Do not!
It doesn’t even take time.
At this moment, Jibril recalled the various godheads that Su Mo had shown before, and finally suddenly realized the source of Su Mo’s power.
Those powers must also be obtained through killing gods.
Although I don’t know when so many gods appeared, this inference should not be wrong.
Not to mention Jibril’s surprise.
After Su Mo tried the power of Senshen for a while, he nodded in satisfaction.
The concept of Kainas’ godhead is very pure, and because of its purity, it is extraordinarily powerful.
While gaining the natural godhead.
He also acquired Cainas’ natural affinity and talent for magical formulas.
With just a little familiarity, he can absorb Kainas’s attainments in magic and become a one hundred and sixty-eight heavy magician.

In the royal palace of the elves, high above the throne.
Xinke Niervalen, now the only Queen of the Elves, is waiting nervously for the result of the battle.
Although she has created a spirit-destroying spell, she can even use the spell that she built in advance to cast magic at the level of God’s Domain.
However, a god-level battlefield is not a level where she can participate or even watch.
Even Jibril, who is a Flügel, is at best only qualified to watch the battle.
For her who had already chosen to join Su Mo, she naturally hoped that Su Mo would win.
Based on the previous situation where Kainas fled, Senshen should not have the possibility of defeating Su Mo, after all, the two sides are completely unequal in terms of fighting will.
However, no one can be 100% sure about things like fighting.
The more confident the strong, the easier it is to fall into an inconspicuous pit.
Of course, even knowing this, Xinke Niervalen also understands that the current self is useless and can only quietly wait for the ending.
I thought that the battle between the gods and spirits would be a big scene that would destroy the world.
After Su Mo and Jibril left, there was no movement for a long time.
I don’t know if the strength gap between the two sides is so great that one side has no way to resist.
Or is it that Cainas was too timid and ran too far, so the movement could not be transmitted.
Not long after such a messy idea appeared.
Probably only a few minutes.
Suddenly, a familiar divine power descended on the capital of the elves.
The power of the gods changed the color of the world, and all the long-eared people in the entire elf capital felt this familiar divine power.
“how come?!”
Xinke Nilvalen’s face turned pale immediately.
She fell down on the high throne, her originally beautiful face was full of disbelief.
how is this possible!
This divine power is actually the divine power of the God of Nature!
How is this going?
Could it be that Master Su Mo lost?
This shouldn’t be the case, how could such a coward like Cainas defeat his master!
Not to mention, it’s only a few minutes?
In such a short period of time, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Cainas to win!
She couldn’t believe it was true.
But the divine power that descended from the sky was clearly the power of the God of Nature.
As an elf who has received the protection of the Mori God, no one will fail to recognize the holder of this godhead.
This must be the breath of their creator, Cainas!
No matter how unbelievable Xinke Nierbalian thinks.
But the facts are right there.
There was a death fight between the two, and the one who returned successfully, or returned so grandly, was bound to be the winner.
After accepting this fact, Xinke Nierbalian calmly arranged her clothes, then sat straight on the empress’s seat, waiting for her end.
Winner and loser, she has nothing bad to accept.
After she is (ready) ready.
“.-Master Mori God!”
“Master Cainas!”
The frenzied shouts of the elves gradually approached.
You don’t need to look to know that the forest god Kainas is surrounded by the elves frantically, leading his subjects to his palace.
What’s next?
Probably because he was declared a traitor by the Mori God, and then he was directly torn to pieces by the fanatical elves!
Xinke Nierbalian, who was thinking this way, waited for this moment with cold eyes.
Although she didn’t know why Lord Su Mo lost, she didn’t regret her choice.
Time passed by every minute and every second.
The gate of the palace burst open.
At this moment, Xin Ke Nilvalen cast a calm gaze towards the door.
He directly spoke out the lines that had been brewing in his heart for a long time.
“Sen God! Even if you win, you are still—”
I didn’t have time to say the word “stupid criticism”.
Because of the scene in front of her, the Queen of the Corolla stuck her throat in astonishment. state.
Chapter 610 Possibility of subduing the Flügel
I saw that at the gate of the palace, I thought it would be the place where the forest god Cainas appeared. Su Mo stood there majestically.
Not only that.
As a Flügel, Jibril also stood beside Su Mo generously.
The elves beside them surrounded the two of them in awe, not daring to go beyond them, but their eyes were full of loyalty.
How is this going?
For the first time in his life, Xin Ke Nilvalen felt that he was not enough brains.
Before she sorted out the current situation.
Surrounded by her elves who were supposed to be loyal, they frowned slightly.she reminded.
“Your Highness, you must not be disrespectful to Lord Morimi!”
Although she didn’t know what Xinke Nierbalian wanted to say, her previous tone was obviously not very friendly.
In this era when the gods are everything, even if she is Her Royal Highness, she cannot talk to the gods with this attitude.
Also mentioned before.
No matter how loyal you are to her, if one day you need to choose between the queen and the Senshin, all elves will choose Senshin’s side without hesitation.
The minister’s reminder is also a good intention.
That is because the group of ministers who opposed Xin Ke had been killed before.
Otherwise, there will inevitably be many people jumping out to accuse her of immorality at this moment.
After being reminded by the courtier.
Xinke Nilvalen still had some incredulous expressions on his face.
She looked at Su Mo, who was exuding the power of nature.
Then he looked at the courtier who reminded himself.
Finally figured out what was going on.
So, she tentatively asked the courtier.
“Didn’t you notice that Senshen’s appearance has changed?”
When I met Senshen yesterday, this subject should have gone with me.
No matter how you say it, you should recognize it, Senshen’s appearance has changed, right?
However, after hearing this question, the elf courtier showed a puzzled expression.
“Your Highness, the appearance of the Deities is not fixed!”
“According to common sense, it is the essence that distinguishes the gods, not anything else!”
The other elves nodded in agreement.
Indeed, compared to appearance, the gods want to confirm their identity, but they actually rely on the concept of the essence.
In this world, a concept can and can only give birth to one god-species.
It can be said that the concept of the essence is the only anti-counterfeiting code possessed by the gods, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.
And compared to the concept of marrow.
My main god is Kaguya
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