Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1111: Phoenix Palace


Looking at his son's stubbornness, Jin Zhun frowned.

"Important things matter! Since this kid is good, it will be useful to take him exactly where he is."

With that, a golden rope was shot in Jin Zun's sleeve.

"Bundled the fairy rope?"

Seeing this rope, Li Mo was surprised. However, when this rope was tied to Li Mo, Li Mo knew that this was not a real bundle of fairy rope.

The real bundle of fairy ropes, even the fairy can bind them. Not to mention Jin Zun, even the Aigongli dragons of their Jiuli tribe could not get it out.

And this copycat bundle of immortal rope in front of the eyes has no problem binding the monks below Yuanying Realm. But if you want to bind the powerful fairyland, you can't do it.

But even so, bound Li Mo. Even if Li Mo's combat power can leapfrog, it is not easy to use.

"Humph! Take away!"

Glancing at Li Mo, Jin Yongliang waved his hand. The two tribes walked out with the bound Li Mo.

A short time later, a group of people came to a cave full of fire. The cave is very spacious and surrounded by a lot of weeds, which makes the cave dry.

In the cave, there are more than a dozen people from the Jinshan cottage who are guarding here. More than a dozen people surrounded the fire and ate barbecue.

Inside the cave, more than thirty people were sitting, crouching, crouching, and half lying. These people are ragged and covered in dirt.

And their clothes were also torn apart. These thirty people were all **** by an iron lock, and no one could move.

However, the quality of this iron lock is not the same as the quality of the bundle of fairy ropes in Li Mo's hands. After all, most of these people's cultivation behaviors are the spiritual behaviors. Of course you don't need a bundle of fairy rope.


Jin Yongliang yelled at Li Mo. Li Mo didn't say much and walked out to the crowd.

Li Mo doesn't know what the purpose of these people is and wants to take a look. And Li Mo doesn’t know what Jin Zun is going to do. If they don’t see the light,

Li Moliang revealed the identity of the elders, I am afraid that these people will not only let themselves go. It will kill others.

For Li Mo, these people are really strictly supervised. Even when sleeping, someone must stare at Li Mo.

The next day, a group of people began to hurry.

Jin Jun, headed by a map, walked in one direction with great purpose. In only half a day, a group of people came to a lake.

Looking at the lake in front of him, Jin Zhun stopped and frowned.

"Dad, why did you stop?"

Jin Yongliang came to Jin Zhun and asked suspiciously.

"The map is broken here..."

Eyes swept around, Jin Zhun frowned.

"Broken? Incomplete map?"

Jin Yongliang asked hurriedly.

"seems not."

Jin Jun shook his head, and then looked at the scarlet lake in front of him.

After watching the lake for a long time, Jin Zhun's eyes were ruthless. Threw the map in his hand.

"Hey, dad!"

Watching Jin Zhun's movements, Jin Yongliang hurried forward to stop. But it was too late, and the map had floated into the river.

The scarlet river soaked the map and dyed it scarlet. Then, the map broke down in the lake.


The ground beneath everyone's feet was trembling violently, and the calm river before it turned violent now! The river is like magma and is about to spout.

"what happened?"

"This... Great Elder."


Everyone panicked, and their cultivation was not afraid of water. But at the moment there was an amazing coercion, which made these people panicked.


The crowd who didn't care about the panic behind them only listened to Jin Zhun with a sip. The heavenly spirits were worn on Jin Zhun's body. The aura was entangled in the sky, and soon formed a barrier to protect everyone in it.

With a clatter, the choppy waves, like a tsunami, pounced on everyone. The momentum is huge, but there is no danger in these lakes. To be precise, they can't break the barrier that Jin Zhuling turns into.

Just in an instant, the tsunami is coming quickly. After the lake receded, everyone's eyes lit up.

Because in front of them, an arch was formed above the lake. The arch was full of scarlet light, and the vast breath penetrated inside the arch.


Others don't know what the arch is, but Jin Jun and Jin Yongliang saw the arch. Breathing is a bit difficult, eyes full of excitement.

"Still smart! This map is not only a map, it is also the key to open the Phoenix Palace!"

Jin Yongliang's eyes fieryly extended to Jin Zhun and said.

"Father, Dad will tell you. This opportunity is greater than your chance to enter the Presbyterian Church? Without entering the Presbyterian Church, Dad will let you enter Yuanying Realm smoothly and smoothly. !"

Jin Zhun looked at the arch with a scarlet color, and said to Jin Yongliang on the side.

Jin Yongliang also clenched his excited fists, saying

"Dad! You can break through this time too! When you break through to the Great Wonderland in the future, and have the strength to suppress King Kong, the Jinshan cottage is our world! Maybe the Hengyuan cottage will have to be defeated by the two of us. Press under your feet!"

Just because Jin Zhun and his son wanted to dominate the ambition of Jinshan Cottage, although Jin Yongliang had extraordinary talents in recent years, he did not go to the presbyterian examination once.

"Go in!"

Jin Yongliang couldn't wait any longer, and with a big hand he led everyone into the arch.

And Li Mo, as captives, had to follow the arch.

Entering the arch, a scorching heat wave rushed across the face.

Li Mo looked at the tortured thin-skinned people around him, how long they should resist here. It seems that Jin Jun didn't care about the life and death of these people at all, nor did he know where Jin Jun caught these people.

However, one thing can be sure that it can appear in these 100,000 mountains. They are all members of the Jiuli Village, and these people may not be the same as Jin Zhun.

Let's talk about the arches on the lake, the arches themselves become a small space, and those who can create such a space are all capable of mastering the power of time and space.

The sky in the space is dim, and the soil below is scarlet. There are some dry trees around, but there are no leaves at all. The ground beneath the feet is nothing.

Everyone looked forward and saw a magnificent red palace. The mellow pressure in the whole space came from that palace.

Looking at the palace, Jin Yongliang could not wait to raise his steps and walked forward. But Jin Yongliang's footsteps hadn't fallen yet, and Jin Zun immediately pulled Jin Yongliang.


Jin Yongliang looked at Jin Zun puzzled, and Jin Zun did not explain. Instead, he looked at the more than thirty captives behind him.

Jin Yongliang pointed to one of the captives and said to his guard

"Unlock his shackles."


A member of the Jinshan cottage responded, and stepped forward to open the man's shackles. It was a skinny old man with yellow face. The shackles were opened and the old man was at a loss.

A bad hunch was born in the old man's heart. The old man didn't think that these cruel people would let him go.

"Go, as long as you can enter that palace, I will let you go."

Pointing to the palace in front of him, Jin Zhun said.

Hearing Jin Zhun's words, a look of hope appeared in the old man's eyes. Then the old man gritted his teeth and walked towards the palace.

Looking at the old man's back, Li Mo shook his head. It's so extraordinary here, how come there is no danger? The purpose of Jin Jun to bring these people is obviously to let them come here.

Not to mention that these people who traveled there had a chance to die here, that is, they could go out alive. Kim Jun can't keep alive, after all, the matter here. For Jin Zhun and Jin Yongliang, it is a big secret.

And let the tribes of the Jiuli tribe lay down their lives for their own self-interest, if the matter spreads. I am afraid that the prospective father and son will be severely punished by the Presbyterian Church!

Just when Li Mo was thinking, the old man had already come to the palace. In less than ten battles now, you can enter the palace.

Both Jin Zhun and Jin Yongliang looked at the old man's back, and the hope in his eyes grew stronger.


But at this moment, everyone felt a breath of pride. The earth beneath the old man's feet turned out to be full of aura.

These auras are intertwined to form a mysterious formation. Everyone doesn't know what formation this formation is, but everyone feels a change in their sense of breath from the formation.

And the old man who was the first among them was also trembling in his legs. Looking at the formation around him, the old man was afraid. The footsteps can't help but take a step back, but the old man doesn't move.

With such a move, the ground at the feet of the old man suddenly showed a flare of fire. The fire spread upwards under the old man's feet, and intensified.


The severe pain made the old man growl, but only fell. The old man has turned into ashes.

The formation dispersed again, and a breeze blew past. The old ashes disappeared.

Looking at that tyrannical formation, let alone others. Even Jin Jun in the early days of Dixian Realm changed his complexion. That flame, Jin Jun knew that he could not resist!

"It's a palace of Phoenix."

Jin Jun nodded and said to himself. Then Jin Zhun took the crowd forward, but the old man activated the formation just a few feet away in front of the palace.

So this shows that these places in front of them are safe up to a dozen long distances before the palace.

Jin Zun shouted when he was nearly fifteen feet away from the palace

"Jin Da, Jin Er!"


Two burly big men suddenly stood bowed and bowed.

"Next, it's up to you. Rest assured, when you enter the palace, your benefits are inevitable."

Jin Jun nodded and said.


The two responded and stepped forward. The two asked several members of the Jinshan cottage to select ten captives and let them go forward.

But everyone has seen how the old man died before. Who dares to go?

Seeing this scene, Jin Da grabbed a young man. With a force in his hand, the young man's throat was suddenly crushed.

Although everyone is a member of the Jiuli tribe, these captives are obviously not human lives in the eyes of Jinda.

"Both Jin and I understand the formation. After you enter the large formation, you may live according to what we said, but if you don’t follow what we said. I don’t mind sending you for reincarnation now!"

Jin Da looked at the nine people in front and said sharply.

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