If it is not certain that only humans can become godslayers.
Many people even have to think that this new king is the disobedient god who came to the world.
In short, the new king’s past is very mysterious, so mysterious that people have to care about it.
And this king can entertain guests.
Who else but friends?
It can’t always be those——
No way? !
Shaye Gongxin just thought about it, and then her heart skipped a beat.
An ominous premonition welled up in my heart.
“It’s a bit of a stretch to say we’re friends, but we can only be regarded as acquaintances`-!”
Thinking of that idiot Tony calling for his best friend, Su Mo couldn’t help but look disgusted.
“All in all, they are a few idiots, but you should be more familiar with their names.”
Hearing this, Saya Gongxin’s heart jumped.No way? !
Could it really be those big troubles? !
God Sanqing Buddha! Please, just don’t want this!
The strong girl who had been hit repeatedly prayed devoutly in her heart, hoping that the worst would not happen.
However, according to Murphy’s Law.
The more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.
Su Mo’s voice rang clearly in her ears.
“Donnie, Marquis of Vauban, Luo Hao, Anne, and Black Prince Alek, whether it’s to deal with the enemy or to gather information, these godslayers should come here.”
“Mrs. Aisha is not sure if she will receive the news. With her character, she may run away after receiving the news. Don’t worry about it for now.”
“You just need to be prepared to receive the other five godslayers.”
Su Mo said these names very casually, as if the teacher was naming some naughty child.
But every time Shaye Gongxin heard a name, her pupils trembled.
Until later, the whole person was almost numb to petrification.
It was a long time before she realized it.
Looking at Su Mo tremblingly, his voice stammered a little.
“That, that is to say, what will come tomorrow is not just the King of the End.”
“Counting your words, will six of the seven godslayers come to Fusang today?”
If it is said that a king of the end is enough to set off the end of the world.
Then, the King of the End, plus six Godslayers.
This configuration is enough to ravage Fuso ten times.
If this is a nightmare, Saya Gongxin really hopes that she can wake up soon.
The pressure that needs to be faced now is simply too terrifying!
Unfortunately, what is in front of me is not a dream.
“In general, you’re right.”
Su Mo nodded and agreed with Saya Gongxin’s conclusion.
“.-However, if the worst scenario is considered and Mrs. Aisha is also involved, it will be seven godslayers plus one final king.”
Shaye Gongxin’s eyes went dark, and she almost panicked.
At this moment, Su Mo patted his head, as if he remembered some new information.
He stabbed her in the chest again.
“Speaking of which, after waking up, the King of the End will bring two followers of the God of Disobedience level, but this has nothing to do with you, so don’t worry about it.”
do not mind?
How can people not care about this!
Shaye Gongxin calculated in detail, and found that if she brought Athena, Anshera, and the Valkyrie holding the ancestor of the gods she saw just now.
Take the King of the End and his followers.
There will be as many as six Gods of Disobedience gathered in Tokyo Bay tomorrow!
And there will be as many as six godslayers gathered in Tokyo Bay tomorrow!
There are so many monsters (Li’s) that can easily destroy cities and countries, but they all gather together.
Even without considering the super force of the King of the End.
It is also enough to sink the entire Fusang into the Pacific Ocean.
Realizing this, Saya Gongxin was completely desperate.
“Fusang…it’s over!”
The words came out with difficulty in his throat.
She rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot.
Seeing Saya Gongxin who was fainted on the ground, Erica did not rush to help, but winked at Su Mo playfully.
“Master, this is the third time.”
Athena also looked at him very strangely – “Be yourself”, Su Mo could see this message from her face.
It is also very powerful in a sense to make Athena, the God of Disobedience, have this reaction.
Su Mo remained silent.
He didn’t want to do that either. He was obviously telling the truth, so why couldn’t this guy bear it? .
Chapter 665: Global Volcanic Eruption Godslayers Deploy
Saya Gongxin’s previous opinion was actually not wrong. If it’s not doing anything, Su Mo is indeed a model monarch.
They will not mess around and destroy at will, and when they encounter gods who do not obey, they will crusade them before causing great harm.
If it belongs to him, there is almost no need to worry about the risks of the outside world.
However, in contrast.
Once Su Mo gets involved, it will definitely not be comparable to ordinary godslayers.
Without a big heart, it is really too much.
Even those familiar with the world like Erica and Liliana.
This time I couldn’t bear it.
What’s more, it was Saya Gongxin who was exposed to this situation for the first time.
After fainting twice, Saya Gongxin had a certain understanding of the new king in front of her.
In times of danger, the place where Su Mo is must be the safest harbor.
But when it is safe, he often becomes the most dangerous source.
Talk about uncertainty.
I’m afraid that even Mrs. Aisha, the superdimensional disaster, can’t hold a candle to her.
Think here.
Having come to her senses, she sighed and nodded to the stunned 267 members of the current decision makers of the four major families.
“Erica’s words are absolutely correct, I have personally confirmed this with the king.”
Seeing almost all the petrified conjurers, Saya Gongxin felt a little refreshed for some reason.
It always makes me feel better to see others in more pain than me.
Probably because it is human nature to take pleasure in others’ misfortunes,
No matter what others think, in short, she is recovering now.
“So, do your best to prepare for the coming godslayers, as well as the gods who will not follow!” Erika ordered with a condescending attitude.
As a servant of the lord, it is natural to show a corresponding attitude.
Many conjurers haven’t recovered yet.
After being forced to respond by force, they really realized what was about to happen in this country.

It is said that the King of the End will wake up tomorrow.
In fact, Su Mo had already started to move tonight.hands up.
He himself is fine with fighting in the sky (beae).
Other godslayers may not be good at it.
In order to give these guys the fiasco that they did their best on the final stage without leaving any room for regret, Su Mo also took great pains.
Of course, other godslayers wouldn’t accept this kind of favor.
My main god is Kaguya
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