Chapter 089 Second Finger and Head to Tokyo!!

【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】 】


After visiting Senior Sasaki and Senior Iguchi, who had been taken to the hospital after being injured, Yuhito Knotweed and Gojo Gojo came to Knotweed’s home.

“Knotweed Yuren, how are you thinking about it?”

Gojo Gojo, who was standing behind Yujin the knotweed, said to him with a finger in his hand. Hearing Gojo’s words, Knotweed Yuren looked at his grandfather’s spiritual position in front of him, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Gojo with some firm eyes.

“You carry that finger, right?”

Hearing Yujin Knotweed’s answer, Gojo handed his finger to him.

Looking carefully at the fingers of the stall in his hand, with a hint of disgust, Knotweed Yuren said.

“If you look closely, it’s really a little disgusting.”

Then he swallowed his fingers into his abdomen.

At this time, the two-faced stall felt a part of the power of his recovery, and he couldn’t help but feel surprised. Although Nadajuku can go out now, due to Leo’s order, Nadajuku couldn’t help cursing in a low voice.

“It’s really cheap for you, little ghost.”

And at this time, the knotweed Yuren outside covered his neck with an uncomfortable face, and just when Gojo Goku was a little alert and ready to strike, the knotweed Yuren had an expression like he had eaten.

“It’s so unpalatable!!! I want to laugh if it’s unpalatable! ”

Seeing that Knotweed Yuren was not possessed by the two-sided stall, Gojo couldn’t help but relax a little, thinking in his heart.

“This confirms that not only the body’s resistance to toxicity, but also the ability to preserve one’s consciousness even in the face of a stall, is really a wizard that is rare in a thousand years.”

Sensing that Gojo seemed to be thinking something, Knotweed Yuren asked him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I can now consider you ready to enlighten, right?”

Faced with Gojou’s words, Knotweed Yuren touched his head and said.

“Not at all, I’m wondering why I was put to death.”

“However, the curse cannot be spared.”

Thinking of his grandfather’s last words before he died, Knotweed Youren couldn’t help but complain,

“What a headache.”

Looking at his grandfather’s posthumous photo, Knotweed Yuren looked at Gojo with some firm eyes.

“I’ll eat all the fingers of the stall, and I don’t care about what happens after that, I’m doomed to die anyway, right?”

“Well, I don’t hate people like you. It seems that a pleasant hell will soon ensue. ”

Hearing Yuren Knotweed’s answer, the corners of Gojo’s mouth rose to reveal a happy expression.

You must know that Gojo has always wanted to change this rotten spell world, but for various reasons, even if he has invincible power, he cannot directly kill those high-level people.

After all, without those high-level people, whether this spell world will become better, he doesn’t know, but the spell world will definitely become more chaotic, and countless innocent people will be involved or even die.

Therefore, Gojo Goku came to the spell high school as a teacher, hoping to cultivate his own strength, after all, young people are the future, and Gojo Goku wants to seize the future.

Thinking of these five realizations, I can’t help but think of Leo who blocked the way before, if the kind of birth technique can get Leo’s help, then even the high-level can’t resist his innovation.

Turning back to the knotweed Yuren, he continued.

“Pack your bags today.”

“Where are you going?”

At this time, the door of the room opened, and Fuguro Megumi and Poison Island Yuren appeared in front of Knotweed Yuren’s eyes, facing Knotweed Yuren’s question. Fuguro Megumi stood outside the door and slowly answered Knotweed Yuren’s question.


Seeing Fuguro Megumi and Poison Island Rinko’s knotweed Yuren, he couldn’t help but say to the two with some joy,

“Fuhei, his face is good!! Poison Island Senior Sister too!! ”

Poison Island Tsukiko only smiled slightly when she heard Knotweed Yuren’s words, while Fuguro Megumi pointed to her bandaged head and said.

“Do you look good at me like this? Next, you will transfer with us to the Spell High School in Tokyo. ”

“Alas, Senior Sister Poison Island is also going?”

“Poison Island plans to go to the Spell Academy together for some reason to receive relevant education.”

Hearing Knotweed Yuren’s words, Gojo explained on the side.

“Because I was the only one left in the family, I didn’t know much about spells and the like, so I just accepted Gojo-sensei’s invitation.”

Hearing the words of Poison Island Rinko, Knotweed Youren reacted, and then apologized to Poison Island Rinko, after all, there was only one person left in the family.

“I’m sorry, Senior Sister Poison Island.”

Hearing Knotweed Yuren’s words, Poison Island Yuren pretended to be unconcerned.

“I’m used to it after so many years.”

Then several people set off towards Tokyo!! —- dividing line–just when Poison Island Tsuko successfully mixed into the Spell High School, Leo was wandering around the city, one was relaxing and relaxing in the tense days of the Apocalypse World of the Academy, but to see if he could find Xia Youjie and his group.

“Sure enough, this kind of luck has no effect at all!”

Leo, who had been shopping in Ginza for a day, couldn’t help but complain, and at the same time handed over various souvenirs and snacks that he couldn’t reach in his hands to the two-sided stall summoned by Leo.

“Bastard! Even if you’re my boss, you can’t pull me out to do this kind of thing!!! ”

The two-faced stall is now the image of a black-haired young man, and if you look closely, there is also a bit of a knotweed Yuren.

Faced with the roar of the stall, Leo looked unimpressed, and then stuffed a ball in his hand into his 557 mouth.

“Well, don’t be so angry, life is not just about fighting and killing, it’s not bad to appreciate what ordinary humans will create in the next thousand years.” If you look at your field of birth, the name is a lot like a chef. ”

After eating the contents of the mouthful, even the two-sided stalls have to admit that compared to the Heian period of the past, the food is indeed much more delicious now, and the things of that era are difficult to describe in comparison. But hearing Leo arrange his own field of birth, he couldn’t help but roar.

“I was describing the enemy as meat on a chopping block in front of me!!!”

Hearing the words of the two-faced stall, Leo was unimpressed. And then a little distressed.

“Speaking of which, how do you say to find a group of curse spirits who deliberately hide?”

Hearing Leo’s words, Nadajuku said mockingly.

“If you want to find a group of moving spells that are hiding, unless you can monitor the whole of Tokyo, you should give up.”

Hearing Nadasu’s words, Leo thought thoughtfully.

Then suddenly smiled at the two-faced stall,

“Although I can monitor the entire Tokyo city, but in this case, the movement caused is too great, and some of the gains are not worth the losses, but how about one person not finding those four people?”

–Dividing line–Mid-Autumn Festival, here I wish all readers a family reunion and all the best. Finally, please subscribe!! Flower! Ticket!!。

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