Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1047: Ranking battle

  Li Jianxin's talent is much higher than that of Li Wendao. Of course, Li Wendao doesn't want Li Jianxin to be like him, and his cultivation is in the late stage of the fairyland. After a few years of dying, just like the Jade Xiao, he stepped into the land of the fairyland and fulfilled himself.

  As for the legendary heavenly wonderland, Li Wendao felt distant. So Li asked, hoping that Li Jianxin would step into the fairyland, and now Li Mo appeared. Belonging to help Li Jianxin cultivate, Li asked how can he be unhappy?

   Long Tiecheng looked at Li Jianxin, although Li Jianxin failed at this level. But in those stoic eyes, there was an endless war. Seeing this, Rao Shilong Tiecheng also nodded and said

   "Ask Brother what he said is right, Li Mo's appearance is still helpful to Jianxin...".

   Of course, Li Mo didn’t know that his wake up caused a great uproar to everyone. Li Mo opened his eyes and watched the glittering ‘Thirteen’ characters on the stele gradually darken.

   "Anything is a paper gourd."

  Recalling the last few levels, those demon and demon king who appeared. The momentum alone surpassed Li Mo ten million times. If in reality, they breathed a breath, maybe Li Mo could be blown to wherever he fell.

   But those strong men have such a high momentum, Li Mo stepped forward to fight one, and their fighting power was not much higher than Li Mo. Coupled with Li Mo's many years of combat experience and means, Li Mo spent a lot of effort to behead the enemy.

   Of course, Li Mo does not know that the level of the enemy's combat power in the stone tablet depends on Li Mo. If Li Mo was shaken in his heart and a trace of fear was generated, the enemy would force himself up.

   But the last time Li Mo fought for hundreds of years, the enemy is many times more powerful than these gods of Warcraft. Li Mo dares to start, so these gods and demons want to cause fear in Li Mo's heart, is it possible?

   "Damn kid! It must be that his strength is too low, so the strength of the gods and demons matched by the stone tablet is also low!"

   looked at Li Mo with a relaxed face, Jin Batian couldn't help but gritted his teeth, said angrily.

  Jinbatian is also the strongest generation of Jinshan cottage, but there are three levels of assessment. The first hurdle, whether Jin Ba Tian Cheng does not recognize Li Mo, but Li Mo and Li Jianxin are both tied for first.

   And the second pass, Li Jianxin first. After the third hurdle, Li Mo took another first place. The Tianjiao of his Jinshan cottage was shut down in three stages, and he didn't get the first one. This made the domineering Golden Bully a little bit angry.

   "Look at the ranking battle for a while! How can I beat you!"

   clenched his fists, Jin Batian said contemptuously. Not only Jin Ba Tian is like this, there are still a few young people at this moment, watching Li Mo's eyes with a disgruntled look.

   Although they all passed the third hurdle, they became the deacon of the Presbyterian Church. However, there is a ranking battle every year. The top ranked Jiuli tribes will be rewarded by the Presbyterian Association.

   At present, there are a total of ten people who passed the assessment. These ten people were cultivated by Li Mo in the early days of Jindan Realm. Who else’s idea does everyone not fight Li Mo’s idea? As for the first place in this level, everyone should treat the stone demon to match Li Mo's devil as low, so they can get past it.

   "Okay, now start the ranking battle."

  Yu Xiaoang raised his head and said. Still no meaning to give Li Mo time to rest.

  Although Li Mo has performed amazingly, Li Jianxin can compare with Li Mo. But Li Mo came here yesterday and felt bad for Yu Xiao. And Yu Xiao can also feel that Li Mo has no respect for himself.

   So even if Li Mo's performance is amazing again, Yu Xiao is useless.

  As Yu Xiao's voice fell, Li Jianxin, Jin Batian and Kong Lin'er and nine others came forward side by side. Watching everyone's movements, Li Mo also joined the team.

  In addition to Li Mo's nine people, Li Jianxin and another young woman passed the examination in the Hunyuan cottage. The best result is the Panlong cottage, although no one has reached the twelfth level of the stele like Li Jianxin. But all three of the Panlong cottages have advanced.

  You should know that although these three people have always performed very plainly, the three people who participated in the first level of the assessment in Panlong Village are the only ones. After three levels, the pass rate is 100%, which cannot be achieved by the other 80 cottages.

   And two of them crossed 11 levels in front of the stele. These two talents are weaker than Li Jianxin, and they are equal to Jinba Tian Kong Lin'er.

  As for the Jinshan cottage and Peacock cottage, Jin Batian and Kong Lin'er came here. The remaining two young men and women are also among the top 18 Shanzhai people.

   looked at the ten people in front of him, and Yu Xiao nodded. The quality of the people selected this year is the highest in recent years. After all, there are many people who are the descendants of the strong heads of their cottage.

   So Jade Xiao was very satisfied, then Jade Xiao waved his hand, and a golden light appeared. This golden light formed an aperture around ten people. The aperture was ten feet in size. Although the aperture was not large, it surrounded everyone in the center.

"Ten people fought, and the clan who played the battle circle failed. The last three people began to compete for the top three ranking. The clan who ranked first, rewarded 100 middle-level spirit stones. The second place was 50 middle-level spirits. Stone. The third and ten mid-level spirit stones."

  Yu Xiao was too lazy to let everyone test one by one, so he went directly to a dogfight. Although it goes on like this, it is not fair. After all, the people of the village will unite to deal with others, but there is no absolute fairness in this world.

  Innocently strive to be fair, and finally do not know how to die.

   Li Mo was also very bright when he heard the words of Yu Xiao. The first place was one hundred intermediate-level spirit stones, and one intermediate-level spirit stone was worth a thousand inferior spirit stones. A hundred middle-order spirit stones are 100,000 low-order spirit stones.

   The eighty-one village of the entire Jiuli tribe, that is, the top eighteen cottages have middle-level spirit veins, and can dig out middle-level spirit stones. There is no such thing as Miluo Cottage and Dolo Cottage. But to say that you can give 100 intermediate-level spirit stones at once, so generous, the Presbyterian Church and the top four cottages can not care.

   If in the previous life, these things are nothing to Li Mo. But now Li Mo is really a poor jingle, and his aura is many times that of a fellow monk in the same realm, just like a bottomless cave. Every breakthrough requires a few times the spirit of the monk in the same realm.

   So after hearing Yu Xiao talking about rewards, Li Mo had a must-have for these hundred middle-grade spirit stones.


   Everyone bowed and bowed, and then carefully looked at the young people around. Everyone has a natural arrogance, so for a moment, no one wants to be that early bird.

   Of course, looking at Li Mo at this moment is still the most. After all, the pinnacle of the early stage of Jindan Realm is still too weak here.

   "Since no one shot, let me set a precedent."

   looked around everyone, Jin Batian said confidently. Immediately, Jinba took a step forward, facing Li Mo and drinking

   "Li Mo! Let's fight!"

   Before, Jin Batian had told Li Mo Chuanyin. Prepare to clean up Li Mo in this ranking battle, although Li Mo's previous results are amazing. But in Jin Batian's mind, it was not Li Mo's fighting strength.

   "Jin Ba Tian, ​​you come to trouble me every day. Otherwise, if we both fight, and you lose later, you will disappear from your grandmother's eyes."

  Li Mo didn't speak, Kong Liner said in a hurry. Then Kong Lin'er stood in front of Jin Batian, and his delicate face was no longer playful, but replaced with a strong fighting intent.

   " want to help Li Mo?"

   Jin Batian's fists clenched tightly and said in disbelief. How many years have you been pursuing this Kong Liner? Has Kong Lin'er smiled on herself? Now Kong Lin'er wants to help Li Mo, Jin Batian is going crazy.

   Kong Lin'er did not deny it, but turned to look at Li Mo. There are some emotions in the beautiful eyes

   "Brother Li Mo, will we have time to discuss illusion together?"

   said, Kong Liner also blinked.

  Does Kong Lin'er like Li Mo? Of course not. On the way to mountaineering before, Kong Lin'er has been thinking about how he could enter into Li Mo's illusion without knowing it.

   Before Kong Lin'er thought that Li Mo pretended to be in her charm technique, so that she was complacent and took Li Mo's words.

   But later, Kong Liner found out that this was not the case, and he was proficient in prostitutes. Charisma is also a type of illusion, so his soul is already immune to illusion, and there is no such thing as a big deal.

  Let Kong Lin'er find Kong Lier into the illusion if he didn't find it. It only shows that Li Mo has a deeper understanding of illusion than he does. If Kong Lin'er, who is already proficient in prostitutes, can learn esoteric illusions from Li Mo, it will be even more powerful.

   And for this golden domineering, Kong Lin'er was so I also planned to clean up the golden domineering during this ranking battle, so that after the golden domineering no face appeared in front of himself.

  Jinba Tian is about to deal with Li Mo and sell Li Mo's personal feelings. Why not do it?

  Li Mo of course knew what Kong Liner thought, but when he remembered Jin Batian threatened himself many times. Li Mo couldn't help but hugged his shoulders with both hands, and said with a playful smile

   "Yes. Everyone will be the messenger of the Presbyterian Church in the future, and it should be time to discuss together."

  Looking at Li Mo at the moment is like watching a movie.

   "Stinky boy! You are dead!"

   Jinba weather was so blue, who didn’t know he liked Kong Liner? Li Mogang promised Kong Lin'er in his own face, but he was not afraid of him at all! Recalling that the two spent the previous month discussing illusion, Jin Batian was furious.

   Immediately after Jin Batian pulled up his coat, he rushed towards Li Mo, but just as Jin Batian stepped forward, Kong Liner blocked Jin Batian's way.

   "Lin'er, you know I won't shoot you!"

   looked at his beloved woman, Jin Batian said obsessively.

   "Stop talking nonsense! Look at the sword!"

   said, Kong Liner's jade hand, a light sword appeared in Kong Liner's hand. The sword looks like a breeze, bringing a burst of fragrance.


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