Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1240: Anomalies

"Hahaha, I'm back again, Master!"

Looking at the boundless mountains of 100,000, the eggs on the chariot opened their arms and sighed.

"It is estimated that the people in the village of Miluo do not want you to come back."

Li Mo looked blankly and said angrily.

At first, the egg was not a product, but there was no lack of people in the village.

People just washed and hung the clothes on. If you don't take good care of it at a glance, you can make the eggs all muddy. Or maybe the meals just prepared by the women are waiting for the men at home to eat.

As a result, one can't take care of it, and the egg can run all the dishes. Even their small treasury is strict, that is the object of the egg hello.

"Cough, who made them scold our brother."

With a cough, the egg smiled awkwardly.

After entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a group of strong men did not stop, and flew straight to the direction of Lingxiao Mountain.

When there was less than a hundred feet away from Lingxiao Mountain, the team stopped. They must not fly over Lingxiao Mountain, otherwise it is the greatest disrespect for the Presbyterian Church.


With the sound of breaking the sky, Yu Xiao brought dozens of deacon messengers from the Presbyterian Church to the face.

Looking at the banner on the car, Yu Xiao smiled

"I don't know which friend of the nightmare came?"

Somehow, the smile on Yu Xiao's face carried a triumphant compliment.

Here comes another **** and demon family. Why have so many **** and demon families visited our Jiuli tribe recently?

But it’s better to come and have a good relationship with them. When the grandfather passed away, I will inherit the Great Command.

With good relations with several other families of gods and demons, our Jiuli tribe can kill 100,000 mountains as soon as possible.

Hahaha! At that time, my achievements will definitely surpass my grandfather and become the existence after the ancestors of Jiuli! Let the people of the Jiuli tribe extol my achievements for thousands of years!

"Welcome so grand? I haven't been here for two months yet? The elders don't know me?"

Just when Yu Xiaoyang was proud, a playful voice came, and then Li Mo and Danzi uncovered the curtain and walked out.

"Li Mo!"

Seeing Li Mo, the good mood before Yu Xiao suddenly disappeared.

"It's me, bringing some friends of the Nightmare family back. When the elder elder is so polite, I'm a little flattered." Li Mo smiled softly, with a sneering tone in his tone.


Yu Xiao snorted again, shook his sleeves, and walked with the messengers and deacons in the direction of the Jiuli Tribe.

Who didn’t know that the elder Yu Xiao and the elder Li Li could not deal with it?

Today, I'm still hopping to pick someone up? This let others know, don't laugh at him! The angry Yu Xiao felt his face hot.

And the pain in his soul still hurts, these are all thanks to Li Mo!

"This old guy doesn't deal with you?"

Looking at the back of Yu Xiao, she asked suspiciously.

"We said while walking."

Returning to the Presbyterian Church is just like going back to your own home, so Li Mo is chatting with the eggs and walking towards Lingxiao Mountain.

Of course, a group of powerful men landed under Lingxiao Mountain. Everyone walked up to Lingxiao Mountain.

On the way when he came, Li Mo also arranged several deacons to take their dreams with them and arrange their accommodation. Do not look at the number of these nightmare guards, but there are still many empty cave houses in the huge Lingxiao Mountain.

"What's going on with the elders recently? Is there anything wrong?"

Li Mo intended to bring Grandma to visit Grandpa, but when he met Long Qing, he just asked a few words.

"As always, the strong man and horse race of the day before came to visit Grandpa. Haven't left yet."


Li Mo frowned and was in the secret. Li Mo knows that the Ma tribe is a devil-family standing in the crow tribe. How could he visit the Jiuli tribe?

Could it be that the Chou Zhaozhao could not succeed, let this man come to Zhaoan?

This thought flashed through Li Mo's mind, but Li Mo immediately denied it.

The crotch clan is among the top three in the family of gods and demons, while the clan and horse clan are in the bottom of the clan.

So the crotch face is not as big as the Centaur face? The Zhao people can't succeed, how can the tribe Zhaoan succeed?

"Okay, go for it first. I and Eggan will meet Grandpa."

Li Mo said with a smile, and then walked to the top of Lingxiao Mountain with the egg.

"What kind of prestige did the ancient heaven emperor dominate the universe? The ancient ancestor wanted to rebuild the heavenly court. With his strength and deeds, wouldn't he stain the name of the heavenly court? Stain the prestige of the heavenly emperor? To our knowledge, Already, the gods and demons have secretly joined the ancestral ancestors to build the heaven of

"No matter what other people mean, but our tribe is the first to refuse!"

"That's it! The crickets are obviously using the name of the heavenly court and want to get involved in Kyushu..."

Before entering the hall, Li Mo could hear the sound of discussion in the hall.

This made Li Mo frown. What's wrong with this horse race? It's too abnormal. Shouldn't crickets be your masters? Do you know if you scolded your host like this?

Without thinking about it, Li Mo strode into the palace with his eggs.

Inside the palace, there are still two rows of seats.

The elders of the Jiuli tribe sit in a row, and the five strong men of the Centaur tribe sit in a row.

Watching the five strong men of the Centaurs fill their indignation, their scolding faces and their red necks. Li Mo knew that it seems that this man and horse race have been scolding the crow race these days.

"Meet Grandpa."

Li Mo bowed down, and the eggs followed.

"The nightmare holy son dreamed and met the grandfather of the Jiuli tribe."


Seeing the eggs, the strong people of the Clan and Horse could not help but narrow their eyes. For a moment, even the curse of the crickets was forgotten.

Looking at the egg, the grandfather of the Ligong Long smiled easily. "I remember I didn't expect your baby to become a child of the nightmare so quickly. Guests of the nightmare, give seats."

I thought that when Meng Zhentian came to the Jiuli tribe to get eggs, the eggs were poisoned. This made Meng Zhentian almost kill other murderers after killing the murderer.

In the end, Li Renlong was forced to appear as a spiritual incarnation, and Meng Zhen genius stopped.

It was at that time that Li Renlong had seen the egg side.

"I didn't expect Grandpa to remember me, thank Grandpa."

Egg egg grinned, and then sat down with Li Mo to the row of seats where the elders of the Jiuli tribe were located.

"How is your ancestor recently?"

Li Renlong asked Egg, apparently listening to the five strong men of the Clan and Horse scolding the crickets every day. He heard ears starting to cocoon, so he talked to Egg.

Treating Li Renlong, Dandan put away the cynical appearance. Immediately got up and said back

"The ancestor is in good health. He came here this time. The ancestor deliberately asked the younger generation to bring grandpa a good life."

The ancestor of the nightmare was actually familiar with this Liren dragon.

"That old guy..."

Speaking of old friends, Li Renlong was also very happy.

Five strong people in the fairyland of the Centaurs looked at each other, what happened? Take our horse race as air? Can't we look down on our tribe, we don't want face-saving?


An old man with a goatee and a long face coughed heavily. Got up and said

"Sir Grandpa, I suggest that we should hold a group together. Resist the false heavens of the crickets! Return a fairness to this world."

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