Chapter 114 Plugging the Leak of Five Realizations! 【1/3】【Ask for flowers】.

At night, on a certain mountain road, a black car is coming from a distance.

“There is still a moment before the time to meet the principal, is it a detour?”

Itachi, who was driving, said to Gojo who was sitting in the back seat.

“No, go early once in a while.”

Gojo Gojo, who held his hands on his chest, looked like he didn’t care.

Suddenly, Gojo looked his head out the window slightly, as if he saw something, and his tone became a little serious, and he said to Itachi.


“Is it here?”

Gojo Goku didn’t say anything, seeing that Iji knew and pulled over, Gojo Goku walked to the car and looked at Itachi inside and said slowly.

“You go first.”

“It won’t be testing me, if I really leave, beat me up.”

Itachi said humbly, in his opinion, Gojo Gojo was such a bad taste.

“What do you think of me?”

“Okay, I’ll leave right away!”

Hearing Gojo’s words, Itachi did not hesitate, and then immediately started the car and drove towards the distance.


Looking at the distant Itachi, Gojo muttered to himself as if he was waiting for someone or reminding someone.


Suddenly, Leaky fell from the sky and hit Gojo Goku below, and Gojo Goku seemed to know something for a long time, leisurely dodging Leak’s attack, and asked by the way.

“You are. What people? ”

Just after Gojo Gojo had already sensed a spell following him, he let Itachi leave first.

Instead of answering Gojo’s question, he had a cruel smile on his face, and then waved his big hand downward, and a spout that resembled the top of Gojo’s head appeared on the rock wall behind Gojo.


Before Gojo could react, a huge pillar of fire sprayed straight from the spout towards Gojo Gojo, and suddenly the flames covered his figure, not only that, but the pillar of fire also spewed out at least fifty meters away.

Directly burning the woods next to the road into a charred road, it is obvious that Leaky did not spare his hand and directly used his birth technique, just look at the ground that still looks like it has turned into lava.

“Hmph, hahaha! It seems that this is just the case..? ”

Looking at the smoky scene in front of him, he couldn’t help but laugh, but unfortunately he didn’t know the so-called law of smoke and harmlessness.

As the smoke dissipated, a round ball with a fire on the surface appeared in the eyes of the leaky, and a frivolous voice came from it,

“Who do you say, but so?”

The fire gradually disappeared, revealing the five realizations inside, looking at this scene in front of him, Xiaohu was slightly unhappy, after all, he had hit his own move but had not been injured a little now, which was too bad for him to leak face.

“Stinky boy!”

Hearing Leaky’s words, even Gojo Goku was a little surprised, after all, the Leaky Spirit in front of him was obviously a curse spirit, but as a curse spirit, he was able to communicate, and his words were coupled with the power of this spell, it was obvious that this was an unregistered special grade spell spirit, which seemed to be stronger than the current stall.

“This thing is called special grade because it is special, and it is really a headache for you to run out casually like this!”

Hearing Gojou’s words, Leaky laughed a little, and then mocked.

“Is your self-esteem hurt?”

“No, it’s getting more and more interesting.”

Then Gojo moved his lower muscles with his hands in front of his chest, and seemed to have a grand interest in Leaky, and couldn’t help but smile.

Looking at Gojo Gojo, who was not injured in front of him, several gravel insects appeared above his head.

“Gravel worm!”

After saying that, the worm flew towards Gojo Gojo. However, disappointingly, the gravel worm seemed to be stopped by something when it approached Gojo Gojo, and levitated in front of Gojo Gojo’s eyes.

“In other words, what happens if you are hit by this bug?”

Looking at the bug in front of him, Gojo Gojo asked with interest, at this time, the bug kept making a harsh sound, and then the body swelled, and an explosion occurred directly, changing Gojo Gojo into a fire man again.

And because of Leo’s previous evaluation of Gojou, Leak Hu was not careless, but stepped forward and directly used the flame vortex in front of him to make up for it again, and then appeared behind it, and a magical shell emitting purple light bombarded Gojo Gojo from behind.

“Just like that, it seems that it is just the excessive reputation of human beings for the weak, adults misestimated your strength, and now human beings are indeed impostors, they live in falsehood, and the ugliness of all things makes me sick.”

Seeing that he had received so many direct attacks in front of him, and estimated that Gojo Gojo was already dead, he let go of his heart and said loudly to the corpse of Gojo Gojo in his eyes.

“True power and truth spread with your death. There is no place for you in the New World! ”

After saying that, Leaky turned around and prepared to return to the stronghold, but just a few steps away, a somewhat frivolous voice suddenly came from Gojo Gojo behind him,

“In other words, has this set just been here? Long memory, cough ash is so big! ”

Hearing the movement, he turned around and saw Gojo Gojo who was unscathed patting the ashes there.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, to put it simply, it just didn’t hit.”

For the question of leakage, Gojo said with a smile,

“How is it possible, it’s different from the previous time, this time I did touch you and kill you.”

“What you touch is the infinity that you and I see”

Saying that, Gojo Gojo compared to the movement of a universe at his fingertips.

“I’ll show you, naa, hand out. Come on, come on!! ”

“No killing intent, give it a try.”

Looking at Gojo Gojo who stretched out his hand in front of him, he hesitated, and then extended his hand to Gojo Gojo as well. Although I don’t know why Gojo did this, but when he encountered him using the Raw Technique like this, he probably couldn’t escape.

As the hand slowly approached Gojou’s hand, he was shocked, and 9898 could not touch it, stopping between the rulers. This is infinite life

“Instead of stopping, the closer you get to me, the lower the speed, what do you think?”

Saying that, Gojo Goku brought his hand close to Leaky’s hand and grabbed it, and then the other hand hit Leaky’s abdomen directly, instantly knocking it away, but because Gojo Goku pulled Leaky, he couldn’t escape, and kept pulling like a yo-yo.

–Dividing line–Seeking flowers!! Evaluation Ticket!!!。

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