Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1102: Ying Zichen

After glancing at the people outside the house, Li Mo had to take A Shui away. But the crowd of people outside the house immediately gathered up, enclosing the road with water.

   "Dare you stop me?"

  Li Mo's eyes showed a killing intention, his eyes looked around and said coldly.

  Looking at Li Mo's eyes, the young children and some ruffians could not help but step back a few steps. But those old men, who were not afraid of death, took another step forward.

   An elder man with a thin figure who only had a complete body in the quenched body stood up and said

   "You can't go! You killed Gongzi Yu, if you just go like this, the patriarch will surely hold us accountable!"

   "We old guys, die if you die! But you can't let these children be buried for your fault..."

   Another old man pointed at the childish child behind him and said.

  Looking at these people, Li Mo sighed. Li Mo's killing intentions were just pretended, even if the two generations killed too many people. But how can Li Mo start with these old, weak and sick people who have no hands?

   Only Li Mo asked

   "You are so afraid of your patriarch? You are his people, his son's death has nothing to do with you, will you be punished?"

   "You are not Chen Datong..."

   Listening to Li Mo's words, the first old man who stood up shook his head suddenly and said. The other old man also lowered his head and sighed

   "Other village patriarchs may not do this, but our patriarch..."

  According to this point, everyone guessed that the other party was not Chen Datong. After all, Chen Datong said he was hiding in the past few years. Only with such strength can it be justified.

   But for the brutal patriarch of his own cottage, Chen Datong, who has lived in the cottage for many years, cannot be unaware of it.

   "Tyrant is fierce like a tiger."

   Li Mo smiled, Li Mo knew why these people were so afraid of the high-rise of the Eagle Village. In this case, Li Mo decided not to leave.

   Such a tyrant, Li Mo really does not know what the messengers who supervised the eagle cottage used to eat? How could the elders allow such a tyrant to become the patriarch!

   Thinking, Li Mo cut off the human skin mask on his face. Everyone was surprised to see Li Mo's leather mask. After all, they have lived at the bottom of the cottage all the year round, when have they seen such a magical human skin mask?

  A Shui beside Li Mo's eyes widened too. Looking at this strange face, A Shui's heart would have an intimate meaning. This is his real master, for he dares to kill the male Ziyu face to face, and dare to confront the master of the entire Eagle Cottage!

   "Remember, as a teacher...Li Xuanqing!"

   Li Mo said in a harsh tone, a spirit of picking up the stars in the hands of Sun and Moon spontaneously emerged on Li Mo's body.

  Although Li Mo's current practice is only in the late Jin Dan realm, Li Mo who was a generation of quasi-emperors in his previous life. Why is the body weak?

   Gradually, there are more and more people here. There are many people from the middle of the cottage who live in the mountainside. When they heard the news, they came here one after another.

   Of course not because of how popular Yingyu is, but everyone is afraid that Li Mo is gone, they are implicated.

  Even if they used their lives to block Li Mo, these people would not hesitate. Because at least their wives and children, parents still have a first-line life!

   "All give up!"

   "Go away!"


   The fire was blazing, and hundreds of bodyguards suddenly poured into the crowd. These people are smart and capable, and the breath of their bodies is actually in a pill. Only the patriarch of their cottage has such an elite team of guards.

   Not many times, hundreds of guards opened the way. A long and narrow path came from the crowd, and an old man walked slowly with a few young people with trembling legs.

   The old man's hair was half-white, and there was a wrinkle on his forehead. But those refined eyes are as sharp as eagles! It can be guessed from the coercion of the late Yuan Ying in him, that the old man is the patriarch of their eagle cottage, Ying Zichen!

   And the young men whose legs are shaking more and more behind Ying Zichen, Li Mo is no stranger. It was Ying Yu's bodyguard, who was frightened by Li Mo's previous shot.

   So the closer these people are to the dilapidated house in Ashui, the more the legs shake. In their eyes, Ah Shui's house at the moment is Yan Luodian! It's a place to kill.

   "Who is it! Who killed my only son!"

   away from the old, you can hear Ying Zichen's roar. Looking into Ying Zichen's eyes, scarlet as blood. At the same time, the endless killing intention came from Ying Zichen. The angry Eagle Zichen has lost his mind.


   Several of Yingyu's bodyguards just stretched out their fingers to point at Li Mo. After all, Li Mo was wearing Chen Datong's clothes. But when they saw Chen Datong's face, they were all startled. Who is this?

"who is it!"

   looked at these boys and stopped halfway, and Ying Zichen could not help turning his head to growl.

   Even if he didn’t use the aura in his body, the pressure from the Yuanying Realm stunned several young guards directly. The remaining guards kneeled on the ground with their legs trembling.

   They looked back at Li Mo, but where is the murderer behind Li Mo? Why didn't Chen Datong run away?


   Originally angry at the child's death, Ying Zichen screamed loudly, and then Ying Zichen's palm suddenly shot to a young man around him.

   The young man had no time to avoid, his head was suddenly smashed, and Yin red blood splashed the palm of Ying Zichen.

  Looking at the appearance of Ying Zichen, Li Mo frowned. Li Mo now knows how cruel this Ying Zichen is.

  Because of the death of his son, he killed a clan. If this matter is changed to Menglin, Menglin can't do it. And looking at Ying Zichen's angry look, it seems that it is not enough to kill his anger by killing a clan.

  Now Li Mo believes that Ying Zichen will really anger the entire tribe at the bottom of the cottage because of the death of his son.

   "Don't look for it, I killed it."

  Don't want Yingzichen to remake evil, Li Mo stepped forward and said.

   heard the sound, Ying Zichen suddenly turned around. The sharp eyes gradually squinted and looked at Li Mo unabashedly.

  Ying Zichen Yuan's cultivation practice in the late infant stage, of course, can directly see Li Mo's cultivation practice. Immediately Ying Zichen stared at the scarlet eyes and yelled sharply.

"It's you!"

   Before Ying Zichen was only angry, he did not look at Li Mo, who was wrapped in the crowd.

   For this Li Mo, others do not know. But Ying Zichen certainly has an impression.

   After all, in the selection of the Presbyterian Church years ago, Li Mo can be said to have done his best. Ying Zichen, the patriarch of a cottage, saw it in his eyes throughout the day.

   However, because Ying Zichen and Li Mo did not communicate with each other, they did not take Li Mo into heart. Who would have thought that the star who had confused the selection of the Presbyterian Church had come to their eagle cottage and even killed their only son!

  Li Mo was also impressed to see this eagle son, then Li Mo turned his hands around. The whole body was full of spirits, and the unexplained ragged clothes suddenly exploded, revealing a white shirt that only the elders would wear.

   "Presbyterian Church!"

   "He turned out to be the Presbyterian Church!"


   looked at the white shirt on Li Mo's body, and all the tribes said in surprise. The clothing on Li Mo's body is a symbol of identity, and the Presbyterian Church represents the Aigong Liren dragon.

  In the eighty-one village of the entire Jiuli tribe, everyone believes in the dragon of the Li people!

   So at this moment some excited clan actually began to kneel to Li Mo, of course, they are not worshiping Li Mo. It's the grandpa who worships Li Mo behind him. At this moment, Li Mo represents Grandpa.

   "Bold! I haven't seen you before seeing the elders!"

   When Ying Zichen saw his clothes, he was still indifferent. Li Mo couldn't help but scold.


   Hearing Li Mo's words, Ying Zichen couldn't help laughing, and said contemptuously

   "A little messenger, let me see you?"

   "I am indeed a little messenger, but my mission on this trip represents the Presbyterian Church! You dare to disrespect the Presbyterian Church!"

   said, Li Mo took out the letters from the storage bag.

   This is a mission letter issued by the Presbyterian Church, which represents the preaching of the Presbyterian Church. Of course, Ying Zichen is not qualified to read the contents of the letters.

  Ying Zichen knows this too, so he hasn't done any calculations with Li Mo in correspondence. The smile on Ying Zichen's face gradually dissipated, replaced by murderous intention

"Don't care what you represent! Our Eagle Cottage is not a person without a Presbyterian Church! In fact, is the one who killed you, the little messenger, as long as you do it cleanly! It doesn't cost anything! "

  Finally, the shadow Chen body flashed towards Li Mo. At the same time, his hands turned into sharp claws, and a sharp intention spread to Li Mo.

  Looking at the indifferent look of Ying Zichen, Li Mo remembered it. Legend has it that their heroic cottages had eagle surnames serving as deacons in the Presbyterian Church and had a respectable status.

   wanted to come to Ying Zichen to kill himself, and a small dead person died outside. There are deacons on it, and it is estimated that the elders will not know.

   By the time things were done cleanly, it could be said that they died outside.

   It is estimated that there was a messenger pressing on it, and Ying Zichen only dared to be a hero in the eagle cottage for many years, and the elders would not find it.

   Let's talk about Ying Zichen again, the sharp claw in his hand gradually turned into the phantom of the eagle claw. The sharp meaning seems to be able to break a treasure, and in the face of Ying Zichen's attack, Li Mo was standing still, still.

  Even Li Mo pushed A Shui away, fearing that he might hurt A Shui by mistake.


   looked at Li Mo, Ah Shui roared. But no matter how he roared, Li Mo didn't mean to dodge.


  Ying Zichen is also a sly smile, in Ying Zichen's heart. This Li Mo was stunned by his own coercion, and he even forgot to dodge. In the final analysis, Li Mo's age and cultivation are not enough for Ying Zichen to pay attention to.

  :. :

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