Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1301: Fox Heart Xuan

   "Please, please."

   The sound like a piano sound came, and Li Mo and Danzi raised their heads and looked at the king.

   It was a woman dressed in Feng Guanxia, ​​with jade bone ice muscles, delicate facial features like fox with charm.

  Birthday! Coupled with the white fox tribe's charm technique, that is, not speaking, the graceful figure sitting still, can also make people distracted.

   Rao is a strong master of illusion, such as Li Mo and Egg, who dare not look at this woman more. So Li Mo and Dandan hurriedly looked away.

   King Fox Heart Xuan smiled slightly, and the smile made the light below see the god, and almost spit out.

   "Please sit down."

   "Your Majesty!"

   Li Mo and Dandan sang together, and then sat down under the wooden table opposite them.

  Li Mo carefully looked at the structure of the palace, roughly divided into three stages.

   The first stage is on the hall steps of His Majesty Hu Xinxuan, and the second stage is the magnificently dressed ministers seated on the steps.

   Of course, these ministers are also women.

   The third stage is the guests invited by them. Then there are the dancing girls.

   "Several overseas friends are not far away, I would like to respect a few friends here."

  Fox Heart Xuan raised his glasses, his eyes looked around, and the voice said pleasantly.

   "Hahaha, wait for your majesty!"

   "Your Majesty is welcome."


   Everyone followed the toast and smiled boldly.

   Then, Hu Xinxuan covered his face and drank the wine in the glass. The movement of the arm twitched with a natural charm.

   Everyone also drank the wine in the glass.

   "I don't know how many people came, what is the so-called thing?"

   put down the glass, Hu Xinxuan asked.

   "Come for your majesty."

   Others haven't spoken yet, Hu Guang said with a bold expression of admiration.

   With the sound of Foxlight falling, the hall suddenly calmed down. A pair of eyes cast on the Foxlight, and the Dark Road Foxlight boldly.

  Fox Xinxuan also frowned, and when he saw this, he said this, and Fox Xinxuan felt that the light of the Fox was somewhat frivolous. For a moment, the good feeling towards Foxlight disappeared.

  Noticing these eyes, the veteran Hu Chi scolded a fox idiot.

After clearing his throat, Hu Chi hurriedly got up and said, "My young master has long heard of His Majesty's face, and even heard of His Majesty's rare gift of heaven and earth. So it's not far away , Want to see His Majesty's style."

   "This is the young master's desire for many years, so the young master sees your majesty. The young master is a little rude and excited. Please ask your majesty."

   Let's go, Hu Chi looked at Hu Guang.

   At the moment, Foxlight also looked like a pig brother, staring straight at the Fox Heart Xuan, as if he didn't know he was wrong.

  Fox Heart Xuan waved his jade hand without saying much.

   First, the fox light is the nine-tailed fox family, and they are the white fox family, both belong to the fox family. Erlai's young masters are all at the pinnacle of late fairyland cultivation, so the forces behind him must also have a strong fairyland.

   Therefore, Fox Heart Xuan does not have a deep meaning.

   Of course, Fox Heart is not afraid. After all, their white fox clan is also strong. As long as there are several strong clan of the same clan in the clan, the strong in the Celestial Realm can't make waves in her kingdom.

   Then, Fox Heart Xuan looked at Li Mo and Dandan.

   "We are studying and going through your country. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your hospitality."

  Noticing Fox Heart Xuan's gaze, Li Mo didn't speak, and Egg said it first.

  Looking at their appearance and clothing, Fox Heart nodded.

   "Your Majesty..."

   At this time, a prince minister near Hu Xinxuan stood out. The minister first walked to the center of the hall and bowed down.

   "Your Majesty, our country has been free of men for thousands of years. Not relying on the spring water of the mother's spring, our country..."

"But after all, with the help of foreign objects is limited, we can not count on the spring water of the Mother Spring for tens of millions of years. In recent years, the Mother Spring has dried up, and it will be a catastrophe in our country by then. So please Your Majesty to leave these people friend."

   Hearing the minister’s words, his eyes were almost shining.

  Since seeing this Fox Heart Xuan, Fox Light really wants to stay here.

   And the other strong members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan looked at the surrounding White Fox Clan women with their eyes shining.

   "Your Majesty, I'm so brave, please Your Majesty to do... example!"

   Another middle-aged woman minister stood up and knelt down to speak.

   The meaning of this example is, of course, letting Hu Xinxuan find a woman to marry.

   "Mother River? Does this white fox family lack males? No wonder they eventually disappeared on the ground in Kyushu."

   Listening to these people, Li Mo's eyes flashed and muttered to himself.



   Several ministers came out and knelt on the ground.

   looked at several of her lovers, and Fox Heart Xuan frowned. Several ministers said it was reasonable, and then Fox Heart Xuan looked down.

   "Several, who are you willing to stay?"

   "I will!"

   Don't guess, Foxlight is the first to jump out and shout.

   Then, a few other strong men from the Jiuwei Fox clan stood out.

   Some of these people are still sons of the Jiuwei Fox clan. There are also guards of the Nine-tailed Fox family, young and vigorous.

   Then, the Huchi hesitated for a moment. He also stood up and looked at the ministers ahead, his eyes flashing.

   "Old shameless!"

   Seeing this scene, Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

   After a while, the last elder of the Nine-tailed Fox clan, the three elders, also stood up.

  Li Mo knew that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan was wiped out by the whole army. Where do they see the task that the patriarch asked them to come to However, Li Mo and the egg speculate that the origin fragmented into that Fox Heart Xuan. Therefore, for Li Xinxuan, Li Mo is also determined to win.

   But just when the egg wanted to stand up, Li Mo's palm pressed on the egg.

   "I want to escape!"

  Li Mo preached to the egg. What you get easily is often not fancy. Don't look at the egg to make the girl happy, but these human natures are ignored by the egg.

   "Don't these two human friends want to stay?"

   looked at Li Mo and the egg did not move, Hu Xinxuan asked.

   "Your Majesty is angry, the two of us want to travel the world, so..."

  Li Mo got up and bowed, and said in embarrassment.

   looked at Li Mo's embarrassment, but Hu Xinxuan smiled. With a smile, all over the country. Seeing the envy of Foxlight, he also gave Li Mo a fierce look.

   "Boy! Go roll quickly! She is mine!"

   Foxlight threatened Li Mo's voice.

  Li Mo just scratched this foxlight and turned his head.

   With such a level of opponents, why does Li Mo feel so shameful?

   "Several seated first, specific matters. After the banquet, I will discuss with Aiqing."


   Li Mo and others responded and sat down to continue to attend the banquet.

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