The shadowy black mist that cannot be explained by science gradually spread from the ruins of Luluye to the whole world.
This invisible black mist completely exceeds the scope of human cognition, and even with the most advanced instruments, no mass effect can be observed.
There is no mass effect, which means that this black fog has no weight.
Therefore, neither the strong wind nor the fire can have the slightest influence on it.
Even if the hatch is sealed, it can’t completely stop the black mist from spreading.
Like a dark tide.
The indescribable shadowy black mist will sweep across most of the earth in one day.
Looking from outer space, it seems as if the earth has been devoured bite by bite by some invisible, dark monster.
All light fades away.
Whether it is flames or lights, they are gradually extinguished under the special ionization effect of the black mist.
Mechanisms malfunctioned, electrical circuits sparked, and the light dimmed.
The originally brightly lit human world.
Within a day, he was plunged into eerie darkness.
In the case of losing machinery, cities, and human technological power.
Human beings all over the world have experienced the fear and fear of the primitive people in the ancient times when they faced the boundless darkness.
All creation and technological crystallization have become a joke at this moment.
Just the aftermath of waking up.
It has pushed human society to a dead end.
Faced with this fact, even ordinary people who have no idea of ​​the strength of monsters can realize it.
The monsters that appeared this time are fundamentally different from before.
This is a world-destroying monster that can truly sever civilization.
The heavy black mist, together with the darkness in front of them, weighed on people’s hearts.
However, people at this time did not fall into despair.
Up to now, they have experienced many crises.
Although none of those crises are as terrifying as they are in front of them, under the continuous sharpening of the crisis, people’s hearts are no longer as fragile as they were at the beginning.
Even in the face of such incomparable darkness.
There is still hope in people’s hearts.
“Ultraman Tiga! As long as there is Ultraman Tiga, he will definitely be able to defeat the monster!”
In the gathering place of human beings, everyone prayed to Ultraman Tiga in their own way.
I hope that Ultraman, who has always been able to successfully defeat monsters, can completely wipe out the world-destroying monsters in front of him this time as before, and regain the future of mankind.
With the prayers of the people.
Ultraman finally appeared.
However, it is not the Ultraman Tiga that everyone is looking forward to.
It’s everyone’s old acquaintance – Ultraman Guja.
When everyone in this world was staring at the screen and seeing Ultraman Guja appear on the stage, no one was disappointed.
On the contrary, many people who have watched Ultraman Guja grow up to the present began to cheer for Ultraman Estimate.
Those who were looking forward to the appearance of Ultraman Tiga also expressed their blessings to Ultraman Guja.
After all, both giants are heroes fighting for humanity.
No matter who it is, it is worthy of the respect of mankind to stand up and fight for mankind.
Those who hold salaries for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow.
On the big central screen.
Ultraman Guja soon fought with the monsters that were destroying the city.
People who have seen dozens of battles between Ultraman and monsters also quickly noticed the power of the monsters this time.
Although the previous Ultraman Guja was often deflated.
But no one can deny that he has been getting stronger.
Since fighting Kirierod II, Ultraman Guja’s strength has become stronger and stronger.
Sometimes when encountering the same type of monsters that have fought hard before, they can even be easily suppressed.
At least, in terms of close combat, there are very few monsters that are his opponents.
But this time.
The monster Zoga he faced was still extremely difficult.
The monster, whose speed was far faster than Ultraman Guja, destroyed several cities near the coastline in just a few minutes.
Its speed far exceeds that of the Victory Flying Swallow, making Ultraman Guja’s attack completely impossible to hit.
In the end, it was still in cooperation with the newly developed fighter Baixue of the Victory Team.
After successfully destroying one of the wings of the monster Zoga, he was able to destroy it.
After defeating the monster, the energy light on his chest also turned red.
Everyone knows this is a sign of low energy.
Fortunately, the enemy has been eliminated.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.
Unexpectedly, the crisis faced this time was resolved so easily.
Just when everyone felt a sense of unreality in their hearts.
A new piece of news immediately destroyed their optimistic attitude!
When Ultraman Guga eliminated a monster.
Dozens of Zoga monsters appeared all over the world at the same time!
There are actually multiple monsters!
Dozens of such powerful monsters appeared at the same time, directly breaking the previous record!
Altman Guja had already struggled so much against a Zoga monster.
How could it be possible to deal with so many monsters at 0.4.
Even if Ultraman Tiga makes a shot, it may be difficult to win.
“This world really wants to welcomeIs it the end? ”
Some people couldn’t help but have such a desperate guess in their hearts.
Dozens of Zoga monsters are enough to destroy the civilization of the earth over and over again.
However, that’s not the worst part.
The most frightening thing is, according to the intelligence transmitted from the satellite.
These dozens of Zoga monsters are actually nothing more than vanguards, and they are not the real initiators of the darkness that plunged the earth.
The truly terrifying monster is the “Dark Ruler” who is far more terrifying than these Zorgas.
After knowing this, everyone was desperate.
Such an enemy is really too terrifying, even if they have been watching Ultraman Tiga come over, they can’t believe that this time the monster can be defeated.
Could it be that human beings are really going to perish? .
Chapter 638 The Indescribable Horror Sancheck
Dozens of monsters appeared at the same time, turning the city into purgatory. Behind these dozens of monsters.
There is also the ruler of darkness who once destroyed the super ancient civilization-the evil god Gatanjae.
Under such a desperate comparison of strength.
Even the most optimistic person can’t easily say that Ultraman Tiga will win.
Victory team’s giant mothership, Artdis.
You Lian, the head of the Earth Guard in the time machine, after telling everyone what he knew, quietly looked at the earth under his feet that had been spread by darkness.
Her eyes were full of sadness.
Unexpectedly, even after defeating Qijiela, the current earth civilization still cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.
Face the evil god Gatanjah.
“Is there really any hope for human beings?” She couldn’t help muttering to herself.
Hearing this question, all the people in front of the screen fell into a deep silence.
Knowing that the monster in front of them is the murderer who destroyed the super ancient civilization, they have no luck in their hearts.
Even the ultra-ancient civilization with so many giants of light failed in the end.
They only have two giants of light. 14;
How could it be successful?
When everyone’s emotions were plunged into gloom.
A decisive voice sounded.
“Yes! We still have hope!”
This is the voice of a woman with fortitude and softness.
Hearing this firm tone, everyone couldn’t help raising their heads, and immediately saw a determined woman on the screen.
My main god is Kaguya
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