Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1439: Time flies

"Are there any other strong men in your silver armor here?"

Carrying the star sword, Li Mo sneered at the silver armor.

"you you you……"

After speaking for a long time, none of the Yinjia people spoke a word. The fear in my heart is hard to hide.

"Give you a chance to find reinforcements again. Find some great ones. How many of your silver armor clan are called. Because the next time you can’t kill me, I’ll kill you."

Li Mo deliberately leaked a killing smile and grinned.

Instead of letting Li Mo search all over this Yunzhou, one by one finds the strong men of the silver armor. It's better to let this silver clan clan themselves recruit the silver clan clan to solve it for Li Mo.

With Li Mo's words, Li Mo believes. This frightened silver armor clan strongman is just to keep himself alive, and he is bound to recruit all silver armor clan strongmen to kill himself.

"Don't go yet? What's the matter, let me invite you to dinner?"

Seeing this trembling silver A tribe standing on the spot, there was no intention of leaving, Li Mo immediately yelled unpleasantly.

"Go, go!"

The Silver A tribe who scared the courage hurriedly replied, how can he still look like a life like this before?

But this silver armor clan's legs at this moment turned out to be as if two pieces of wood would not bend.

I saw that he could not lift his legs a few times, but he was helpless. He had to use his own hands to lift one leg and wait until the foot fell. Then lift the other leg and go down...

Seeing that the silver armor clan gradually walked away, the slaves around him eased away.

Some people even pinched their faces, isn't it all a dream?

Originally they all fate, and they live like a walking dead. One by one is ready to be killed at any time, and now someone has saved them. Can they not be excited?

"Excuse me...what is it?"

An old man with a courageous human race took a step forward and asked Li Mo.

Li Mo looked at this old man, and his cultivation practice in the later period of Jin Danjing. It should be the clan of some small tribes. In the hands of this silver clan strongman, there really is no resistance.

However, although the other party is a low-level monk, Li Mo did not entrust. Just an easy-going smile, "Old man, younger Li Mo."

"Li Mo?"

"Li Mo..."

The slaves around murmured to each other, always feeling how familiar the name was.

And the slaves who cultivated higher, including the old man, all had their eyes widened and looked at Li Mo in surprise.

"Dare to ask your lord... Is that Li Mo, who ended the chaos in the false heaven?"

Another middle-aged man in Jin Dan's situation looked at Li Mo, his face full of worship. As for the ancestral ancestors in the puppet heaven, in the history of Kyushu today, it is just a disaster.

Li Mo, who ended the disaster, is the hero of the world.


Hearing this middle-aged words, the rest of the slaves took a breath. One by one, he looked at Li Mo in surprise, and his face was unbelievable.

In fact, Li Mo beheaded the ancestral ancestors, ending the chaos of the Pseudo Heavenly Court. Therefore, Li Mo's name is still very loud in today's Kyushu mainland.

But at the moment these slaves have no background and no strength. So their news is very closed, and even some people have just heard the senior executives of their small forces talk about that Li Mo.

But such a man is too far away from them. So these creatures living at the bottom do not care too much.

But where do they think, one day. They not only saw the legendary characters, but they rescued them from the sea of ​​suffering!

Li Mo didn't say much, but nodded gently.

Seeing Li Mo's action, all the slaves burst into tears. Kneeling on one knee, excited to "see Master Li Mo!"

"See Eun Gong!"


All of a sudden, Li Mo has everything.

"Please, everyone."

Facing everyone's worship, Li Mo had a headache. Immediately Li Mo's palm showed a faint aura, and scattered to the surroundings to lift the crowd.

"How many silver A strong people are there in Kyushu now, do you know?" Li Mo asked softly to the crowd.


Hearing Li Mo's question, a crowd looked at each other. Then it was the same middle-aged man who spoke to Li Mo with courage.

"We don't know how many strong members of the silver armor are in Kyushu. However, we know that there seems to be a strong king of the silver armor who is guarding in Kyushu..."

Hearing the words of middle age, Li Mo had some understanding of the strength of the Yinjia tribe in Kyushu. Then Li Mo continued to say

"It is estimated that there will be a war here for a while, you go down the mountain first."

These slaves are still too weak. If you really want to fight, it may be a very common wave for Li Mo and they can bring devastating blows to these creatures.

"Yes! I wait to congratulate Master Li Mo on his victory!"

"Master Li Mo, as the strongest man in our mainland of course, the flag was won."


Looking at Li Mo's approachable attitude, the fear of Li Mo in everyone's hearts also dissipated a little. Then one by one clapped Li Mo.

Then, Li Mo arranged for these people to go to other locations in Tianshan to notify all the captured human races or demon to rush down the mountain.

For a time, Tianshan seemed a bit empty.


The cold wind roared, even in this hot summer. But there was still a cold on the Tianshan Mountain, and the snow-capped snow surrounding it still didn't mean to melt.

Looking at Bai Xue on the ground, Li Mo couldn't help thinking of his first visit to the place.

At that time, the power of killing in this snow was also full of danger for Li Mo. But now Li Mo's cultivation practices, especially Li Mo's physical strength, the power of Bai Xue's killing can no longer pose any danger to Li Mo.

Time flies, this shake is almost another year...

"Senior, is the injury better?"

Li Mo asked, looking at Pan sitting next to him, rearing the injured Dragon Eagle clan ancestor.

Although there may be a battle next, Li Mo is very casual.

The Longying clan ancestors said that there are a total of nine strong members of the silver armor clan who came here this time. This also includes that Yin Yunfeng, but only the Dragon Eagle clan ancestor did not see through Yin Yunfeng's strength, so he also regarded him as the strong man of the **** king realm.

The nine strongest members of the Silver Aristocratic King Realm Great Realm were all killed by Li Mo under the stars.

Therefore, the strong man of the Silver King Clan King Realm who is currently guarding in Kyushu must be an extremely ordinary King King Realm strong man. Such a monk is not too dangerous for Li Mo today.

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