Chapter 186 Ishtar and the ransom!.

Below the city of Uropolos, Gilgamesh and the others were standing here, seemingly waiting for something. Suddenly, a sense of spatial distortion appeared on the people below.

In an instant, several people appeared in a gorgeous room.

“Golden Flash, are you here to pay the ransom?”

Leo squinted at Gilgamesh, and beside him was Ishtar, who had been hung up again.

“That’s right, King Ben came to this waste goddess.”

“Hahaha! Ishtar, looking at your model king can’t help but laugh! ”


Gilgamesh looked at Ishtar, who was hung up in front of him, and sneezed from time to time, and couldn’t help laughing presumptuously, Gilgamesh looked at Leo with satisfaction,

“Say, the treasure must be placed there, you must know that the three layers of treasure of this king are not a small amount.”

Leo smiled slightly,

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

As soon as the words fell, a crack appeared on the ground, and inside it was Leo’s inherent enchantment, and only here could the amazing treasure of Gilgamesh be placed.

“Then let you see the collection of King Ben!”

As soon as the words fell, I saw a golden ripple appear above the crack.

Immediately, countless blinding treasures, weapons, materials, etc. formed a golden torrent and continued to rush towards the crack. From Leo’s point of view, any ordinary gem in this torrent was enough to shock the twelve monarchs.

Not only that, but from time to time, several treasures with a level of B appeared inside. It took five minutes for the golden torrent to stop.

Gilgamesh closed the King’s Treasure, and no one reacted.

At this time, the previously collected Divine Generation Land in Leo’s inherent enchantment was completely covered with treasures.

“So rich…”

Everyone watching from the side came out with the same words.

“Hahaha, worship King Ben to your heart’s content! This is the strength of this king! ”

Gilgamesh looked smug, and to him, the surprise of these people was undoubtedly the praise of him.

“In the end, I still have to pay the master obediently.”

Medea on the side seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Gilgamesh’s arrogance, and whispered on the side. Suddenly, Gilgamesh’s laughter seemed to be stuck, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Leo on the side shook his head with a smile,

“Okay, Gilgamesh, take Ishtar with you. I hope you can beat the next test. ”

As soon as the words fell, the ribbon of light that bound Ishtar suddenly disappeared.


The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground made everyone’s eyes look at Ishtar.

Before Ishtar could accuse Leo of his evil deeds, everyone else was teleported out in an instant.



“I must let you know how powerful the goddess is!”


Ishtar faced the floating city with tears in his eyes while accusing Leo of his evil deeds.

“Alright, Waste Goddess! Let’s go back to Uruk first. King Ben has something to tell you. ”

Gilgamesh stopped Ishtar’s behavior, after all, she looked a little embarrassed by Uruk’s face, you must know that she is also a face of Uruk. Crying and crying like this has a bad effect.

At the same time, in the city of Uropolos, Leo couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction when he looked at the huge amount of high-grade materials and weapons in the inherent enchantment.

This wave is not a loss, the profit is over.

Those treasures alone are a huge treasure, and even ordinary treasures Leo can gain interesting knowledge from them. Not to mention that Gilgamesh generously gave him a very famous thing.

The legendary weapon prototype of Odin’s meteor gun Gunganir.

The value of this gun alone is comparable to one-tenth of Leo’s harvest this time.

It just so happens that Leo still has a staff left, and Gunganir can fully exist as Leo’s staff.

Taking one last look at the treasures in the inherent enchantment, Leo turned to Medea on the side and said,

“Let’s deal with the so-called goddess of Warcraft, Gorgon.”

After all, after collecting money, it is natural to do things well, and Gilgamesh did it really well this time…

“Yes, master.”

After receiving Medea’s affirmation, Leo nodded slightly.

Leo then took Medea to the mountains on the north face of Uruk, the seat of Gorgon.

Looking at the barren place here, as well as the monsters running around the land, Leo couldn’t help but sigh softly.

“Gorgon, who can really give birth.”

“Speaking of which, Medea, Gorgon should be your fellow countryman, after all, they are all Greek figures.”

Medea shook her head, for her, Gorgon was actually very strange, and the only thing she knew was through rumors when she was in the Divine Generation.

“Master, the only thing I know about Gorgon is that they are supposed to be the collective name of three goddesses, how come they have become one now?”

Looking at Medea’s somewhat incomprehensible look, Leo calmly said the reason.

“Medusa turned into a Warcraft and devoured her two sisters, so the three goddesses became one, and the so-called Gorgun was born.”

Medea thought thoughtfully, and then showed a look of disgust, which was dissatisfaction with the gods of her time. After all, the reason why she became a betrayal witch is also because of those Greek gods who play with fate.

Leo seemed to see that something was wrong with Medea’s state, so he reached out and touched her silky 5.8 long hair,

“It’s okay, it’s gone.”

“It’s Master.”

Medea showed a bright smile, maybe now she was satisfied as long as she could follow Leo.

At this time, a powerful magical reaction appeared in Leo’s perception, and Medea on the side also seemed to sense something, and the two looked at a hole in the ground in unison.

There are countless magical beasts constantly being born there, and there are powerful magical reactions inside.

“It seems that we have found the right lord, let’s go, let’s go and get this matter done quickly.”

“Well, master.”

Then Leo and Medea galloped from the sky towards the hole below. One by one—- the night shift last night, a tired batch today…

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