Chapter 073 Pregnant Again! 【3/3】【Subscription requested!! 】

Three days later, the bed was outside the downtown shrine.

“Miss Poison Island, hasn’t your crown woken up yet?”

Wisteria Koichi, who had a little leisure time, came here and asked Poison Island Rinko, who had just finished part of the temple circuit engraving work.

“Under the crown, I am still sleeping, but in the past few days, I can vaguely feel that the aura under the crown in the temple has become stronger and more restrained.”

Poison Island Junzi’s face had a trace of relief, and then continued.

“It’s like the crown is completely in control of his own power, and if you don’t want to be around him like before, there will be a sense of oppression.”

Hearing Poison Island Rinko’s answer, Wisteria Koichi breathed a sigh of relief, judging from Poison Island Rinko’s words, Leo’s changes were obviously going for the better.

Since there was no problem getting Leo-sama, Koichi Wisteria said goodbye to Poison Island Tsukiko and continued to work. After all, the search team has explored the next city in the past three days. Brought back hundreds of people.

Most of these hundreds of people chose to implant the Black Spell Seal to join the sect.

In a way, this is a good thing, because more people means more labor to build projects. The only trouble is that as the current big butler of the sect, Wisteria Koichi is very busy.

Now being able to come to Poison Island to understand the situation is all busy.

Looking at the wisteria Koichi who left towards the stronghold, Poison Island Tsuko couldn’t help but think of the change in Leo’s aura in the past few days. As a true spirit, it has been handed over to Leo’s existence, and it is also the only existence that has fused black mud at present.

Poison Island Tsuko could clearly feel that Leo’s aura was becoming more powerful every moment than the last second. This also made Poison Island Junzi breathe a sigh of relief.

These performances mean that nothing is wrong with Leo.

Putting aside her chaotic thoughts, Poison Island walked towards the temple, and she had to continue to work on the circuit engraving. There is no time to think about it.

–Dividing line–Time is lost drop by drop. Eight days of Leo’s deep sleep.

In the spiritual vein, Leo’s figure floated in the huge source of the spiritual vein. There was constantly a great source in the spiritual vein that washed from Leo’s body.

With the washing of the spiritual vein source in eight days, Leo’s body has now undergone some strange changes.

There was a faint glow around the flesh and blood, even the skin was a little transparent, and the golden hair shimmered with charming colors like a light cable.

This is a phenomenon after being eroded by magic. In some ways, this is a good thing, because it means that my magic skills have greatly improved.

But at the same time, it also means that Leo’s body has begun to become magical, if not for Leo’s previous strengthening by black mud, now Leo’s body has become part of the spiritual vein.

“Has the body started to be a little overwhelmed.?”

Consciousness is in the depths of the soul, constantly thinking of ways to control his huge soul, Leo felt the changes in the outside world and couldn’t help but think.

In the past few days, due to the addiction to controlling his soul, he has accidentally neglected to protect the outside world.

I thought that I had experienced the baptism of black mud, but staying for a while would not have a big problem, but reality gave Leo a slap.

“Although this sentence can still be used, even better than before, but…”

It seems that there is some hidden danger in such a body, otherwise why does the magician family of the type moon world not use this method, there must be a flaw in it.

Even Leo could faintly sense that he seemed to have some dependence on magic.

“In that case, let’s start a new breed.”

It seemed that a decision had been made, and countless black silk threads continued to emerge from Leo’s body to constantly wrap him, like a butterfly larvae about to cocoon.

That’s right, Leo is ready to use this as a womb to give birth to a new body.

The reason why he was so decisive, Leo was a little frustrated to find that after working hard for a few days inside Tartarus, the speed of his own control of his power, it would take at least half a year to fully grasp it.

Moreover, the recipients of Leo’s subordinates are too conscientious, and the soul essence that pours into Tartarus every day is innumerable. Forced to himself, Leo could only direct these superfluous soul essences to Leo’s four angels for the time being. Strengthen them by the way. Faced with the problem of his own power being too large, Leo thought of borrowing part of the concept of butterfly magic, putting himself in a similar mother’s fetus to re-conceive, and then using this pregnancy process to quickly control his own power.

Not only that, Leo solved his body’s problems in the process, but he was also able to fully integrate his soul. Until the beginning of the ritual, with its power to connect the concept of Zoroastrianism as part of the placenta nutrient supply.

In this way, Leo will be born as the head of the Zoroastrian god of good, and Tartarus can also complete the gorgeous transformation as the head of the evil god.

The concept of Leo and Ahura is more integrated, which is equivalent to Leo himself coming to the world as Ahura Mazda. Thinking of this, Leo couldn’t help but give himself a thumbs up!

As for now, isn’t a spiritual vein that is so big underground a perfect placenta? And there are also a lot of nutrients. It can fully withstand the large amount of resources consumed by Leo because of the reconception.

“The sun will be reborn every day!”

“I am born again here! This is the truth of the world!! ”

With Leo’s words, the mimic womb slowly formed, and Leo’s body turned into a chaos like a melted wax figure, and only the magic circuit was still in it.

Through the chaos, one can faintly see the ups and downs of a world with a great sun and an endless black sea, which is the manifestation of Leo’s soul essence under countless soul essences and after great changes after losing physical bondage. Although it is still a human soul, its shape has changed.

—- dividing line—-。

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