Chapter 140 Ma Tong Sakura and Ma Tong Yan Ye!! 【2/3】。

The end he deserved for Ma Tong Dirty Ink, and now Leo’s remaining matter is nothing more than that Ma Tong Sakura and Ma Tong Yan Ye’s affairs have not been dealt with.

Looking at Ma Kiri Sakura, Leo slowly walked in front of him.

“Would you like to go back to Tosaka’s house?”

Facing Leo’s amiable face, Ma Kiri Sakura said in a somewhat hollow and overwhelmed tone.

“I don’t have a home anymore. Mom and Dad don’t want me anymore. ”

Obviously, this year’s dirty training has made Ma Tong Sakura realize that reality has become very isolated, making her have a little resentment towards her parents.

Quite pityingly touched Ma Kiri’s head,

“In that case, then come and be my disciple.”

Leo’s desire to make Ma Kiri Sakura his disciple wasn’t just out of pity, her own magic skills were superb enough, and the magic circuit of the imaginary attribute was a rare attribute that could be assessed as a designated seal even in the Clock Tower.

“Medea, will you see if her system can still be reversed?”

Leo took Sakura’s hand and said to Medea, who was still shocked by her power.

Although she said that she could have given her the Black Spell Seal to repair Ma Kiri’s damaged flesh, it would not be able to restore her changed attributes.

It must be known that in order to make Sakura more suitable for the secret legend of the Maitong family, the system was changed with the engraving worm, and the current Matong Sakura can be said to be in a state where imaginary attributes and water attributes are mixed.

However, such an acquired transformation is bound to damage its own qualifications.

“No problem, master.”

Hearing Leo’s words, Medea recovered from her shock. Quickly walked towards Sakura.

As Medea placed her hands in front of Sakura, a pair of magic arrays slowly rotated in her hands and emitted a pale blue glow.

For a while, Medea’s brows locked, and the engraved worms in Sakura’s body and the magic circuits that had been destructively transformed by the bugs all showed that she was being tortured inhumanly.

Thinking of this, Medea’s eyes looked at Sakura with some pity and softness.

After carefully probing Sakura’s physical condition, the magic array on Medea’s hands slowly disappeared.

“Master, what’s going to happen to that old guy later?”

Facing Medea’s puzzled look, Leo was a little crying and laughing.

“Rest assured, his soul will continue to burn under the divine flame, and eventually he will fall into countless malice and be tormented. This is his evil result. ”

Medea nodded with some satisfaction when she heard Leo’s words, although as a witch, she was actually a kind person.

“Sakura’s condition can be said to be very bad, but it is still within my treatment range. It’s just that it needs to be quietly recuperated. ”

You must know that Medea first learned the magic of saving people, otherwise she would not have made a rejuvenation medicine.

Leo nodded, sensing his surroundings, as if he had thought of something.

“Medea, you take Sakura back to Willow Cave Temple first, and I’ll deal with Temio here.”

“Master, do you need my help?”

“No need, I’m enough alone, you take Sakura back to treat first.”

Medea hesitated, but finally quickly left the house with Sakura. Looking at Medea and Sakura leaving, Leo thought about walking through the cellar in his senses.

After passing through a dark and damp path, Leo came to a place full of bugs, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bug cellar. With the stairs, Leo slowly walked to the bottom of the cellar, looking at the mated Ma Tong Yanye in front of him without saying anything. I saw a white ring of fire spread from under Leo’s feet. Everywhere they went, the insects were turned into white ash by the golden flames.

Feeling as if something had happened, Ma Tong Yanye opened his eyes that had been closed due to pain.

“What are you? What about that old monster? ”

Ma Tongyan stumbled to stand up at night, as if wondering what was going on?

“Do you mean Kirito? He has gone to hell to repent of his life. ”

Leo smiled slightly, and slowly said the words that made Ma Tong Yanye’s face change in an instant.

Ma Tong Yanye only felt a joy coming out of his heart, and even the pain of being tortured by the engraving insect subsided a little.

However, he immediately realized that the man in front of him seemed to be a magician, and out of fear of the magician world, he immediately thought of Sakura’s current situation.

“What about Sakura, what did you do to Sakura!!! Bastard! ”

Leo frowned slightly when he heard this questioning word……….. Dispel the idea that he was supposed to save him.

“Ma Tong Ying is now my disciple, rest assured, I don’t belong to the evil outer path of Ma Tong Weng. She will get the best education from me. ”

Speaking of this, Leo showed a bit of ridicule and pity, for the person of Matong Yanye, Leo himself has a bit of hatred for the person he likes because of his family reasons to choose to let go, but also immersed in self-satisfaction and self-touching, completely do not think about whether his behavior is wrong.

If you like it, go to fight for it, if you can’t catch up, you will die in the face, if you can’t do it, go to the bow although it is violent, once if you can’t do it, you will do it twice. As the so-called golden sincerity goes, the golden stone is open.

After hearing Leo’s words, Tongyan Ye began to show a little worry, and finally a sense of relief. I can’t take care of Sakura like this.

“Can I meet Sakura?”

Ma Tong Yanye said in a humble tone.

“It’s fine, I’ll arrange it later.” But now I’ll give you two options. ”

Leo said with interest.

“First, if you give me the spell in your hand, I will return you a healthy body, and second, even if you continue to participate in the Holy Grail War, compete with Tosaka Shichen for the Holy Grail.”

The choice given by Leo is a very difficult choice for Ma Tong Yanye, and his jealousy of Tosaka Shichen 4.8 is probably more than the weight of life compared to living.

“I choose the second one.”

Sure enough, after struggling for a while, he chose the second item, in his opinion, participating in the Holy Grail War can completely take revenge on Tosaka Shichen, and at the same time, he has a trace of expectation of obtaining the Holy Grail.

Hearing this unsurprising answer, Leo was not surprised, but looked at Ma Tongyan Ye with a trace of regret.

“In that case, then you can take this thing well, I wish you luck.”

After that, Leo walked towards the outside of the cellar without thinking, and he was now going to accept his booty, the collection of the Ma Kirito family for hundreds of years.

–Dividing line–Ask for flowers!!

And tickets, this author can’t refuse!. Vー八

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