This has nothing to do with their own will, and the gods who don’t obey often don’t suppress this phenomenon.
For example, Athena, before being contracted by Su Mo, the disaster she caused was mainly a starless night without any light.
This stems from her nature as a dark, Hades goddess.
And the essence of the King of the End is naturally the incomparably pure steel attribute.
Steel has the property of absorbing the vitality of the earth.
As the last steel forged by the fire of the planet, as long as he acts consciously for a day, various disasters will be staged on the earth.
If this heat accumulates to its peak, it may even be enough to destroy the world.
This side effect cannot be prevented even with the energy provided by the Holy Grail.
The reason why King Rama of the end is unwilling to wake up is also due to this aspect.
…seeking flowers 0…
With the continuous infusion of Holy Grail energy, the King of the End is about to wake up.
Volcanoes all over the world, at the same time, have all entered the period of activation.
Naturally, this change cannot be hidden from the intelligence network of the Godslayers.
North America……
Outside the research room, Annie, a girl in a white coat, adjusted her glasses and looked at the information on her mobile phone with a wonderful expression on her face.
“Yellowstone Park’s super volcanic group has suddenly entered an active period, and the possibility of eruption has greatly increased?!”
“The King of the End really came to crusade against us, didn’t he come to destroy the world?!”
Annie, who had received information from Su Mo, knew how terrifying the King of the End was.

But even she didn’t expect that the other party could be so scary.
The super volcanoes in Yellowstone Park, if this thing really erupts, the whole world will suffer. The erupted volcanic ash can even cover the whole world, causing a terrible chain reaction.
Now, even if she didn’t want to face the King of the End, she still had to go.
“Although I contacted the other godslayers in advance, I don’t know how many of those guys will come.”
Thinking of those maverick compatriots, Annie couldn’t help but feel a little headache.
In order to deal with the King of the End, she passed on the information she had obtained to other Godslayers, hoping to face the enemy together.
With the character of other godslayers, the result can be imagined.
Except for the black prince Alek who exchanged information with him, the other godslayers did not move, perhaps to verify the authenticity of the information, or to dismiss it.
She also has no way to interfere with the decisions of other godslayers.
We can only hope that one or two of these people will be reliable.
As a godslayer, she also has her own arrogance.
Even if the King of the End is much stronger than the average God of Disobedience, it is impossible for two godslayers to cooperate and have no power to fight back, right?
Thinking of this, she used the identity of Pluto, the king of the underworld, to issue orders to the association under her.
“Arrange a flight to Tokyo! Immediately!”
After closing the phone, she resolutely walked to her runningcar.
Although it’s quick to travel in a transformed form, but the battle is imminent, it’s better to keep the state. Four.
Chapter 667 Countermeasures against the Godslayers, the King of the End
Tokyo International Airport is on the edge of Tokyo Bay. After Annie arrived at the airport by plane, she noticed the astonishing look coming from the middle of Tokyo Bay.
The instinctive reaction from the godslayer made her feel hot all over, and she entered the challenge mode.
“The breath of the disobedient god…”
Annie subconsciously looked towards Tokyo Bay, and after checking it out, she felt a chill in her heart.
“Sure enough, the King of the End is really about to wake up!”
If it is said that it was only a conclusion based on intelligence analysis before.
The current scene is the actual evidence.
“I don’t know, how many of those guys will come…”
Thinking of this, Annie couldn’t help sighing.
If there is actual evidence, it is more convincing to gather those godslayers.
However, what she worried about was that even if the evidence was put on the faces of those maverick godslayers, they would probably still fight on their own.
It is impossible to truly achieve unity.
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help “060” feeling a little tired.
Forget it, it would be nice if a teammate could have one.
Really bad situation.
He can still turn to the new king Su Mo as the last resort, and it is not without a way out.
So, she immediately gave instructions to the driver sent by Fusang Sorcerer World.
“Take me to Mr. Su Mo.”
The driver nodded and rode away.
If it were other godslayers, they would definitely not want to be inferior to others due to their excessive arrogance.
But Anne is different. Apart from her liking for acting, her personality is relatively normal.
Although she also has her own arrogance, in her opinion, life is more important than this arrogance.
After all, she has only been killing gods for a few years, she is still a talented girl who has never been in a relationship, and she doesn’t want to die so early.
It’s just becoming Su Mo’s subordinate, so it’s just a part-time job!
“and many more!”
Thinking of this, she suddenly realized something with a little love brain.
“What if Mr. Su Mo wants to force me to sleep in bed as a king?”
“Speaking of which, the new king seems to have only told me about the last king. Is this implying something?”
“Could it be that the new king has taken a fancy to me? Wants to accept me as his lover?!”
Fortunately, Su Mo didn’t know what she was thinking.
Otherwise, you will definitely realize again that none of these godslayers is normal.
It didn’t take long to think about it.
The car stopped at the gate of Qixiong Shrine.
“So fast?”
Only then did Annie notice that there seemed to be no stops along the way.
In other words, the road from the airport to here has long been blocked.
Unexpectedly, the magic association on Fusang’s side could do such a thoughtful job.
After Annie thanked her, she walked into the shrine, planning to visit Su Mo, who knew the King of the End best.
Somewhat unexpectedly, there were no subordinates who reported outside the shrine.
Walk unimpeded all the way to the back mountain.
You can hear someone talking.
Anne quickened her pace.
At the next corner, before taking a step, I heard Su Mo’s voice.
“So, Hierarch Luo Hao still intends to go alone, right?”
Immediately afterwards, a melodious female voice full of arrogance sounded.
“That’s natural!”
“I am a person who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts and is known as the supreme being of the martial arts. How can I join hands with Xiao…and others when I deal with a mere god who refuses to follow me!”
“If so, where is my majesty, Luo Hao, as a martial arts king?”
This arrogant and awe-inspiring voice, no need to distinguish who it is.
Although for some reason, her voice sounded a little guilty.
But this is not important.
The most important thing is that besides Su Mo, among the godslayers, the strongest godslayer actually came!
Annie never thought that there would be such a surprise. She thought that Luo Hao, who had a eccentric personality and never went out, would not come!
I didn’t expect to have such a powerful helper this time.
Excited, she immediately walked over.
I saw the whole picture of the scene at the top of the mountain.
Suddenly, she was stunned.
Unparalleled joy suddenly exploded from the bottom of my heart.
At the same time, Su Mo’s voice sounded.
“Finally here, Annie, you are the last one to arrive.”
Yes, she was the last one to arrive.
My main god is Kaguya
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