Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 129: Condensed demon


  The giant panda uses Li Mo's method to teach him to check the changes in his body. Anyone knows that the body has just radiated golden light, so it looks distorted, its body twitching, and it can't afford to fall.

   Li Mozong looked up, and found that the breath inside his body was in a mess, suddenly up and down, wandering back and forth.

  In the panda body, there is more than one breath, and there are three different breaths back and forth. The force is so great that it can't control it at all.

  Li Mo suddenly reached out and pressed the head of the giant panda.

   All three breaths came to the panda's brain. If he didn't shoot, his brain would be hit by the breath, and the consequences would be serious.

  Li Mo conveyed his spiritual power to the past, helping the giant panda to stabilize his breath.

   One, two, three, three different irritability quickly became calm.

   "It turned out that there was no formation of your own demon pill, and due to the different attributes of the devoured demon pill, it was impossible to purify and integrate through your own demon pill."

   Li Mo suddenly.

  Understood the situation in the giant panda, Li Mo urged his own spiritual power to help it purify and integrate three different demon powers.

   For an entire hour, Li Mo surrendered all three magical powers in the panda's body, completely turning into a magical power that the panda can use at will.

   Li Mo walked to the side to rest and hit a limit punch. He was not hurt so much. Now he helps the panda to purify the demon power, and his body and mind are exhausted. Now I just want to take a good rest.

   "You try to perceive the demon powers in your body, control them, gather them together, condense into a pill, and see if it works."

  Li Mo closed his eyes and adjusted interest rate.

   The giant panda nodded and began to try to condense the demon power inside into its own demon.

   Another night passed, Li Mo's injury recovered most of the time, the panda tried for one night, but the result was still unable to condense the demon power in his body into his own demon.

  It's easy to become a essence, but it's difficult to make a demon pill. If you don't use external help to practice yourself, only one or two of the 10,000 elves can produce a demon pill in the body. The rest is hopeless for life.

   The giant panda looked at Li Mo in confusion. It did exactly what Li Mo taught, but unfortunately it was impossible to form a pill.

"sit down."

   The panda sat down.

   Li Mo walked to the giant panda and pressed his palm to his head.

   Passed by day and night, Du Fei was back, Li Mo was still delivering spiritual power for the giant panda.

   Du Fei just started to see it with relish. After a long time, he felt bored and ran away to bully the little stone monster.

  Five hours later, Du Fei brought back a pile of inferior spirit jade, and Li Mo didn't stop working until this time.

   This time the aura transportation has greatly strengthened the panda's physique, and the demon power has also been refined, but the demon pill has not yet been produced.

   "No wonder Master said to me that cultivating a success or not is unclear, cultivating a group of people, I don't want to think about it, so it turns out."

   Li Mo suddenly.

   When Li Mo first learned that pandas are descendants of ancient **** beasts, he thought about making a group of pandas and let them all evolve to increase his own strength. However, his idea was directly rejected by his master.

   He didn't understand then, now he understands it all.

The aura produced by the heaven and earth creation tactics is the purest aura in the universe. There is no one. With this purity of aura forcibly condensing the pill, even if the target is a pig, you can directly generate the demon pill, but it is only used on the giant panda. Let the magic power in its body be pure, Yaodan has no signs to be produced at all.

  It is so hard just to train a panda. If it is a group of pandas, then Li Mo has nothing to do.

   "The descendants of the ancient **** beasts and the descendants of the ancient fierce beasts are really quite different."

   The giant panda writes in the sky, and five words appear in the air-really embarrassed.

  Li Mo smiled: "This is not your fault."

  Although this giant panda gave Li Mo a very bad first impression, with contact and familiarity, Li Mo found that this guy was really qualified as his partner.

  Transfer aura day and night, although it does not allow it to produce a demon, but it allows Li Mo to discover a hidden situation under normal circumstances, which is impossible to find.

  In the process of conveying Reiki, Li Moxian was bored and checked the panda's memory. As a result, he found something very interesting.

  Before he was selected by Li Mo, this guy was the object of bullying by the same kind every day. Because its size was too fat, and no female panda was willing to be close to it, so when he was on the mountain, he had always lived alone.

   was bullied by the same kind, beaten, and chased for several years. Chasing the mother panda spouse did not succeed once. The bear born before this guy was not selected by Li Mo was simply a capital ‘tragedy’.

  Until it met Li Mo, it became a bear born winner by pretending to die. Before he left, he made a face-off to the unconscious female panda. This time, it was its first mating.

All of this is because of Li Mo, so his gratitude to Li Mo can't be expressed. When the boulder hits it, he desperately protects Li Mo on his body. From this point, it can be seen that Li Mo is in The importance of it.

   If there is no Li Mo, its bear birth is driven out every day, and he will be alone and pity until he is old.

   The higher the wit, the greater the panda's gratitude to Li Mo.

   "The method I teach you, remember to do it every day until you get a demon pill."

   The giant panda nodded again and again.

   "Mo What grade of earth jade is this?"

   Du Fei ran over holding a piece of earth jade, which was the size of a grinding disc. His current strength has been promoted to the ninth level of the Spiritual Realm, and his strength has already surpassed that of ordinary people.

   This millstone-sized earthen jade is the product of the giant stone monster.

   "This is the top grade earth jade."

  After Li Mo checked, he was a little disappointed.

   Before looking at it, he still had a little expectation in his heart, if it was a divine item.

   "Only this piece of top-grade earth jade is enough for us to lay out twenty ultra-long-distance stellar disk spirit arrays."

   "What about the twenty-odd tons of inferior products we got? How many ultra-long-distance transmission arrays can be arranged?"

   "No one can be arranged, the inferior earth spirit jade can only be used to arrange the close-range teleportation array."

   "The short distance I mean refers to a galaxy, such as this stone monster planet. Although I don't know the specific and detailed location, it will never come out of the Milky Way."

   "Understood, what about the spirit? What is the difference compared with the top grade?"

   "If it is a supernatural thing, you don't need to consider the distance at all, as far as you can."

   Du Fei suddenly realized: "Obviously, it turns out that the **** power is so strong, if only one piece can be obtained."

   "Mo brother, I was attacked by a stranger named Zhang Ding a few days ago. He claimed to be Lei Tian's men. He came to me to avenge Lei Yan and Lei Fei."

  Du Fei recounted Zhang Ding's attack on him that day.

After listening to it, Li Mo thought for a moment and said, "With your current strength, Lei Tian is not your opponent, but Lei Tian has the fairy sword, fairy robe and killing fairy array, if he knows how to use it, you are definitely not His opponent."

   "Recently these days, don't go back, just concentrate on practicing here."

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