Chapter 134 Return and Exhortation to Kenneth! 【Ask for flowers!!】 】。

Early nineties of the twentieth century.

Somewhere outside London, in Leo’s secret workshop, a figure about fifteen years old suddenly appeared.

That’s right, Leo’s current body has finally changed back to its original size, and thanks to the soul essence given by Tian Yuan’s friendship, Leo’s soul has evolved again, thus getting rid of the original appearance of a child.

“It doesn’t look like time has passed long.”

Leo looked at the magic workshop with basically no dust around, and couldn’t help but temporarily let go of his heart, he was really afraid that one or two hundred years would pass by accident, at that time, if nothing else, just the miserable image of the land of steel and the UFO of the planets raging on the earth was enough for Leo to endure.

Walking inside the record magic that Leo left over, Leo began to read the data inside.

“Only a second has passed?”

Thinking of this, Leo couldn’t help but think that he had been in other worlds for at least half a year, and there was basically no flow here. Slightly relieved, Leo sank his mind into his own inherent enchantment, and saw that the floating city and the people inside couldn’t help but be completely relieved.

But now is not a good opportunity to release them. At least not yet, this is not Fuyuki City, and there is a Great Grail that can isolate the annotations and interference of the inhibition force to a certain extent.

Leo bet that if he accidentally released them, maybe a perverted man in red would appear outside and shoot a few arrows at him. You know, it’s clear that these people don’t belong to this world at all, and for the basically ubiquitous pen inhibition, they don’t care who you are, plus Leo’s current concept of Angola, if you attract attention at that time, it will not be good to accidentally be disposed of as an additional factor.

Although Leo is not afraid of inhibition, the means of inhibition are really disgusting. Once targeted at you, what to do will be prevented by various unexpected factors. Isn’t this unlucky?

And when you can’t fight against the Crown Seven Horses, it’s better not to die like this. You must know that he can be said to be the embodiment of human evil. The concept of Angola is not simple.

For now, Leo can only use black mud magic to be safer, as for the black mud itself, don’t use it arbitrarily. At least until the Holy Grail War began. As for after the Holy Grail War.

Leo said that he had obtained the black mud in the Grail and the power of the third law, and he was not afraid of the so-called inhibition at all, so he went to other worlds first and came back when he became super strong.

Of course, the above situation is that Leo does not make some significant intrigues about human history, otherwise Alaya may let Leo know what a reasonable ruling is.

However, the priority now is to find the relic first and then go to Fuyuki City to prepare for the Fourth Holy Grail War. By the way, do a little gesture at the Great Grail.

Thinking of this, Leo casually took a while, and a box of gold appeared in front of Leo. That’s right, this is the start-up capital inside Leo’s inherent enchantment.

You know, the current Leo has no magic dress except for the magic robe on his body, and almost all the magic materials are used to fill the pit of the floating city.

When Leo left, there were only 2 months left before the opening of the Holy Grail War. Leo planned not to return to the Clock Tower during this time, after all, he had taken a leave, plus Leo planned to participate in the Holy Grail War, Kenneth did not know that if he went back now and told them that he was going to participate in the Holy Grail War, Kenneth would definitely think that Leo wanted to challenge his authority. Although Kenneth is actually not bad, but =·= This anger Leo is not going to suffer.

He wants to enter the village quietly, not to shoot guns. When you become the holder of the third law, with this identity, you basically have a bit of status in this world.

As for now, Leo plans to go to a place first to find the holy relics needed for the Holy Grail War. Then head to Fuyuki City to prepare for the subsequent Holy Grail War.

–Dividing line–At this time, the office of the monarch of the ore section.

“What do you say? My holy relic was actually stolen by Weber Vervet?!! ”

A disbelieving Kenneth Ermelo Archibald yelled at the servant in front of him.

He couldn’t believe that Weber, his student, could be so daring. A last son actually dared to steal his holy relics, and it seemed that he also wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War held in the Far East.

“Shit, damn it!! I must make this guy repent well! ”

Just as Kenneth was getting angry about the theft of the holy relic. A servant delivered a letter.

Kenneth, who was still angry, temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart when he saw the letter in his hand. This is the letter that Leo sent.

Kenneth is still very satisfied with this cousin of the same family, although he is not as good as himself, and he often reprimands him for not getting along with mediocrity, but Kenneth completely believes that he is not wrong, and he only does this in relation to Leo.



Fortunately, Leo is a reborn, and he can still see Kenneth’s awkward concern, otherwise if he changes someone, maybe there will be an annual drama of “brother and brother”.

Kenneth slowly opened the letter in his hand, and when he saw the first sentence on it, he made all the servants around him retreat. I saw that it said: This matter is about the root, please make sure to open it when no one is around.

When he saw the two words of root, Kenneth understood the importance of the letter. It is necessary to know that the root is the origin of everything in this world, and the full name is called [Root Vortex], which refers to all phenomena in the moon world, the root of all causes and effects, and the beginning of everything.

For magicians, roots are equivalent to ultimate wisdom, so magicians today have the ultimate goal of going to the root.

“Kenneth, according to the investigation, the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is not a simple magic competition, but a chapter of a ritual to the root [very likely] jointly constructed by the three Gosakasaka, Makiri [according to the investigation of the Maciri family that disappeared in Europe], and Einz Belen, so please be cautious for the safety of your cousin’s life, and please give up the idea of bringing Ms. Sora. It will be a brutal war. On the eve of the Holy Grail War, I will come to my cousin to discuss it carefully. ”

–Leo Ermelo Archibald saw the above words, Kenniston’s pupils contracted, you must know that at that time he chose to participate in the Holy Grail War is nothing more than to add a few brilliance to his honor, now knowing that the Holy Grail War is not a simple magic ritual, naturally it is impossible to let his beloved Sora go with him.

A ritual that can be about the root is not simple.

The letter in his hand was directly burned to ashes by Kenneth, and this thing would not be good if the other monarchs of the Clock Tower knew about it.

Next, he was ready to modify the original battle plan, of course, Sora was absolutely impossible to bring, and now it was not a simple magic competition, but a matter of roots.

Kenneth stood in place and walked back and forth for a few steps, and finally seemed to have made some decision, and walked towards the outside world. A dividing line – one more chapter in the evening… Might be a little late, wide.

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