In the night sky, a figure flew over the bedside city. Under the moonlight, it seems like a demon.

Of course, no one in Bedmaster City is in the mood to enjoy the moon now. So no one can see this fantastic scene.

Leo was flying in the air, holding the map in his hand and constantly comparing, while also sensing the source to see where the concentration of the source was the strongest in the main city.

Through the continuous perception of Dayuan, Leo found that the closer to the city center, the concentration of Dayuan was also increasing.

Staying in the air for the time being, his wings constantly flapping, providing Leo with the power to float.

“Strange, why is it that from the direction of the flow of the great source, the place in the city center is the strongest point?”

Leo was puzzled, because he had not felt the high concentration of large sources there in the city center before, but was a little lacking.

Even if he was confused, Leo still had to go and see, but the radiation concentration there was probably a bit high.

After thinking for a moment, I saw that black mud continued to gush out of Leo’s body, forming a full body armor.

With a shake of his wings, he then flew in the direction of the city center at great speed.

However, in a moment, Leo clearly felt that the concentration of radiation was extremely rising.

It is clear that this has entered the confines of the city center, extremely close to the nuclear bomb explosion site.

Looking at the tall buildings below that had almost collapsed by the shock wave of the nuclear bomb explosion, Leo’s wings closed behind his back, and then flew down sharply.

The city center was full of broken stones, almost all over the street, and in a fairly level clearing, suddenly a figure fell from the sky, and the ground suddenly raised a puff of dust.

Leo frowned, his wings behind his back spread his wings, and the wind blew away the dust in an instant.

“I didn’t expect that even if it exploded in the sky, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb could destroy this place like this.”

Looking at the scene in front of him that seemed to be bombed by countless missiles, Leo was a little emotional.

Even if he wanted to cause such destructive power, it would take all his magic power and not a short time to compare with it.

Retracting his wings behind his back, Leo constantly senses the direction of this large source flow, and then follows this direction, constantly moving towards the interior of the city center.

As it progresses, the surrounding buildings become more and more dilapidated, and some even have only one foundation, and the concentration of Dayuan is also increasing dramatically.

After a while, Leo stopped

“This feels, as if you are inside the spiritual vein node?”

As if realizing something, Leo quickened his pace and walked towards the place where the concentration of the source was highest.

A clearing appeared in front of Leo’s eyes, and it was clear that this was where the shock wave hit the city center at the very beginning, so that it could form a clearing.

In Leo’s perception, countless large sources continue to gush out from the ground, like underground water pipes that have been exploded.

“Sure enough, it was the underground spiritual vein that was broken, and it seemed to be the impact of a nuclear bomb. What a waste, how much mana must be lost!!”

With a distressed face, looking at the spiritual veins of the Great Source that were constantly leaking out in front of him because of the damage, Leo’s body immediately gushed out countless black mud to form a black mud, thus temporarily blocking the gap.

Even so, there are bubbles coming out of the mud and then releasing a certain source.

“Even black mud can’t completely seal the broken spiritual vein, and maybe after a long time, the black mud will pollute this spiritual vein.”

With helplessness in his eyes, Leo patted his forehead like a headache.

He had to finish the preparation for the ceremony as soon as possible, otherwise if the spiritual vein was infected with evil attributes, the ceremony would most likely go wrong.

But one advantage is that with this place, the center of the ceremony is found.

As long as the layout of the ceremony is planned, Leo’s sublimation can begin.

However, this has to be done in half a month, otherwise I am afraid that something will go wrong.

Looking at the almost chaotic scene here, a black mud appeared in front of Leo, and as the black mud began to surge continuously, the magic circuit inside was still constantly deformed and combined, and instantly combined to form a magic model of fossil mud.

As Leo injected magic into it, the surrounding environment began to slowly change according to Leo’s thoughts, and the ground began to level out.

The surrounding rubble gradually merges into mud and forms a huge platform about five meters high, on which a huge ancient gray temple wrapped in the leakage of spiritual veins slowly rises.

Inside it was a black mire that temporarily suppressed the spiritual veins. One step after another appeared at the entrance of Leo and the temple, which was nearly five meters above the ground.

Walking up the steps, as Leo walked, columns appeared at intervals on both sides, and at the top were flames burning with black mud.

Entering the interior of the temple, it was empty, only the mire in the center was constantly bubbling with magical bubbles.

Seeing that it seemed that the appearance of the temple did not affect the suppression of the spiritual veins by the black mud, Leo turned around and walked towards the gate of the temple.

The moment he came out of the temple gate, a black mud instantly rose up at the gate and solidified into an obsidian-like gate.

This is Leo’s insurance measure, and if anyone tries to open the door, his soul will be absorbed by it.

As for why you want to make a temple, in addition to experimenting with the effect of fossil mud, and even if it is to pretend, after all, if the power is not for pretending, then what fun is there.

Without paying any more attention to these, a pair of giant wings appeared behind Leo, flapped his wings, and took Leo towards the sky.

For Leo, these treatments were enough, and he now had to look at other ceremonial site settings. There is also a magic progression test for the new system.

~~Divider line——

Ask for a flower collection tip!!!

Really move tomorrow, post one chapter first, and post the remaining two chapters tomorrow at 10pm. ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭

The author kneels in thanks!

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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