Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1286: Execution of traitors

Looking at the blue eagle kneeling on the ground, the blue whale ancestor looked WwΔW. "Ksnhuge"ge. co If Lan Ying tells her truthfully, she may only abolish Lan Ying's cultivation behavior and spare Lan Ying's life.

But now the Blue Eagle looks like he is ready to contend.

"You admit it yourself!'re so embarrassed to say something wrong!"

The injured blue tiger looked like the blue eagle. He coughed up blood in his mouth, and his fingers were trembling.

"It's him!"

The blue eagle kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head and pointed at Li Mo. Shouted at the blue tiger

"It's him! It must be he who made the ghosts, so that I can say those ghost words out of nothing!"

Then, the blue eagle tapped again in the direction of the blue whale ancestor.

"My ancestors see you!"


Li Mo and Qidan held back for a long time, only these two words can describe this blue eagle.

Although the blue eagle is not high, it has survived a lot of years before the land of Wonderland is completed. However, his ability to reverse black and white, Rao is Li Modu deeply admired.

The evidence is conclusive at the moment, and he can still pluck himself away.

"This little doll just cast a high-level illusion on you just now, what the **** is wrong! By this time, do you still want to quibble?"

The eyes of the blue whale ancestor angered, yelling at the blue eagle. In those eyes, there was even a trace of killing intent.

The big dream magical skill Li Mo just performed is unpredictable for this blue eagle. Even Lanying had not noticed it, and had already entered into illusion.

But Li Mo's method is still clear to the ancestors of this blue whale family.

Looking at the ancestor's eyes, Lan Ying's heart was cold, and he sat back on his lap.

Lan Ying knew that the ancestor had killed him.

"I can't see the punishment, you won't do it!"

Blue Whale Patriarch Lan Long scolded, and he beckoned to prepare the guard to take the Blue Eagle down for execution.

As one of the three elders of the Blue Whale, Blue Eagle certainly knows the torture of the Blue Whale.

The blue eagle body shivered at the thought of torture.

"Hahaha! I can betray the Blue Whale, but I'm smart! The heavenly army has the tendency to unify the world. The nightmare and the Jiuli tribe are the lessons of the past. How many evils can escape?

No matter whether you give in or resist, the end result is hard to escape! Follow you can only be beheaded by the heavenly army! I want to live, am I wrong? I was wrong..."

With that, Lan Ying looked at Li Mo. Those eyes seemed to eat Li Mo, he growled

"I didn't get stuck outside the castle early and killed you! Stinky boy, I ate you!"

The voice fell, and the blue eagle's body showed blue waves.

The phantom of the joint blue whale appeared in the hall. The vast figure was like a loft with more than ten floors.

This blue eagle wants to show the body to eat Li Mo, but how can Li Mo be afraid of him.

I saw Li Mo's palm aura, ready to give Lan Ying a fatal blow when he rushed.

"evil creature!"

The Lanying hasn't waited for the body to appear, only to hear the blue whale tribe ancestor yell. Then the ancestor's wrinkled palms moved.


Endless water vapor emerged, rushing towards the direction of the blue eagle with a thick breath.

The ancestor of the Blue Whale family didn't shoot just now, and Li Mo still couldn't feel the practice of the Blue Whale ancestor. But now feeling the pressure in the water vapor, Li Mo looked tight. self-mumbling

"Tianxian Realm Completed!"

Li Mo is familiar with this force. You can also have this kind of coercion with the help of the quasi-imperial weapon. Even if you hold the quasi-imperial weapon, you may be able to kill the strong men of this level.

However, if there is no quasi-imperial weapon, Li Mo's Xiuwei still has a considerable distance compared with this blue whale ancestor.

And these forces that have stood for tens of thousands of years, may the background be less? So don't look at the fact that these ancestors have only the perfect practice of Tianxian Realm, but they have tried their best to be able to fight with the gods of the mirror gods.


A large gulp of blood spewed out, and the Blue Eagle's phantom was crushed into the body, and was internally injured.

"We blue whale, how come you have such a soft bone!"

The blue whale ancestors hated the iron and steel, but more distressed.

The blue whale of these two generations has few outstanding people, so there are only three elders.

However, the ancestors have all worked **** these three elders, hoping that they will enter the heaven. I didn't expect that such a white-eyed wolf would betray her and the blue whale.

"The ancestor suffocated, coughed, and angry at this animal was not worth it." The blue whale elder blue tiger coughed twice and said.

"I'll let him try our blue whale's punishment and kill him again!"

The angry Blue Dragon dragged the already seriously injured Blue Eagle out.

"Ancestor! Ancestor!"

At this time, Lanying was really scared.

But not to mention the serious injury now, even when he wins, he can't compete with the Blue Dragon. Therefore, while being pulled out by the blue dragon, the blue eagle kept asking the blue whale ancestors for mercy

"The ancestors are fortunate! I was confused for a while. The ancestor let me go! Let me go..."

The blue eagle's voice gradually disappeared in the living room. The blue whale ancestor kept watching the blue eagle, but he didn't say a word.

Although these are all her juniors, some mistakes can be forgiven. There are some mistakes, but they cannot be forgiven!

"Ancestral ancestors and Pseudo Heavenly Court have bought Blue Eagle. Looking at this, we are making a concession. When Pseudo Heavenly Court frees our hands, we will still eat our Blue Whale through the Blue Eagle.

After all, Blue Tiger endured the pain in his body. Staggering twice, kneeling on one knee, "Please also ask the ancestor to make a decision early!"

"Also invite the ancestor to make a decision early!"

Lan Shu also knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Blue Tiger, you are hurt. Hurry up..."

Looking at the blue tiger, the blue whale ancestor said quickly.

"Ancestor can't afford to make a decision without making a decision!"

Blue Tiger shouted tenaciously.

"Blue Tree, help Blue Tiger quickly." Blue Whale Ancestor shouted to Blue Tree.

It can be seen that the blue whale ancestors still love these juniors very much.

But the blue eagle can't do anything!


With a murmur, Blue Tree lowered his head. This time, Lan Shu was so rare that he didn't follow the orders of his ancestors.

"Okay, I promised you!"

The blue whale ancestor nodded and heard the words of the ancestor. With a happy expression on Lan Shu's face, he hurriedly got up and lifted up the elder blue tiger.

"Great elder, the ground is cold, you are still injured, get up quickly."

"Thank you ancestor!"

Blue Tiger thanked the blue whale ancestor, and then slowly stood up along the hand of Blue Tree.

"Are you the baby of the Jiuli tribe?"

The blue whale ancestor looked at Li Mo asked lightly.

"How do seniors know?"

Li Mo was a little surprised, and then bowed and asked.

"The grand dream of the Jiuli tribe, my wife, I was also fortunate to have met." The blue whale ancestor smiled.

It turned out that Li Mo shot against the Blue Eagle just now. The blue whale ancestors not only recognized that Li Mo had used the illusion technique, but also recognized that Li Mo had used the great dream of the Jiuli tribe.

However, there is no gap between the blue whale and the Jiuli tribe, so the blue whale ancestor has no slight hostility towards Li Mo.

Li Mo bowed slightly, said with a fist

"You can't talk too much with the seniors yet, but seniors please rest assured. The people who fight against the manchu puppet heaven will not only be the tribes of the blue whale tribe."

Li Mo's sentence belongs to giving everyone a shot of stimulant.

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