Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1417: Tortoise


"how come?"

   Surrounded by a group of high-level aquarists, whether standing on the side of the Dragon King or the side of the tortoise, they took a deep breath and murmured in surprise.

  Through such a long-duration battle, everyone knows how to defend the tortoise.

   Such a defense, I am afraid that it can be replaced by any strong man in the Great Perfection of the King Realm, which will not be broken!

   But Li Mo, a young man of a young ethnic group, broke open, and everyone can't be surprised!

   But the Dragon King was not too surprised, because the Dragon King always calculated Li Mo's combat power in his heart.

   Li Mo's incarnation came out of four avatars exactly the same as the main body's combat power. Coupled with Li Mo's treasure, any **** king realm in front of Li Mo, I am afraid it will be seconds! The tortoise shell defense of the tortoise is no matter how strong it is, it can't be persevered.


   All the reliance on the tortoise is his tortoise shell, now the tortoise shell is broken. The tortoise no longer delays, transforms into a human form, and the figure quickly swims to the distance.

   "Want to run?"

  Looking at Gui Chengxiang's back, Li Mo smiled contemptuously.

  Although Li Mo's defense is not the opponent of the tortoise, it can even be said that it is much weaker than the tortoise. But when it comes to speed, several prime ministers are not Li Mo's opponents. What's more, the current tortoise, still hurt.

   So the five Li Mo's bodies were united, and then only the body flashed, Li Mo caught up with the tortoise. The stick of origin in his hand shot straight to the back of the tortoise.

"Do not kill me……"

  Looking at the rod of origin in Li Mo's hands, the look of the tortoise-guy changed greatly.

  However, no matter how he shouted, he could not change the speed at which Li Mo's staff of origin fell.


   A large gulp of blood spewed out, and the tortoise's body fell weakly, then he died.

  Without the turtle shell, the defensive power of the tortoise is indeed too bad.

   "Victory! Father, victory!"

  Looking at the tortoise of the tortoise, Long Hao jumped excitedly.

   Then Long Hao suddenly turned around and looked at Li Mo dignifiedly.

   In the final analysis, he and Li Mo had met once and had a friendship with each other.

   But people saved him and their race, such a great grace. Long Hao knelt down without hesitation and shouted to Li Mo

   "Thank you Brother Li Mo for your generous help! In the future, my life in Long Hao will be Brother Li Mo! When Brother Li Mo needs it, take it away!"

   In Long Hao's heart, Li Mo's great grace, what kind of life did he count.

   "Brother Long Hao's words are too heavy..."

   Li Mo, who had just picked up Guicheng Neidan, hurried to Longhao and helped Longhao.

   It's just that when lifting Long Hao, Li Mo grinned.

   Only Li Mo knew how strong the defense of the turtle shell was.

  Don't just look at Li Mo's use of Wuqi Chaoyuan, five Li Mo attacked Gui Chengcheng's avatar.

   But the force of the anti-shock, Li Mo, who was still shocked, was just fine, and most of his internal injuries recurred. Up to now, it is still painful.

   "Friend Li Mo, thank you!"

  King Dragon King also approached Li Mo, said with solemn clenched fists.

  Although Li Mo and Long Hao, the second son of Jiaolong King, intersect with their brothers, in this world, the strongest is respected. Therefore, the King of Dragons did not dare to ask Li Mo to call a nephew of Li Mo, but had to be called a little friend.

   "Seniors don't need to do this, in the final analysis. It's also because the things I came here were used by the tortoise and the aquarium would be in great trouble. Everything should be done indifferently."

  Li Mo said to Mr. Jiao Long that he kindly waved his hand.

   "The little friend has won the prize. After all, it is because I am not strict in discipline. Only then will the beast have an opportunity!"

  As soon as he remembered the dragon ball swallowed by the tortoise, the dragon king felt pain for a while.

   That was the hope of their aquarium, but it has been swallowed by Gui Cheng. Even the Dragon King of Dragons has no solution at all.

   "Wait, thank Master Li Mo for saving his life!"

   "Thanks to Master Li Mo for his life-saving grace!"


  The high-ranking aquarium leaders who allegiance to the dragon king came to Li Mo and shouted respectfully.

   are these people, who were in the palace before. He also killed the humanoid kid bit by bit, but at the moment he wanted to bite by the name of an adult, which was really funny.

   But of course, Li Mo is not clear about these people's "changeable". I only listened to Li Mo's polite response to these aquatic leaders

   "All of you, please don't need extra gifts. Hurry up, please."

   "Father, what should they do?"

   At this time, Long Hao looked at the high-level aquariums across from him, his eyes full of killing intent.

   These high-level aquariums were the high-level aquariums who abandoned the King of Dragons and surrendered to the prime minister. They occupy two-thirds of the top aquariums!

   Hearing Long Hao's voice, the Dragon King looked at the aquarium leaders.

   But what surprised the Dragon King was that he didn't say a word. The high-ranking aquariums on the opposite side knelt down to a large area, crying to the Dragon King and Long Hao one after another.

   "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

   "Your Majesty, Your Second Highness. We did this under the threat of the Eighth King, but our hearts are always here. Your Majesty, Your Second Highness!"


   It's this time, they even said that their mind is here in the Dragon King, which shows how shameless these guys are.

   "Don't be guilty guys, what use do you want!"

  Looking at these high-level aquarists, Long Hao scolded mercilessly.

  Because these high-level aquarists are also ancestors of various races of the aquarium, their race is the mainstay of the aquarium. Therefore, the Dragon King took care of these ancestors on weekdays.

   But I didn't expect many years of care. Even a bunch of white-eyed wolves were taken care of, but it was ridiculous that they were still working hard in the Dragon Palace. If the Husband's Secretary let the Dragon King Jiao kill his son, Long Haoyan could not be angry.

   "Hey, what they say is also your predecessors."

  Looking at Long Hao's angry look, Jiao Long Wang waved to Long Hao and said.


  Long Hao snorted turned his head away. Now Long Hao is too lazy to look at these guys and worry.

   "Oh, Little Li Mo. I will deal with some housework first, and then entertain Little Li Mo..."

  Jiaolong King's attitude towards Li Mo is not generally good. Who made Li Mo the big benefactor who saved their entire aquarium?

   But Li Mo didn't care about it. He just nodded to the Dragon King and smiled, "Yes, seniors are busy first."

   nodded and smiled at Li Mo, and then the Dragon King looked at the high-ranking aquariums.

  In front of these high-level aquariums, the Dragon King regained the coercion of his aquarium king. The voice is thick, with waves of dragon power coming

   "You are the head of this item, I will keep you for three years. Within three years, I will see your attitude and practice. Otherwise, I will take your head away at any time!"

  Keep them, the race behind them will be more effective. Future tributes will be handled very seriously.

   killed them, the race behind them is not chaotic. The King of Dragons directly chose an ancestor for them.

  If it is chaotic, the Dragon King will also rebel. It is also necessary to send strong men of other races to guard and mine there. To be honest, today's sky starfish is a piece of sea. The land is vast and the population is sparse, there are really not so many powerful people to mine this blue sea.

   If there is one, the two races are okay. But if so many races are messing up now, it is that the Dragon King has some headaches. Therefore, the dragon king left a life to these high-level aquarists.

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