three goddesses first, and try to instigate it.” Merlin suggested.
“If we just eliminate the opponent, it may also damage our combat power, but if we can persuade the opponent, we will have one more ally, and we will have an extra chance of winning against Tiamat.”
“Instigate rebellion against the gods, a good proposal.”
Gilgamesh nodded when he heard that.
“I have no opinion either.”
Naturally, Su Mo would not object.
Who doesn’t know that in the Alliance of Three Goddesses, two of them are 25-year-olds, and if you want to instigate them, you don’t need to do it directly.
Not to mention, have yourself here.
It is not difficult to turn all the three goddesses into two or five boys.
Chapter 583 Unnamed Three Duans Poof
Several people agreed to directly face the Empress of the Three Goddess Alliance. The next question comes.
“Which goddess should we attack?” Merlin asked, looking at the people in front of him.
Although it is reasonable to say that the current information on the identities of the three goddesses is not clear.
But because of the clairvoyance he has, he actually already knew the identities of the three goddesses.
It’s just that it would be a bad thing to say information at an inappropriate time.
If you want to make the gods turn against you, at least you can’t do it with Gilgamesh and his own strength.
Therefore, he did not bring it up for discussion before.
Originally, they planned to wait for the arrival of Chaldea’s Fujimaru Tateka, and use her special aptitude to persuade other gods.
But after Su Mo arrived, he saw that Gilgamesh had pinned his hope of saving Uruk on him, so Merlin naturally changed his strategy and planned to start planning now.
After hearing this question.
Gilgamesh spoke.
“Let’s not talk about the other two goddesses, Goddess Gorgon will be the last one to deal with.”
Through the future vision, he has seen some of the 14 future fragments and he already knows.
Today’s Gorgon has synchronized a part of Tiamat’s consciousness.
Therefore, whether it is to destroy her or instigate her.
In the end, the Goddess of Creation would be awakened, allowing Tiamat to descend directly.
If you do this, it is equivalent to releasing the big boss behind the scenes in advance without leaving any preparation time.
For them, this is definitely something to avoid.
And after hearing his words.
The others didn’t react, but Anna behind Su Mo suddenly clenched her little hands.
She was summoned by the Holy Grail to deal with the existence of Gorgon monsters.
It can be said that he has the destiny to conquer himself and become a monster.
If she waits until that time, she is likely to perish with Gorgon.
If it was before, it’s nothing.
The disaster caused by the adult self can only be resolved by himself.
But now, it was hard to meet Su Mo.
This is a very kind person who also has the petrified magic eye and is not afraid of him at all.
She doesn’t want to disappear anytime soon.
Fortunately, Goddess Gorgon was put in the final crusade, so she could have a little more time to get along with Su Mo, a person who has a deep karma with her.
Su Mo rubbed little Anna’s head.
With him around, naturally she wouldn’t let her self-destruct to solve the problem.
However, if Gorgon’s question is delayed.
There are two remaining goddesses in the Three Goddess Alliance, one is the Feathered Serpent God Quetzal Coatel.
The other is——
“Leave Ereshkigal to me!”
Ishtar raised his hand excitedly.
“This idiot actually dared to bully me before, hahaha! Let her know how powerful I am this time!”
Having just been bullied by Ereshkigal, when she found a chance to get revenge, she naturally wouldn’t let it go easily.
Seeing her smug look, Su Mo reminded him a little speechlessly.
“Ishtar, we are here to instigate the Three Goddesses this time, not to beat up your sister.”
With Ishtar’s personality, he had no doubt that this guy could do such a thing.
Gilgamesh and Merlin also cast suspicious glances.
Obviously, he didn’t trust Ishtar very much.
They had no doubts about this guy’s determination to protect Uruk.
But I have full doubts about this guy’s character.
If it is Ishtar, it is not impossible for good deeds to do bad deeds.
After feeling the suspicion of everyone.
Ishtar pouted with dissatisfaction.
“Hey! What do you mean?”
“Do I look like the type who can bully people?”
hear this.
“Isn’t it?”
As her lover, Su Mo mercilessly gave Ishtar a mental blow.
“Sure enough, a fool can’t see himself clearly!”
Gilgamesh sneered.
Merlin didn’t dare to say anything to Her Majesty, but judging by his expression, he also agreed with Su Mo’s words.
If he is questioned by others, with Ishtar’s character, he will definitely have a good fight.
The one who can speak is Su Mo.
Naturally, she didn’t have any anger in her heart, but looked at him quite aggrieved and said.
“Of course not, I wouldn’t do such a shameless thing!”
Saying so, her eyes suddenly lit up after rolling around.
“If you’re worried about that,Why don’t you come with me to see Ai Lei later? So you can always rest assured! ”
“That’s not a problem.”
After Su Mo pondered for two seconds, he nodded.
He also cared a little about Ishtar’s sister.
203 And Ai Lei herself is also one of the four girlfriends outside the shield, and this sister-in-law Su Mo is actually quite familiar with her.
I don’t know what conspiracy is being planned.
After seeing Su Mo agree, Ishtar immediately jumped up happily.
Others were fine with the decision, too.
Although Ishtar is not very reliable, but with Su Mo watching, she shouldn’t be able to do anything outrageous.
Ishtar is also the younger sister of Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld.
With the relationship between the two of them, no matter what, they can strike up a conversation.
As long as Ishtar doesn’t provoke each other in the first place, the goddess of the underworld will not fly into a rage and completely ignore what they say.
There should still be a considerable possibility of instigating the other party’s rebellion.
My main god is Kaguya
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