Chapter 102: The Battle Between the Stalls and the Crowd! 【1/3】。

At this moment, Leo suddenly clapped his hands, and suddenly a pool of black mud appeared under his feet, and in an instant a human figure made of black mud appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Bastard, I’m not going to help you carry something!!!”

With a cursing roar, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

“Knotweed Yuren!”

Seeing the stall in front of him, Xia Youjie couldn’t help but exclaim, and the stalls on both sides were immediately attracted by this sound, and looked at Xia Youjie with an unhappy face.

“I’m not that hateful little ghost.”

Hearing the words of the stall, Xia Youjie suddenly understood that the person in front of him was not Knotweed Youren.

“Two-faced stall!!”

When the two-faced dormitory stalls heard Xia Youjie’s words, they couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky.

“That’s right, I’m a two-faced stall, the king of curses!”

Then, the two sides looked at Leo and said with some unhappiness.

“I shouldn’t be here to help you do something pointless this time.”

With a smile in his eyes, Leo reached out and shook his finger.

“No, this time I just want you to see the new companions and let you understand the next plan, by the way, they heard Leo’s words, and looked at Xia Youjie and the real people and other spells with some interested eyes on their faces.”

“Oh, is that the guys? It seems to have some strength and is a good target for fighting. ”

Saying that, the two stalls looked at the people in front of them with a little excitement, and said to Leo on the side.

“However, this body now can’t exert my full strength, why don’t I occupy the body of Knotweed Yuren now?”

Before the two sides could continue, Leo interrupted him directly.

“No, oh, now I also need you to give the senior an illusion that you can’t break free from the shackles of Knotweed Youren, of course, I have reserved some things for this body to ensure that I can exert part of your strength.”

Hearing Leo’s words, the two sides of the stall subconsciously sensed the situation of this body, and with a wave of his hand, a slash suddenly broke through the air from the hand of the stall to the side.

“That’s what you call a skill stone? Actually completely reproduced my birth technique? ”

“It’s not a reproduction, but a way to parse your birth technique and reconstruct it in the form of magic.” Your slash can now be learned if they have the conditions. ”

Hearing Leo’s words, he immediately glanced at Leo unpleasantly.


“Even so, the same technique is used differently by different people.”

Looking at the five people in front of him again, the stall said with some mockery.

“Let me see what qualifications you have to be my companions, you will die if you can’t satisfy me!!”

As soon as the words fell, the two stalls laughed maniacally and rushed towards several people.

Looking at the two-faced stalls rushing over, Xiaohu couldn’t help but roar

“Look down on anyone, it’s just two fingers!”

As soon as the words fell, a huge flame sprayed towards the figures of the stalls on both sides,


In the face of this flame, the two sides did not dodge, but stretched out their palms like long claws to tear the incoming flames from the bottom up.

Suddenly, the flames turned into two halves, and everyone who saw this scene did not have time to be shocked, looked at the two-sided stalls that attacked, and quickly used their birth technique.

“Spell Magic! Before incarnating as Tamamo! ”

Xia Youjie directly invoked the special grade spell incarnation that he had once adjusted to the jade algae to block the footsteps of the two-sided stall, while Hua Yu manipulated countless vines to spread towards the two-sided stall, and the dogon also launched countless water waves towards the two-sided dormitory.

“Gravel worm!”

After returning to his senses, he hurriedly launched another attack on the two-sided stall, and saw several mosquito-nose-like flying insects flying out from the volcano on the head of the leak, and these mosquitoes would explode if they collided with each other, obviously intending to have one hand on both sides.

On the other side, the real person turned into a long spike and stabbed towards the stalls on both sides.

Seeing the restrained self, the two-faced stall did not panic, but revealed what he saw interesting, and laughed loudly.

“Interesting, it seems that you still have to take it seriously, but I have to say that this body is really doing well.”

“Technique Forward Transfer!”

As soon as the words fell, the two-sided stalls surrounded by the attack stopped, first jumped to the top of the head in front of the incarnation Jade Mo, and then stepped on the soles of his feet, and then countless extremely fine slashes appeared from in front of him and slashed towards these attacks……….

Although the spell power of these slashes is not much compared to these attacks, they cut them into countless pieces in an instant. At this time, putting away the severed hand, the real person found that his transformation of inaction could not instantly restore the wound.

“This is even the soul being attacked together!”

Real people understand why Leo would say that Knotweed Yuren would be his natural enemy. Since the two-faced stall can really hurt himself, then there is no doubt that the knotweed Youren, who is the container of the stall, must also be able to really hurt himself.

With some solemnity, the real person did not use his own body to attack, but threw some palm-sized spells that he turned into a human into a bullet at the two sides.

At this time, the two sides of the stall looked at the same attack again, and couldn’t help but feel a little bored,

“It’s a bit greasy to turn over and over these tricks, how about trying this trick?”


As a two-faced raw technique, the effect of the punch is to filter out the strength of the spell and then deliver a fatal slash. With the five extremely fast slashes with a strong sense of danger, all five felt a strong death crisis, and immediately used their own methods to try to dodge.

“The field unfolds [Rhyme Horizon]!”

As the field of Togon unfolded, except for the real person who was 0.3 far away, it was not wrapped in, and since the rest were wrapped in it, it then directly hit the shell of the domain. Suddenly, the black shell of the field was full of cracks, but it was still blocked.

And the real person faced this move, the spell in the direct hand transformed into a huge meat shield, and he became extremely small, with the attack of the pound, the meat shield was directly chopped, but because the resistance of the meat shield was paid for an arm, the real person still dodged this fatal blow.

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I feel that there are fewer people reading this volume of Spell Return, [It may be that I wrote something that is not very good, I will speed up the progress later.] Hopefully, something wrong will be pointed out. 】

【。 】

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