Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1140: White Bear Tribe

"A group of Xiaoxiao! Even poisoned!"

These green smokes gave Jin Dazhuang and Jin Qiaoxin's faces a smoke of blue, and the two struggled with their reiki to counter these toxins. But it is still crumbling. These poisonous toxins are really too strong.


As the bear-like middle-aged big man roared again, several strong men who surrounded and suppressed Jin suddenly pulled up a large net.

The dizzy Jin Qiaoxin and Jin Dazhuang of the poisonous person suddenly fell into the net. The two now only feel that their bodies are soft. Where can they rush out of the net?

"Jian Jie, the poison of Scorpio is really good."

The middle-aged man who gave orders gave a playful walk to Dawang, looking proudly at Jin Dazhuang and Jin Qiaoxin

"Poor, who made you offend the Wudu tribe. Really looking for death, and handing you to the Wudu tribe, you will definitely get a lot of good things. Jie."

Saying, middle-aged waving his arm

"take away!"

Several strong men will take away Jin Dazhuang and Jin Qiaoxin.

Looking at the people around him, Jin Qiao's eyes rolled into tears. Looking at the sky, Jin Qiao's heart cried

"Brother Li Mo, why haven't you come back... It's a coincidence, I'm afraid I won't see you again."

However, when several strong men just grabbed the nets covering Jin Qiaoxin and Jin Dazhuang, a cold voice came.

"Slow down!"

The voice was filled with majesty in the cold. A few strong men didn't know what was going on, but they let go so obediently.

Looking in the direction where the sound came, a young man riding a wild cow came slowly.

"Where's that kid, dare to do more business?"

How could a little white bear tribe recognize the barbarian cow under Li Mo? And Li Mo and Maniu's cultivation behavior, these people can't even feel it. So the middle-aged man couldn't help but stand up and scold.

"who are you?"

The barbarian stopped, Li Mo asked coldly.

"You told us to stop and didn't report to your door, but instead asked who I was? Looking for death?"

The middle-aged man laughed and asked, pinching his waist.

"Ask what your name is because I want to know who I killed. As for my name, you are not qualified to know."

Li Mo continued, unable to hear joy in the cold voice.

"Stinky boy! Find death!"

Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man rushed in despair.

At the foot of the earth, middle age is also one of the best. Right now, there is a kid under 20 years old who says he wants to kill himself. Why is he so angry?

The middle-aged man hasn't arrived yet. The hair that blows Li Mo's two temples moves with the wind, and this boxing style has the awe-inspiring pressure to lead the Great Constellation.

Needless to say, Li Mo knows who this middle-aged is. In addition to the patriarch of the White Bear Tribe, who else can have a strong man who leads the Great Realm of Spiritual Realm?

Of course, the Jinniu tribe who lost Jin Dazhuang has no such strong man. If there is no totem guardian in the Golden Pall Realm, the Golden Bull Tribe may have been destroyed long ago.

With a totem, at least it can protect tribes of the same level and cannot easily destroy it. The price is to let the totem control the life of the entire tribe, and it seems fair.

Let's talk about fighting again, when the middle-aged fist was three inches away from Li Mo's face gate. Li Mo's eyes widened and his eyes were blue.


Li Mo's tone is bland, just like a high emperor, he is finalizing his sentence for middle age.

His middle-aged eyes gradually lost his mind, and a look of fear appeared on his face. It was as if I saw something terrifying, and then middle age seemed to be unable to withstand that pressure.

A middle-aged man drew a dagger from the storage bag, and the dagger wiped off his neck. The blood splashed three feet, and the middle-aged man fell straight to the ground, no longer alive.

Middle-aged is just the cultivation of spiritual perfection, and how can we contend with Li Mo's magic skills.


Seeing the tragic death of middle-aged men, the strong men couldn't help shaking. In Li Mo's eyes, there was fear. Li Mo's killing method, they are really unheard of, unseen.

The dragon has a counter scale, and Li Mo's counter scale is the people around him. And these people even wanted to use Jin Dazhuang and Jin Qiaoxin to the Wudu tribe for rewards, so for the rest of the big men, Li Mo still did not let them go.

I saw Li Mo raised his head and glanced away. All the youths who let Li Mo see, entered the illusion art arranged by Li Mo without warning.

At the moment, the world in front of them is a world of demons and dances.

There happened to be a large number of spirit beasts, and the big demon attacked their tribe. These people took up weapons and pierced the bodies of the spirit beasts, blood was splashing, and the air was filled with **** air.

Looking at the spirit beasts falling down, how pleasant these people feel.

However, in reality, the spears of these people pierced the chests of their people. After a while, all the big men fell into the pool of blood.


After tidying up these big men, Li Mo couldn't restrain his emotions anymore and jumped off the wild bull and ran towards Jin Qiaoxin.

At the moment, Jin Qiaoxin already had tears in his eyes. If it were not that he was poisoned and could not move his body, it is estimated that Jin Qiaoxin had already ran into Li Mo's arms.

Li Mo came to Jin Qiaoxin and pointed his finger towards Jin Qiaoxin's arm. Fortunately, although this toxin can weaken Jin Qiaoxin and Jin Dazhuang, it does not hurt his life.

Even the people who lead the spiritual realm do not hurt, where can this poison be strong? So Li Mo took one hand and took Jin Dazhuang and Jin Qiaoxin's arms. The majestic spirit ran down Li Mo's fingertips towards the two of them.

Not long after, the two of them puffed together and coughed up a bite of blood. The skin of the two men gradually returned to normal, and the black gas wrapped around their faces finally faded away.

"Brother Li Mo! You are finally back..."

Jin Qiaoxin could no longer restrain himself as soon as his body could move. He hugged Li Mo tightly and felt the warmth from Li Mo's much did Jin Qiaoxin and his father suffer these days? The only belief that allows Jin Qiaoxin to persevere is Li Mo, because Li Mo has said that he will come back to pick her up.

Patting Jin Qiaoxin's back, Li Mo said deeply

"Ingeniously, suffering."

Watching his daughter and son-in-law and their lovers finally get together, Jin Dazhuang was not happy. But looking at the surrounding bodies, Jin Dazhuang immediately reminded

"Hurry up, you killed the Patriarch of the White Bear Tribe. Their grandpa may be coming soon. And here is now the territory of the White Bear Tribe, and the White Bear Tribe has moved their clan. Their totem is here."

Obviously, even Li Mo just showed his strong side. But Jin Dazhuang still couldn't believe that Li Mo could contend with the White Bear Mountain tribe alone, not to mention the totem of Jindan Realm.

"Great Uncle, rest assured. I'm back and will give these tribes the punishment they deserve!"

Li Mo nodded solemnly to Jin Dazhuang and took an oath.

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