And behind the man was a woman with long purple-black hair full of Yamato Fuzi atmosphere. Wearing a purple-black robe. Even so, it couldn’t stop the proud figure.

Looking at a man and a woman in front of them, the survivors slowly took a few steps back.

Coming out of the black mud, no matter how you think about it, has a close relationship with this black mud. Since the black mud is so terrifying, it is inevitable that these two people are not good at stubble.

Looking at the survivors with horror and cowardice on their faces in front of him, Leo silently examined them. For Leo, none of them made a difference. He needs helpers, not a bunch of cowards.

Looking at them, Leo said slowly with an admiring attitude

“Now you have two choices, the first is to come with me and work for me, and I will help you somewhat.” Leo paused and looked at them again, “The second is to stay here.” ”

As Leo’s voice ended, no one made a sound, and everyone looked at Leo with promise. At this time, the scene was silent for a while.

Frowning, Leo was just about to speak. One interrupted his next words.

“Sir, I want to be able to go with you.” As soon as the words fell, Koichi Wisteria quickly walked out from the crowd in a humble gesture.

From the time Kuroshio did not drown them as survivors as he did with dead bodies, he understood that perhaps this Kuroshio was manipulated by someone, and even if no one manipulated it, it was wise.

Wisteria Koichi deeply understands that he is not afraid of being used, but afraid that he will not even have use value. People who have no role, there is no need to exist. So while these survivors were still silent, Koichi Wisteria stood up.

The first one to surrender, even if it is not of much value, the end will not be too miserable. And now he has no choice. In order to complete his revenge, the person in front of him may be his only hope.

Koichi Wisteria is the son of a famous local councilor. But his biological mother died of alcoholism because his father was looking for a mistress

But he still believes in his father and feels that he can inherit everything from his father. What he did not expect was that the inheritance was given to his half-brother, so he worked as a teacher and assisted his brother in his political career, so he hated his father and his family very much.

The reason why he was willing to assist his brother was to grasp his father’s weakness and destroy the wisteria family.

Looking at the man with his head bowed in front of him, a man with respectful glasses. Leolio asked with interest.

“What’s your name?”

“My lord, my name is Koichi Wisteria.”

“Why do you want to serve me?” Leo asked curiously, of course he knew about the villain in the original book. He also knows something about the love and hate between his family.

But Leo didn’t look at people with colored glasses just because he was a villain. For Leo, this is a real world, and it is indeed biased to arbitrarily judge others based on just twenty minutes of footage in an episode.

Looking at the boy about 15 years old in front of him, Hoichi Wisteria was as nervous as if facing his own father at the moment, and even more nervous. Take a deep breath. Wisteria replied

“I think the abilities of adults will allow me to live better in this apocalypse.”

After speaking, Wisteria looked at Leo nervously, waiting for the reply of the person in front of him.

“Yes, I can help you live better, but why should I help you?”

With a hint of a smile, Leo looked at the wisteria Koichi and slowly said this sentence.

As soon as Wisteria Koichi heard this, he paused and immediately bent his body into ninety degrees and bowed

“I am willing to give my life for adults!”

Looking at Koichi Wisteria’s answer, I have to say that he is worthy of being a smart person.

“Very good, you can follow me in the future.” As for the others, you count the number of people and see how many are willing to go with me, remember that I don’t want to be a coward. ”

After speaking, Leo looked at the poison island girl

“You stay here, watch them, and then go with the phone supplies with people who are willing to leave with us. I went to the roof to observe the situation. ”

As soon as the words fell, the poison island boy nodded and replied, “Understood, my lord.” Then the survivors were gone.

Without looking at what the two planned to do with the survivors, Leo turned directly to the side of the black mud, and once again merged into the black mud and went to the roof.

“Poison Island-san met again.” Koichi Wisteria greeted kindly.

Looking at the wisteria Koichi in front of him, the poison island boy returned slightly politely.

“Wisteria teacher, now is not the time to say this, let’s complete the adult’s order first, how about it?”

Looking at the polite reply of the poison island girl, Wisteria Koichi was on the side, and then nodded stunnedly.

Then Wisteria Koichi walked in front of the survivors and said loudly with a smug look: “If you want to go with adults, hurry up and stand up.” ”

As soon as the words fell, I saw that it seemed to be due to Leo’s departure, and the crowd in front of Wisteria Hiroshi began to hear a burst of discussion

“In the past, it will not be used as a sacrifice! That person doesn’t look like a good person.”

“It’s good to stay here, and when they leave, we can leave by ourselves!”

“It’s not bad to follow Wisteria-sama!”

Looking at this chaotic scene, Wisteria’s face was a little gloomy.

“Shut up, if you want to leave, just come out, do you think it’s really safe here?”

Although Koichi Wisteria didn’t really care about the safety of these people, as the first task under Leo, the more he could bring, the higher his status in Leo’s heart would naturally be.

With the wisteria’s reprimand, gradually some of them stood out from the crowd gritting their teeth.

After a while, the survivors in front of them became two groups of people.

Most of the people who choose to leave here are relatively young, and most of those who choose to stay here are over 40 years old. It may be that older people are more concerned about gains and losses, so be careful.

Looking at the about thirty or so survivors in front of him, Koichi Wisteria’s face became a little better.

Turning his head and walking towards Poison Island Boy, he came to Poison Island and asked with a little flattery, “Poison Island classmate, the people have been selected, where should we go next?” ”

Looking at the survivors who were about to work with her in front of her, Poison Island did not dislike the lack of people, even if they only got along for less than half a day, she understood that Leo did not value these people much.

After a pause, the charming voice of the poison island girl appeared in their ears

“You guys go and bring your things first, then go downstairs with me to collect supplies, and then prepare to leave here.”

As soon as the words fell, Wisteria Koichi shouted at the somewhat dull person in front of him.

“Don’t act fast yet!”

With the roar of Wisteria Koichi, these thirty dozen people immediately began to hurriedly clean up, and after a while, under the leadership of Wisteria Koichi, these people packed up their things and stood neatly in front of the poison island boy.

The poison island boy glanced at them and said, “Keep up!” Without looking back, he walked towards the passage he had just entered.

Looking at the distant poison island girl, Wisteria Koichi quickly beckoned them to follow the poison island boy and leave.

Ask for flowers!! Ask for tickets! Pity the poor writer!!! Yes>_

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