Three days later, standing on the second-floor balcony, Leo looked into the distance, “Boss, it seems that something big has happened in the suburbs, and the Self-Defense Forces have blocked there.” A man stood behind Leo and said respectfully.

In the past few days, in order to understand the intelligence, Leo has subdued several local gangsters by hinting at magic, and the reason why he does not take the government route is firstly for security, and secondly to save mana.

After all, this world’s source is very thin, the absorption efficiency is low, and it can only replenish the magic power by refining its own life force9

So to be on the safe side, Leo needs a few people to be his eyes and ears, and find someone for himself to do a simple job.

“Kuroda, you go and prepare, let the others get ready, the end is coming.” Leo, turned around and glanced at Kondo Kuroda, “You step back down first, remember, don’t walk around randomly, next time if I’m not there, no one will come to save you”

A trace of fear flashed in Kuroda’s eyes, “Understood, my lord.” “When Kuroda was just subdued a few days ago, Kuroda accidentally entered this house directly to report something, but he was almost not sucked dry by the evil spirit.

If Leo hadn’t noticed his arrival in time, he estimated that it might have been just a dry bone now.

The magician’s workshop is not a place to wander around at will. Even though the workshop is very rudimentary.


Standing on the balcony, you can see that the bed owner city has fallen into chaos at this time, and the streets are full of cannibalistic scenes.

After being bitten to death, the originally alive person came back to life and attacked the living person, and several cars crashed into each other or hit the wall on both sides of the road.

Since this place is relatively close to the suburbs, the situation in the city is not very clear, but from the dense pockmarks over there, it must be even more chaotic than here!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Leo took a deep breath and it was time to get busy. He then checked his belongings again, bringing the Lunar Spirit Liquid and Tartarus.

Going down to the first floor, in the hall, three men with weapons and equipment, standing in the middle of the hall, Leo looked at them and thought about it.

“Kuroda, Ono and I went out to investigate the situation, and you stay here in the mountains.” Leo looked at the mountains, “Remember, don’t walk around, just look at the gate and make sure these supplies are safe.” Do you understand? ”

“Got it, boss.” Yamama looked at the two people next to him with a happy look and quickly answered. Kuroda and Ono had dark faces.

After all, for them, although they don’t know what is happening outside, they can still know that the bed owner city is now very chaotic.

Going out in this situation is indeed not comfortable and safe in the stronghold.

“You don’t need to worry about having me, take your guns and ammunition and get ready to go.” Leo frowned, “With a gun in hand, what are you afraid of!” ”

Then he walked towards the gate and saw his boss gone, and Kuroda and Ono quickly followed.


When I went out, the scene I saw was very shocking. The whole city was in chaos, and people were running away everywhere.

The streets are full of scenes of people biting each other, and those who have been bitten begin to bite other people who have not yet been bitten.

There were several cars on both sides of the road that had crashed together or hit walls. Some shops and houses even caught fire.

There are also places that seem to have experienced riots, and it can be said that it can be said that it is a battlefield.

“Boss, what’s going on,” Kuroda asked nervously as he looked at the hellish scene in front of him with a look of horror.

“Do you know the zombie movie in the movie, this is the case now, remember not to be bitten, otherwise I will have to send you away in advance” Skimming Kuroda next to him, Leo looked at the chaotic street in front of him.

“Also, remember that the heads of these dead bodies are weak points.”

Saying that, he led Kuroda and Ono towards the street. Today Leo plans to clean up the area around the stronghold first, and take advantage of the corpse tide before it has formed, and harvest some of the zombies first.

Looking at the street where there were almost no living people in front of him, Leo thought for a while: “You and Ono start cleaning from the left side of the stronghold, I start from the right alone, and finally we converge at the back door of the stronghold.” ”

“Understood, boss,” Ono and Kuroda replied.

“Remember, remember to install silencers when using firearms, I don’t want you to eliminate a batch, but attract more.” After saying that, Leo walked to the right.

Listening to the boss’s words, Ono and Kuroda glanced at each other and also set off to the left.

Looking at the dead body in front of him, Leo took out a police pistol equipped with a silencer and aimed it at the head of the dead body in front of him.

When the dead bodies approached about 5 meters from them, they were shot in the head. After all, the power of the police pistol is not great, to ensure that the head of the dead body is indeed close to fighting.

With a clanging sound, the dead bodies in front of them fell one after another.

Ten minutes later, the dead bodies in this area were basically lying on the ground and could not move. Looking at the dead body in front of him, Leo took out the gem that sealed Tartarus and activated the magic circuit.

As the life force was refined, the magic circuit began to produce magic power, and the magic power was slowly injected into the gem, and I saw that the gemstone began to shine with purple brilliance.

Something invisible to ordinary people began to be withdrawn from the dead body and gathered towards the gems.

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