Chapter 106 Curse Fetus! [2/2] [3000 word chapter].

Record – July 2028, Nishi-Tokyo City Eiji Juvenile Hospital.

An unnamed special imaginary spell appeared above the playing field, and several non-spell master personnel witnessed its spell fetus. Through the decision of the top management, four students of the first year of the Spell High School were sent to deal with it.

Three hours later……..

In the sky of the Yingji Juvenile Courtyard, the gloomy dark clouds combined with the large amount of spells gathered made this place look even more depressing. In the rain, the Spell Subsidy Superintendent Itachi Takashi spoke to the four of Knotweed Yuren about the purpose of summoning them here.

“Our window confirmed that the curse had been cursed three hours ago, and when the evacuation was guided to ninety percent, the facility was cordoned off according to the scene. The surrounding residents have completed their evacuation. ”

Hearing Itachi’s words, Knotweed Yuren raised his hand and asked.

“Itachisan, what is the window?”

“The window is the person who can visually observe the curse. Not a spell master though. ”

After answering Yuren the knotweed’s question, Itachi put his hands behind his back and continued to speak to several people.

“Five of the prisoners have not yet been evacuated, and those who are now staying on the second floor of the student dormitory with the curse fetus. If the spell fetus is completely perverted, it is predicted that it will become a special level spell. ”

Hearing Itachi’s words, Knotweed Yuren began to ask questions like a curious baby.

“Speaking of which, I still don’t understand what special grade means, Ijichi-san, can you explain?”

Itachi was stunned for a moment, held up his glasses, and then explained.

“Then I’ll explain it in a way that even an idiot can understand.” If a physical attack can deal effective damage to the spell. ”

Then the first is level 4, which can also be easily solved with a wooden stick. Level 3, barely able to rest assured with a pistol, level 2 can be solved with a shotgun, and level 1 requires a combat vehicle to be able to barely destroy,

“As for the special grade, then only cluster missile carpet bombing cannot match it.”

Hearing Itachi’s explanation, Knotweed Yuren said with a shocked look.

“That’s too strong.”

Fuguro Megumi on the side explained to Knotweed Yuren.

“Originally, the general special level spell spirit needs to be solved by the spell master of the opposite level, which is like saying that this mission should be handled by the five teachers.”

“So, what about Gojo-sensei?”

Knotweed Yuren heard Fuguro Megumi’s words and looked around, as if trying to find Gojo’s figure.

At this time, Fuguro Megumi said with some annoyance,

“Gojo-sensei is not here, he went on a business trip, and he was not a person who did idle work in the high school.”

Just after Fuguro Megumi finished speaking, Iichi interjected the topic and said it with a regretful expression.

“Unfortunately, in our industry, lack of manpower is the norm, so we often receive difficult jobs.”

Holding up his glasses, Iichi’s face became serious and heavy,

“However, this time it is an emergency anomaly.”

“You must not fight! When encountering a special class, you can only choose between escape and death. So submit to your fears, and don’t forget that your mission is to identify and rescue survivors. ”

Just when everyone was immersed in Yidichi’s words, extremely shocked, a sound came from behind several people.

“Ah Zheng, my child Ah Zheng hasn’t come out yet!”

Hearing the shout, Poison Island Junko cast a puzzled look at Itachi.

Itachi saw this mother and said to several people,

“This is the mother of the person who has not yet been evacuated.”

After speaking, Ijichi stepped forward and said to his mother, who was stopped by the blocked police,

“Please stop, now it is suspected that someone has poisoned the dormitory, so the relevant situation cannot be informed.”

Seeing this scene, Knotweed Youren’s heart was full of anger, and he couldn’t help but say.

“Let’s go save people.”

“Of course.”

The poison island Junzi and Nail Qi Ye Rose on the side said in unison. As for Fuguro Megumi, he showed a serious expression.

000000 second dormitory, five people standing on the flyover leading to it,

Itachi stopped,

“The rest of the way will trouble you.”

Then Iichi squeezed the handprint in his hand and chanted the words.

“Darkness to darkness, born from darkness, filth and residue, all uprooted!”

Then, a black canopy surrounded the entire juvenile courtyard from the sky.

“It’s amazing, the sky is getting dark!”

For the surprise of Knotweed Yuren, Poison Island Junzi said slowly.

“This is an account, that is, the enchantment, after all, this place is too close to the downtown area, and this place must be covered first.”

After speaking, Poison Island Junko looked at Fuguro Megumi, as if asking if this was the case.

“That’s right, Poison Island-san is right, but let’s go first. But let out the Jade Dog first, and he will remind us when the curse approaches. ”

After saying that, Fuguro Megumi took the lead and walked towards the interior of the second dormitory.


Fuguro raised her palm, signaling the people behind to stop, and what came into view was not the dormitory corridor, but the place that was cast like various alleys. It’s like an old-fashioned complex.

“I remember, we should be on the second floor of the dormitory!”

Knotweed Yuren looked around in amazement.

And seeing this scene, Fuhei Hui’s face suddenly sank, and he immediately understood in his heart that this spell created the realm of life. Suddenly, the poison island Junzi, who was located at the back, spoke up,

“The door we came in is gone!?”

Hearing the words of Poison Island Rinko, the three of Fuguro immediately looked back, and saw that the place they had just entered had become a place where various steel pipes were twisted and blocked.

“Alas! It’s gone! ”

For the exclamation of Knotweed Youren, Fuguro Megumi said calmly

“Don’t worry, the jade dog remembered the smell of the exit.”

“Then let’s move on.”

Hearing where Fuhei Megumi was at the exit, Poison Island Junzi also slowly expressed his opinion, after all, now that there is a way back, then it is okay to move forward.

Hearing the words of the poison island man, several people nodded, and then continued to move forward with a vigilant expression.

As several people advanced, after passing through an alley, a wide space appeared in front of the eyes of several people. A corpse lay there quietly, its lower body having disappeared.



Seeing this scene, Knotweed Youren hurriedly stepped forward and inspected the corpse.

The name tag of Masa Okazaki on the deceased’s clothes suddenly reminded Knotweed Yuren of the mother he had just seen outside, and it was obvious that this person was the mother’s son.

“I’m going to bring this body back. This is the mother’s child, and to say death without a body must be unacceptable to his mother. ”

Knotweed Youren did not hesitate and was ready to carry the corpse in front of him, at this moment, Fuhei Megumi directly grabbed Knotweed Youren’s hat from behind and pulled it up.

“It is also necessary to confirm the life and death of the remaining people, and leave the remains.”

To Fuguro Megumi’s words, Knotweed Yuren retorted.

“I don’t know the way back, how to come back and get it when the time comes, the way back is gone as soon as I turn back, how to come back and get it.”

Hearing Knotweed Yuren’s words, Fuhei Megumi reprimanded with a serious face.

“I’m not saying come back and leave it here, people who didn’t plan to save in the first place, but also have to retrieve the body, I don’t have this plan”

“I didn’t intend to save in the first place, what does this mean?”

Knotweed Yuren directly grabbed Fuguro Megumi’s collar and said with some anger. At this time, the poison island on the side said slowly.

“Before the mission, the spellmaster will get detailed information about the scene, Masa Okazaki, who killed a little girl because he was driving without a license under the influence of alcohol, and this is the second time he has been caught driving without a license and sent to a juvenile home. I’m like Fuhei, because I don’t plan to. ”

Knotweed Yuren’s face became a little embarrassed when he heard Poison Island Rinko’s words, and Fuguro Megumi continued.

“You’ve always wanted to save the masses and direct them to the right death, but what if the person you save will take someone else’s life in the future?”

For Fuguro Megumi’s words, Knotweed Yuren roared directly,

“Then why are you saving me!!”

In an instant, Fuhei Mei’s eyes began to become a little stunned, and the poisonous island on the side seemed to be unable to stand it, and walked to the side of the two and said to them.

“Now let’s let the outside complete the task first, if the curse fetus is completely perverted, it will be troublesome.” It seems that the words of Poison Island Junzi played some role, and the two lowered their hands holding each other at the same time. ”

At this moment, Machi Kino Rose suddenly let out an exclamation, and a dark shadow appeared under her feet, and instantly dragged her and the poison island into it.

“Impossible, if there is a curse, why didn’t the jade dog remind us!”

Fuhei Hui looked at the jade dog, and the scene in front of him directly made his pupils shrink sharply, and he saw that the sacred body of the jade dog seemed to have been smashed into the wall, and only a head was still exposed.

Without hesitation, Fuguro Megumi said directly to Knotweed Yuren.

“Poison Island, knotweed, run, turn back to rescue Poison Island and Wild Rose…”

Before Fuhei Megumi’s words were finished, a powerful momentum appeared beside the two, making them unable to move at all, their bodies completely seemed to be frozen, and they couldn’t even speak…

–Dividing line–Because there are some things with friends today, so this is another one. I’ll make it up tomorrow, I’m sorry!!! 【Big【.】

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