With the outbreak of nuclear war, this is not just the damage caused by the EMP as in the original book.

The smoke and dust produced after the outbreak of nuclear weapons will enter the atmosphere and spread around the world, forming a thick dust cloud to cover the sun, and the surface temperature will drop sharply to form a “nuclear winter”.

Various environmental disasters followed, even if they escaped the instantaneous killing of nuclear weapons and the nuclear radiation behind, they still could not escape the harsh environmental climate.

That’s why Leo told the few people in front of him so carefully. In a sense, as long as he is not at the center of the nuclear explosion, Leo can survive through the protection of black mud.

But other ordinary people, faced with the loss of the help of modern electronic items and the devastation of nuclear radiation, may not be able to survive.

What’s more, the dust cloud formed by the nuclear bomb explosion will prevent sunlight from directly entering the landmark.

Without sunlight, there are no plants, and the shortage of food will make people unable to survive for a few years. You know, not all food shelf life will be as durable as military supplies.

For these things, Leo said he can’t solve them. Of course, if he could turn back a mother, it would be another matter.

Looking at the few people who gradually became serious in front of him, Leo suddenly comforted.

“However, you are not too worried, in order to better destroy the function of the city, except for some specific places, such as military camps and the like, most nuclear bombs will be detonated in mid-air for the highest efficiency.” After a pause, a cloud of black mud surged from Leo’s hand and continued

“As for other shock waves, radiation and the like, as long as you are not standing under the nuclear bomb, the black mud can completely shield you out.”

That’s right, last night Leo did not touch the fish, but after remembering the nuclear bomb in the original book, he began to explore the defense power of black mud.

Black mud, as the embodiment of some kind of soul residue and curse, may not be physically defensive enough to protect against nuclear bombs

But as a soul and cursed semi-entity, it is more resistant to things like radiation. Not only that, but it can even convert radiation into magic to a certain extent, and store it. Even if its power is pitifully low.

In addition, Leo also developed a way to store mana with black mud, which can store a certain amount of mana by solidifying and crystallizing black mud without even adjusting the magic circuitry inside it.

The only drawback is that this magic is not colorless, but full of malice, which is no way this is due to the innate nature of black mud.

For Leo and the Sealee, this is fine, but if others do, please refer to the tragic situation after Eimiya Kiriji touched the black mud.

Could this also be an anti-theft measure? Just like some people like to smear poison on their treasures.

A piece of magic crystals slowly stretched out from Leo’s black mud, looked at them and said, “This thing is made from black mud, as long as you can skillfully manipulate the black mud to form crystals, and then pour magic power into it.” ”

Looking at the ignorant people, Leo touched the back of his head and sighed. “Consciousness is that this thing is equivalent to your gasoline, slowly increasing your strength and endurance.”

Everyone suddenly realized. Looking at Leo, who seemed to understand something, he continued, “That’s all for now, Kuroda and Wisteria, you take the Black Curse Seal and go to the survivors to find someone who is willing to be the seal. ”

Turned his head to look at Ono and the mountains.

“You guys go and take some people, make Faraday cages, and protect the electronics!” If you don’t know what Faraday cage is, ask someone. ”

After saying all this, Leo waved his hand and hurriedly asked them to hurry to work. Several people immediately bowed, and then hurriedly walked outside.

Looking at the poison island girl, Leo’s expression said with a little gentleness, “Boy, I have a separate task here, I hope you can help you do it slowly, it may take you a few days, I don’t know if you want to.” ”

Tsuko was stunned for a moment, “What Leojun ordered, Tsuko will do whatever it takes.” “、

For Poison Island Yako, Leo is already her monarch, and dying for the monarch is an honor for Poison Island Yako who was educated by Bushido since childhood.

Leo shook his head, and then took Junzi’s hand and said slowly.

“You don’t have to, boy, you are much more important than these things, if you can’t do it, give up, and save yourself first, understand?”

Looking at Leo, who was holding his little hand, the poison island boy’s face appeared red, and he did not continue to object.

“Well, I see, Leo-kun.”

After speaking, he showed a charming smile.

Leo lowered his hand, walked to the table, picked up a black spell mark and said.

“Tsuko, do you know the Gao Cheng family?”

Although Tsuko was a little stunned by Leo letting go, he immediately replied.

“Soichiro Takashiro?”

“That’s right, it’s him, I need you to go to the Gao Cheng family’s mansion, join them, and then distribute the Black Spell Seal, slowly control all the survivors of the Gao Cheng mansion, and will go with you when the wisteria returns.”

“But the Gao Cheng family really survived, and even gathered a large number of survivors?” Poison Island Boy was a little hesitant about this.

Leo smiled a little, “If there are no survivors, let’s come back first.” If it still exists, it will be troublesome to slowly occupy where it is. ”

After a pause, Leo continued, “The Black Spell Seal can not only give the recipient power, but also bring certain restrictions, at least in front of the Gongzi, as long as the Gongzi wants, then the black mud in their bodies will be your most obedient and best weapon. ”

“Okay, take thirty Black Spell Seals, go out and find Wisteria Koichi, and then you will immediately go to the Gaocheng Mansion.” Leo’s face suddenly became serious, “Son, remember to save yourself first, I don’t want you to make any mistakes.” ”

Tongzi immediately knelt down on one knee, and said with a resolute look on her charming face.

“Will live up to the trust of Leojun.”

Then he took the Black Spell Seal given by Leo and went outside to find Koichi Wisteria to complete Leo’s mission.

Ask for flowers and collect !!!! Kneel thanks!!

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