A few hours later, we arrived near the downtown area of the bed’s main area, where the density of dead bodies was at least twice as high as before.

Look at these high-rise buildings. Leo knew there were survivors and more zombies than on the street. But they are not prepared to save people.

The reason is that after more than ten years in the field of magicians, even if he is a traverser, the cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness of the magician world has also changed Leo.

For strangers, Leo’s compassion has long been consumed by the brutality of life.

But Leo understood that if he was the only one, it would be difficult to clean up all the dead bodies in the bedlord city. Although it is not impossible, but the time consumption may be a bit much.

So for the survivors, Leo still needs their help.

Looking at the high-rise buildings in front of him, the once prosperous streets are now silent, except for the wandering dead body, all kinds of confetti and plastic bags scattered on the ground.

It is completely different from the order of the past.

“Boy, you go clean up the streets around here, I’ll take care of the interior of these buildings.”

Leo looked at the distribution of nearby buildings and thought for a moment, and then ordered the poison island boy.

“Also, you should be able to manipulate some of the black mud, remember to reclaim their souls through the black mud after killing the dead body.”

Poison Island Boy was slightly surprised, and seemed a little surprised that she could also absorb souls through black mud. But she is not a woman who likes to get to the bottom of things.


The poison island boy glanced at the mysterious man in front of her, and she had noticed from just now that there seemed to be a pressure on Leo that was getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that it was in front of him, and even breathing seemed to be a little difficult. It’s like facing hundreds of people.

In a sense, Poison Island Boy was not wrong. With the continuous absorption of soul essence, in terms of quality, Leo’s soul is now equivalent to a collection of tens of thousands of people. That sense of oppression is the oppression of some kind of huge soul on the surrounding life. Referred to as Soul Press.

Coupled with its origin-gravity, with the increase of the amount of soul, just as the birth of a star is formed by the aggregation of countless gases, its quality will also increase with the quantity. In the end, Leo’s soul will shine like a star.

“If you meet survivors, you can save them and take them to the tallest building.”

Leo paused, and his eyes became slightly grim.

“If someone makes trouble, just kill them. I don’t need trick-or-treaters! ”

Looking at the suddenly oppressive Leo in front of him, the poison island boy replied with a trace of complicated emotions in his eyes.

“Understood, my lord.”

Nodded, Leo randomly chose a building, two evil spirits appeared beside him, black mud surged under his feet, like a general commanding the army, calmly stepped into the building.

Seeing that Leo had begun to act, the poison island boy temporarily suppressed his chaotic thoughts and launched a massacre towards the surrounding group of dead bodies.


In the building, countless black mud was like a tide, slapped towards the dead bodies in front of Leo. In an instant, almost all the dead bodies turned into soft mud. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, two evil spirits will mend it.

Later, it seemed that he disliked the slow speed of cleaning up in this way, so he released all the black mud stored in Tartarus, and the black mud continued to spread along the stairs, elevator shafts, and ventilation ducts to higher floors. After a while, all the dead bodies in this building were submerged in black mud.

“There wasn’t even a single survivor.”

Leo opened his eyes and said with some dissatisfaction. After all, black mud for ordinary people as long as they are submerged, they can basically declare death on the spot. So Leo had to concentrate to avoid accidental injury.

“Forget it, clean up the next building.”

Leo, who did not take back the black mud, but completely immersed himself in it, manipulated the black mud to form a torrent, wrapped himself and rushed out of this building and came to other buildings.


In a shopping plaza, a group of people are sitting in the lobby on the third floor, probably hundreds of people. What can be seen is that there are still many dead bodies on the second floor, and the passages leading to the upper and lower floors on the third floor are blocked by various shelves and cabinets.

Apparently, they are stuck here.

“We can’t stay here anymore, we don’t have any food.” A young man in a teacher’s uniform with eyes stood atop a merchant counter and shouted at them in a demagogic voice. “We need to be united, and as long as we act together, we can definitely get out of here.”

For Koichi Wisteria, these survivors in front of him are a bunch of stupid guys. With the slightest incitement, they will listen to the leader, and he now wants to be the leader.

Looking at Koichi Wisteria’s speech, although the people in the audience were already a little moved. After all, the floor they are on is a clothing store. There is not enough food to fill the stomach.

Coupled with the sudden outbreak of disaster yesterday, not all people can afford to take survival supplies with them when fleeing for their lives. So most of these people have been hungry for a day.

“But there are so many monsters outside, how can we escape!” A male high school student about eighteen years old was in the audience and whispered.

Hearing this person’s words, Wisteria’s eyes revealed a trace of strangeness.

“There are so many of us, there is not enough food here! Is it just waiting here to die? As long as we work together, most of us will survive. ”

People are fluke, and no one feels that they will be the unlucky one. Wisteria deeply understands the inferior nature of human beings. Of course, this also gives him a lot of room to operate.

With a little guidance, they will become tools in the hands of wisteria. As the leader, he will be the safest person in the group.

“Let’s all rush out together, so that even if the dead body can’t stop so many of us, at most one or two unlucky eggs will die.”

Of course, this is a lie, although there are hundreds of them, but they really want to break through and finally survive at most. And Wisteria wants to be such a person.

Just when Wisteria was about to continue to seduce them.

“As long as we -”


The high school student before shouted loudly.

“Look out the window! What is that!? ”

Although he was a little annoyed that the man was a high school student interrupting him, Wisteria’s eyes also looked out the window.

What was in front of them shocked everyone.

I saw countless black mud on the street outside spreading out from inside a building, drowning the dead body like a tide, as long as the dead body was touched, it was silent in an instant.

As the Kuroshio continued to spread, the dead bodies on the streets fell at an extremely fast speed like wheat blown down by the wind.

And the black mud seemed to have life, spreading like vines towards the surrounding buildings. It’s like a filthy hell.

The scene in front of them made this group of survivors suddenly silent, leaving only a pair of eyes with surprise and fear to cast towards Kuroshio.

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