Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1148: Shadow Leopard Totem

"Hiding in this cave, it really made us find it."

The shadow leopard tribal chief leopard couldn't smile gruelessly, and behind them were thousands of shadow leopard tribe fighters. Even Mosang was among them, looking at the body on the ground. Mo Sang could not help bowing his head.

Mosang knew that Atu was a member of the Li Mo tribe, and Mosang also regarded Li Mo as a brother.

But Mosang has just entered the early stage of psychic realm, from the captain of the hunting team to the elder of the Shadow Leopard tribe. As an elder, how can you not obey the orders of the patriarch?

Moreover... it seems that this time, the totem adults of their Shadow Leopard tribe also came. So in order to be loyal to the Shadow Panther tribe, Mo Sang had to follow.

On one side are the tribes, on the other side are the brothers. Mo Sang can only suppress justice for loyalty.

"You demons! The door owner will kill you! The Shadow Leopard tribe will be destroyed!"

"Brothers! Protect the door owner, fight with them!"

A group of strong men roared with indignation. They were all tribes in this mountain, and they could not be small.

Although the tribe is small, sometimes it is not enough to eat, and there is no good clothes to wear. But everyone's life is quite easy.

Until the Shadow Leopard tribe searched the mountains in a big way, it was also a move to kill these unrelated tribes. So these strong men and the Shadow Leopard tribe have no small hatred.

Ah Tu subdued them and condensed them together. And give them exercises, immortality, and lead them to revenge. So these people are very loyal to Ah Tu.

"What kind of master? The little middle of the Dandan realm dared to fight against our Shadow Leopard tribe. I really don't know how to die."

An old man on crutches stepped forward and said contemptuously.

Seeing this old man, even the Panther tribe patriarch Leopard lowered his head and opened his body to show respect. This old man is the grandpa of their Shadow Leopard tribe-Leopard Eagle!

"Bah! The doorkeeper's men are defeated, and his face is rampant?"

A strong man at the Leopard Gate spit into the ground and said contemptuously.

What if you die? Anyway, the people of their tribe are almost dead, but this brave man is dead, and he has to scold enough of the debris of the Shadow Leopard tribe, and then put on a cushion to die!

"court death!"

Sure enough, the pain in my heart was mentioned again. The Leopard Eagle was immediately irritated, and then whizzed. The leopard eagle showed eagle scratching in his hand, and grabbed at the brave man who spoke badly.

This strong man cited the cultivation practice in the early stage of the spirit realm, where would it be the opponent of the leopard carving?

But in the face of the leopard eagle rushing in, the strong man's heart was not even afraid. Even the strong man hurled a spear in his hand in preparation for a battle with the leopard eagle.

Today, even if you die, you have to fight to death!

"Leopard Eagle Old Ghost! Do you only know about bullying monks who lead spirits?"

Just when the palm of the leopard eagle was about to catch the strong man, a big drink came from the cave house.

Then the trembling trembling of the whole cave house, the gate of the cave house was wide open, and a man dressed in black animal skins came out.

The man is Ashui, who is much younger than Li Mo's body. But the water chestnut's distinct face has faded away.

The deep scar on the forehead really added a little bit of anger.

Ah Tu stopped in front of the strong man, his fists rushed forward.


The same is the cultivation practice in the middle of the Spirit Realm, but the Leopard Eagle faces Ah Tu's attack. He was hit by a punch and flew a lot of blood along the way.

"In front of the strong, you are still so vulnerable."

Ah Tu sneered, then shouted to the crowd

"You retreat!"


The strong men took a step backwards, but they still clenched their spears.

If Ah Tu is in danger, they will kill without hesitation. They are going to die with the gatekeeper!

"Stinky boy! You are dead today!"

The leopard eagle was unable to wait for him to be lifted by the leopard, and shouted loudly while flicking his still-wrenching wrist.

Then the leopard eagle looked at the sky, shouting with his neck

"Master Totem! Please show up quickly! Kill this guy who disobeys our Shadow Leopard tribe!"

The totems of the Shadow Leopard Tribe have always come and gone without a shadow, so the Leopard Eagle does not know where the Shadow Leopard Totem has gone.

If it was not because the Shadow Leopard Totem came back a few days ago, the Leopard Eagle would not dare to lead people to kill the people who slaughtered the Leopard Gate. After all, the Leopard Eagle had already been defeated in the hands of A Shui, and he fought hard to escape.

"You tribes of the Shadow Leopard tribe are really getting more and more waste. Ben Wang really has to think about whether or not to replace you."

A whole body of blue panther came from the sky in the distance, and the pressure of a golden pill realm continued to spread on him. This is the shadow leopard totem of the shadow leopard tribe.

The "replacement" in Shadow Leopard's mouth of course means removing the Shadow Leopard tribe in front of him, and then going to support one of the Shadow Leopard tribes himself.

So when Leopard Eagle heard Shadow Leopard's words, his expression suddenly changed, and immediately Leopard Eagle immediately knelt on the ground

"Master Totem! Although we are still very weak in cultivation, we are all your devout followers! I can guarantee that your status in the hearts of our people will be better than our own lives!"

Leopard couldn't kneel with the people of the tribe, and he kept piously guaranteeing him.


Shadow Panther yelled impatiently, and then Shadow Panther walked across the crowd to Ah Tu.

Looking at the shadow panther coming, Ah Tu looked cautiously. With a spear in his hand, Ah Tu knew that he was not the opponent of this shadow panther.

But for the brothers behind, and for their enmity with the Shadow Leopard Tribe, Ah Tu can only fight desperately!


"We want to advance and retreat with the door owner!"

Dozens of strong men surrounded Ah Tu, shouting indignantly.

But looking at the people in front of him, the shadow leopard squinted. A disdainful laugh

"A group of weak and poor guys, who killed you, all dirty the king's hands. You broke yourself."

"Obviously, it's a I still have a mouthful of a king? Today, I can die, even our people at the Leopard Gate can die! But when my brother Li Mo comes back, he will definitely pull you up. Shadow Leopard Tribe is buried with us!"

Ah Tu squeezed the spear in his hand and drank angrily.

A beast, really angered the shadow leopard. Shadow Leopard widened the eyes of Bronze Bell and growled


This roar is like the overlord of the jungle. The beasts of the entire jungle prowled to the ground, expressing surrender.

Shadow Leopard was extremely fast, and rushed towards Ah Tu with a swish. Even if everyone has not seen the shadow leopard, the shadow leopard has already rushed into the crowd.


There was a scream, one after another, and the big man who was standing in front of the Shadow Leopard was either tortured or bitten to death, and even more directly pretended to be dead.

Their cultivation practices are between the quenching body state and the spiritual attraction state. Where is the opponent of the totem of this Jindan realm?

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