Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1364: The Staff of Origins

"court death!"

The angry dream suddenly broke out, and the ghost face of his body became more and more cold.

Then, Meng Zhentian exerted the power and speed of the nightmare to the extreme. Facing the ancestors of the Centaurs, it was an attack under the fist.

"Lv, Lv..."

Suddenly, the Patriarch and Patriarch ancestors continued to scream in pain.

The ancestor of his generation of gods and devil families is also the strong of the old generation, and it is also the peak of the late Tianxian Realm.

But now it was hit by a rising star in the late days of the fairyland, and the ancestors of the Clan and Horse suddenly felt red.

But no matter how good the face is, when the Clan Ancestor feels the intense murderous intention of Meng Zhentian. The ancestors of the Clan-Ma tribe still tremble in their hearts, and hurriedly drank to several pseudo-Tiantian Tianxianjing Tianwang in the distance

"A few of your useless things, what are you doing! But just to help!"

Listening to the cries and screams of the ancestors of the Clan of the Centaurs, the kings of the heavenly paradise in the Pseudo Heavenly Court couldn't help but whip.

Anyway, you still claim to be the ancestor, being beaten up like this, and still have a face to blame us?

But despite the disdain in his heart, he was also an emperor who was sealed by the emperor. Therefore, several kings of the heavenly wonderland in the pseudo heaven court came forward to help the ancestors of the Clan and Horse.

Don't look at Meng Zhentian after the outbreak, it is almost pressing the ancestors of the Centaur race. But after the help of several powerful players in Tianxian Realm, Meng Zhentian's situation is not very good.

As for the ancestors of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the Blue Whale. They are faced with the ancestors of the bitter wolf clan, the red flame rat clan, the giant ant clan ancestor and the swallow clan king clan.

Where are these weak people?

So for a moment, the ancestors of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan and the Blue Whale Clan only had to deal with it, and they didn't dare to confront it. According to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the blue whale ancestors lose.

The most important thing is that there are eggs, there are people interfering with the robbery, where eggs are really too dangerous.

"Damn! Origin, can you help me enter the realm of God King!"

Looking at the current situation, Li Mo gritted his teeth and scolded, and asked the origin in his heart. Li Mo knew that the origin would be heard.

Sure enough, Li Mo's voice just fell, and the voice of origin came in Li Mo's ear.

"The old man said before, only if your cultivation base enters the celestial mirror, you can use part of the power of the rod of origin."

"I know, but the situation is critical. I know you must have a way."

Li Mo shouted anxiously in his heart.

Can the rod of origin be a human race initiator, how can it be so simple.


Origin sighed, and then Li Mo's body showed an amazing golden light.

Even though he was reluctant, the origin knew that it was not time for him to retain power. It's just that forcing Li Mo's cultivation behavior in this way can only aggravate the power of consuming the rod of origin, so this is the case. It won't take a few times, and the origin of the spirit will be comatose again.


Seeing the golden light on Li Mo's body, Gu Zu immediately widened his eyes.

To say this power, others are not familiar with it. Once the ancestral ancestor who was a pseudo-general, could you not be familiar? Isn't this the rod of origin of the treasures of the ancient emperor?

Guzu's eyes turned, and when he reached his mouth, he did not shout. This scepter of origin has a lot to do with it, and Guzu doesn't want to make it known to everyone.

What's more, in the mind of Guzu, did this humanoid dare to use the rod of origin in front of himself? Isn't this a gift for yourself?

The ancestral ancestors even made a fortune with a muffled voice.

"If I were you, I would find an opportunity to hide. When I can have the strength to announce it to this world, I will be born again. But obviously, you are not that smart."

Gu Zu shook his head, looking at the staff of origin with hot eyes.

"Let me give up so many lives and hide myself? Sorry, I can't do it."

Li Mo smiled lightly and his voice fell. I saw that Li Mo's golden light spewed out like a fountain. The sky is dyed golden by the rod of origin!

A heavy coercion came, and Li Mo's breath rose sharply! Compared with the snow king on the side of Tianshan, Li Mo's breath is not weak!

"God King Realm Strong?"

"Another God King Realm Strong? The Guzu and Jiuli, which have been out for thousands of years, are not enough to have a Tianshan Snow King in the world. Will there be a God King Realm strong?"


Li Mo's momentum here attracted the attention of all powerful people in the distance. Even the ancestors of the Juli Ant King and the Wolf Eater no longer wanted to fight anymore. Looking at Li Mo's direction, they couldn't help but exclaim.

What is the advantage of their fighting here? What about winning?

Only the fighting in the center is the key. One side wins, and under the strength of its **** king realm, where can the other side have the power to fight?

Others marveled, but the Guzu was just hot eyes.

Zuzu knew that Li Mo's surge in strength was all due to the stick of origin. The stronger the power of the rod of origin is, the inner heart of the Guzu will be agitated.

"Bring it to you!"

Even the ancient ancestors who had seen more people in the ancient heavens could not hold back at this moment and rushed to Li Mo with a scream.

The six arms under the three-headed, six-armed magic power grabbed Li Mo. Guzu seems to rely on the power of the force to tear Li Mo directly!

The distant Tianshan Snow King was afraid that Li Mo would suffer a loss, so he would rush to run the Tong Fist.

But Li Mo turned his head away and gave Tianshan Xuewang a slightly restless look.

Right now Li Mo has entered the realm of God King, since his previous life. Where has Li Mo ever entered this realm, so Li Mo also wants to give it a try at this moment.


Just listen to Li Mo drink lightly, his arms burst. With a snap, Li Mo's sleeves shattered one after another. Through the shredded sleeves, he could see the root of the green bar on Li Mo's arm.

After Li Mo entered the Land of Wonderland and the Heaven of Wonderland, he tried to rob the body that day. Coupled with the baptism of the power of origin, Li Mo's physical power is not bad!


The two giants seemed to have the power of the sky, like two stars colliding together.

The world trembles violently, and the sea water of the island has been covered below, the waves splashing violently. In this vast atmosphere, it is the ancestors of the Juli Ant King clan, and the Wolf Clan ancestor must also retreat far away.

As for other strong practitioners, they have long fled to the horizon, and can only watch the battle here from afar.


Gu Zu's figure stood in the sky and remained still. However, Li Mo's figure, but one after another seven or eight steps before stopping to retreat.

The fist behind Li Mo shivered faintly.

"too weak……"

Behind the hands of Guzu, Li Mo shook his head proudly and said to himself.

"Old did you come so proud of the cultivation of the mid-level King of Realm of God?"

Li Mo frowned and clenched his fists.

Everyone had guessed that the ancestral ancestors used the energy of the blood sea dragon lotus to repair and restore to the **** realm. However, it is unclear to what level the cultivation of the ancestors of the ancestors is in the realm of God King. I only know that it is much stronger than the Tianshan Snow King.

But now Li Mo and Zhang Zu are facing a tough attack, and they have already figured out the strength of Zhang Zu.

Li Mo's words made the Guzu uncomfortable for a while and scolded

"Shenwang Realm is really not the pinnacle of me, but at least enough to kill you!"

The voice fell, and the six arms of Guzu once again coaxed to Li Mo.

It can be seen that the Guzu also likes this kind of physical strength. And the previous record shows that Li Mo's physical strength is not an opponent of Guzu! Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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