Su Mo’s expression was a little speechless.
He probably guessed what Ishtar said about the so-called way to go to the underworld.
The fact is just as he expected.
Ishtar immediately mobilized his magic power, and the red pupils that belonged to gods shone brightly.
At the same time, the sky boat Ma Anna under her feet reflected a realm of stars.
The most shining star behind the stars has a brilliance that Su Mo is familiar with.
Su Mo, who shared the priesthood of Ishtar, knew it without looking.
That is the brilliance of Venus.
Take the concept of Venus into your hands, stuff it into the magazine of Tianzhou Ma Anna as a concept planet and launch it.
Take this act that even the gods fear, and use it as a weapon.
This is one of the powers held by Ishtar.
Although because the current body is only a pseudo-servant, it cannot exert its full strength. 203;
But even so.
This treasure still has the power to penetrate the earth and blast a road to the underworld directly from the ground.
The so-called shortcut in the mouth of Ishtar.
In fact, it directly blasts a path between the ground and the underworld.
In today’s Age of Gods, the underworld, the human world and the heavenly world also overlap physically, so the feasibility is very high.
However, such a reckless and random idea actually wants to be put into practice, and it is estimated that only Ishtar can do it.
“and many more!”
Su Mo stopped Ishtar and made her stop.
Although he is also interested in directly drilling through the ground to reach the underworld, this approach is obviously too rough.
“If you just want to go to Hades, don’t bother.”
Su Mo, who had already positioned himself in the underworld, decided to give up his plan to let Ishtar, a native, lead the way.
“Just follow me.”
Su Mo sighed, and took Ishtar’s hand.
Then, activated the power of the underworld that originally belonged to Athena, and directly communicated with the underworld.
As the ancient earth mother goddess who is in charge of the sky, the earth, and the underworld at the same time, finding the location of the underworld is simple (beae).
Even if the master of Uruk’s underworld is Ereshkigal, it cannot hide the common characteristics of the underworld.
After blinking…
The two were transferred directly to the underworld.
“Oh oh oh! It’s amazing, Su Mo, do you still have the authority of the god of the underworld?”
Ishtar, who arrived in Hades, looked at Su Mo very curiously.
She just remembered one thing, she doesn’t seem to know much about Su Mo?
Although I know that he has the godhead of the emperor Indra, I know that he is a very strong thunderbolt.God and Valkyrie.
But Ishtar never thought that Su Mo actually had other authority at the level of the main god.
It symbolizes the combination of the god of thunder in the sky and the god of the underworld. There are not many gods of this type.
“Well, the powers I have are quite diverse and complicated.”
Su Mo nodded, without further explanation.
If Ishtar is told now that he is actually a godslayer, I’m afraid this guy will be scared to cry by himself.
Simply, Ishtar didn’t suspect anything.
Rather, with her IQ, she didn’t realize what was wrong.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, she just nodded happily.
“As expected of this goddess’ lover!”
The rest of the thoughts are not at all.
The IQ of girls in love will be lowered, not to mention that Ishtar belongs to the type with a low IQ.
The two walked together, from the front of Hades, to the depths of the mountain road illuminated by the gloomy will-o’-the-wisps.
Although Su Mo’s strength is enough to turn against the guest and tamper with the ownership and even the rules of the underworld here.
But he is not a demon, and Ai Lei is not an enemy, so naturally he did not do this.
“When you talk to Ai Lei later, don’t say too much.” On the way, Su Mo said to Ishtar.
Although he doesn’t expect to rely on Ailei’s power to deal with Tiamat (this ”book is sorted out by [F;,l?!i:ppe”d]”(,! More new; book contact 1″34! !3:,1:7″,747,!8).
But the purpose of this time was to attract the goddess of the underworld and pull the little angel Allie as a companion.
Naturally, Ishtar, who was incompatible with her, could not be allowed to quarrel.
Not to mention–
“Ishtar, you don’t hate Ellie yourself, do you?”
“If you restrain yourself a little this time, you may still have a chance to reconcile. If you are more willful this time, it may be really difficult to reconcile in the future.”
Su Mo’s tone was a little serious.
Although he wanted to draw Ellie into the camp, Ishtar was a lover who shared everything with him no matter what.
Su Mo naturally has to consider Ishtar’s situation, and will not wrong his own people because of Ai Lei.
However, it is also Ishtar’s own wish to have a good relationship with Ai Lei.
If that’s the case, she can’t let her get into trouble by herself.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Ishtar wanted to be tough at first, saying that he hated that sister very much.
But Su Mo is different from others, he is not an outsider, so there is no need to hide much from him.
Not to mention, she didn’t intend to mock back this time.
So, she patted her chest and said with a reliable expression.
“Don’t worry, I’m not like that immature sister.”
“Leave this task to me. I will act like a younger sister, and then try to persuade that older sister.”
Seeing Ishtar’s serious look.
Even Su Mo, who always thought she was unreliable, hesitated for a moment.
Could it be that Ishtar is really reliable this time?
With such expectations.
Su Mo decided to give Ishtar a chance to prove herself.

ten minutes later.
Su Mo was expressionless, looking at Ishtar who was arguing directly with a skeleton made of magic power in front of the abyss of the underworld.
He began to regret why he chose to believe in Ishtar.
——If Ishtar is reliable, the sow can climb the tree.
At the same time, he realized something.
――It’s his own fault for expecting from the idiot Ishtar.
At this time, Ishtar had already quarreled with Ereshkigal who used the skeleton as his avatar.
And soon, the two stared at each other for a period of time.
The skeleton snorted softly, and the goddess of the underworld left in anger, never having any further conversations with Ishtar.
This negotiation has obviously failed.
The underworld has listed them as unwelcome persons.
If you want to reach the palace of the underworld, you have to force your way.
Ishtar was very interested in the proposal of forcible entry.
It’s a pity that Su Mo didn’t agree with her idea and pulled her back directly.
Chapter 586: Ai Lei, who rescued a boy from a good family
After returning to the ground, he faced Su Mo’s speechless gaze. Ishtar lowered his head in embarrassment, then thought of something, and raised his hips confidently.
“It’s not my problem this time. I obviously didn’t care about the loss I suffered before, and I greeted that guy very friendly. But that guy suddenly got angry and scolded me.”
“No matter how you look at it, that guy did something wrong!”
For the straightforward Ishtar, if she did something wrong, she is willing to apologize.
But from her point of view, the collapse of the conversation is not her problem at all.
Obviously she has already shown her kindness to Ai Lei.
That guy didn’t appreciate it at all, and beat him back.
What can she do?
Facing such an upright and confident Ishtar who even felt that he had been wronged… Er.
Su Mo held his forehead helplessly, and then asked.
“Do you think your greeting is really friendly-?”
My main god is Kaguya
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